A SERMON PREA~ - cHEb BEFORE THE ICINGS MAIESTIE . AT VVINDSOR~ ori the V. of ru'iitguft, rufnno Vomini MDCXXII. I SAM. CaAr: XXIV. Vt~t. y. '.And tT,e men of Davld [aid u11to' /,irtl : See,tl1e day u come,"'i>hereofibe Lord · Jaid unto tl1ee; 'Behold, I '!llill deli-ver tbine enemy into thine/~and, and t!Wu foalt doe to him, M it jhallfwne good to thee. Tben David arife,and cut off the lappt of Saulsgarment pri-vily. _ . , . :6. Jnd •fterward David 'f/JM touched in bis lmirt, becaufe l1e f;lad cut off tl1~ lappe '1/J/,ich ltJM on Saulsgllrment. ~· .And /;e f~id unto his men, tl1e L o R D keepeme froni doing ibat thing unto my Mafter the LoRDs Annointed, to lay my banJ upon bim : For, be iS tbe Annointedof the L o R D. . 8. So Davi~ o-vercame bu fer-van is Tvit/, ti,ejnvords, and (tejfered them no~ to rifeagamft S.1ul. So Saul rofe up out of tbe cave,and 1Vmt away. ccE Die; veniet, Behold the day ,is come: So beginnes the Text : fo' filji D'4vids mew. And Behold the day is came; . fo_ m~y wee beginn~, and as truely fo fay of thts Day, as everdtd they of that. 'The firft words agree we!!: S<J doe the !all:. t.Abiit Rex viam fnam, the King rofe up and went his way : fo ends the Texc and fo ended this day too; And n'ot onely the firll: and lafl: words, but tlie mid!t and all fall out as firly, For indeed, what is' ~he whole Text, but a report of a King, in dangeno have beene made away, and that clofe~y in a Cave; and a motion made to that end,and aknifedraw– p, ;~!ld J)avids ,.,,. ~<f agatnfi him and all ~ yet (fee rhe goodnerfc of G oo ! ~ F fff_ 4 . ~h~