Ofthe CoNs PlRAcu Se~ Or ratherin die ho,; For (there)it was plurall,m~ rnany day.es in doing : here,itwas difpatcbed fooncr. No.Jiehm here; begun ~~~e; ended,allm a day; nay,halfe a day,betweene noone and mght. And this iliall 'b ~ firft,that it was notlong in doing. Short as it was,yet may I take upon mether e.r great oddes betweene this day and them, as is berweene theji(thof Auguft(our~1535 thejiftunth of Adar, that is, December (theirs :) that is, berweenea/ong and a]hand aSstmmers and aWinters-day. ort, There is not, in all the Scriptures, a booke that exprelfeth fo plentifull joy f, the faviag .ofaPrinc~,asdorh this ofEjiher : thewh.ole ninth Chapter(in ama~n~) is fpent in 1t. T.here Isgaudtu"! and l~tttta, andhzlant.u, and&O»Vtvium, andtripudi. tlm. I cannot tell how many umes over; and the day&hriftenedby the name of D' feilm, a Feftivall day. Thereis joy in Sufan, the Citie; there is joy in theVilrag:1~ there is joy in the hundred twenty feven,every;Province of them; joy all over , a~ all this allowed, nay, aS.tatu.te made, to keepe 1t. So,a day of joy to all pol!erity,and all this chromd<dfo. A Joy 10 the chr~mcles; what would youmore~ Hence have we warrant for thit day of ours ; and for all and every ofthem ont!Jis 'tlay of ours; the fame joy full our, the fame that was for that in every degree 1 Jetbec for this; and more forthis,as this is more (as hath beene 1hewed;) as by the feafon of the yeare, rhe day is longer, the Sunne brighter, the skie clearer,rheweatherfai. rer, in AuguftthenDecemher. As this cafe more famous, Go n's might andmercie more marvellous; More fit for aChronicle,moreworrhy to.be engrolfed in thegreac roll,ours than theirs. . • And in one we thall be above them,rhat we begin our joy in the houfe of GoD ; whereas they in Per.fla,had noneto beginir in: Here doe we beginit,as Go n would have us begin it, in theHo11[e ofprayers, withprayers. · A prayer for BigthanandTham:,, we cannot (either thefe of the Text, or thofe of the day:) But, apr<~yer, that by their examples, both R11i11apr.tctdentiummay bee ,.dmonitis fequentium, rhedejlruCiionof thofethat aregone before,may be the i»ftrN• tlion of all thofe that1hall come after. This rhefirft part ; and if this wit\ notbee,' the fecond. So may they ever jinde, that fo feel:e; If feel:e as they [1ught, jilldeas they fstmd. A prayer for UJ.IqJochai, that for his fofitth•g h~ the~ate, he mAy fit in a better place :that fo, many may follow him in his good example. · A prayer for the Ki11g. But firfi a prai{tCtheprincipall caufe we come hither for.) Praifed be Go n ever, thatfaved in Perfia, Aff"t'rm from his rwo:thatfavid inScotlan4.yoHr tMAjefliefromyour two : the SAvI ou 11. of Kings,Maximeftdell· um. Then, theprayer : That thofe dayes, and the(e iayesmay never faile him, norhee ever fee other. NomoreBigthans (good Lo11. n) buttMardo&hai'sforthem. TharMar~ochd may never faile him; bur, if hedoe,thar Thou wouldeft not(no morerhanrh1s day Thou didft :) but ever fave,ever deliver,ever prefervehim,andmake them that feeke his ruine, jinde their owne. Eitherhangaloft, as rhefe in the Text; orlyeonth<: Jloore, as thofe of the day. . And even fo, let the end ofthis,jbe thebeginning of the other,evenof theJ'Jo£ ~he wholeday. Fortheday,forit, forrhishappy evenronit; forrhe King,~heSub]eCl: of it ; To the caufe of it, and of all our jOJ, Go n theFatherby wh1ch, ~nd through CH R I s t inrhe unitieof theHoly Spirit, be all blelling,honour, pra1fe, glory and thankfgiving,thisday and all dayes, for ever and ever~ \