Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

86o Ofthe Co N s P IRA c u Sermon 7 theKing did well enough for allthat ;andwent his way, without any hurt d~ And, comes-not this home to the day~ Saut at Engedi,in the cavethere ma ~ not feeme(as I mayfay)a type of Hh M4jejlie, at Saint Iohnften,jbutup (to~fef~ ~~ words) in the clofe corner there~ In Head of aknife, was there not a daggtt dra 1 411 s there,ancifomewhat elfe; and more fought thana corner of hh cloake r And as ~en 'lJids menrofe here; So,rofe there not a popular tumultthcre ~ . ' A·. - And yet being in that extremit;e,was he not deliveredout oftheir bloudyhand ~ and di<l not all end,as the Textends,The Kingrofettpandwent hhway? And this 1 ~ meeting now, in this publike folemne manner,is to no other end,but to rcjoyce to~u~ the~ in the prefence of Go n,. and to render unto Hin; our anniverf~rie facrific~~f pra1fe and thankes, that vemt, Beholdthe day zs come, wherem he fcapedC faire,andwent his way fo happ1ly. · 0 And,fhall we not withall,put our incenfe to our facrifice (that is) adde ourpray: l!rsto ourpraifes; that, as this day there was, (o flill and ever, a way may be made him toefcapeall his dangm. KingSaul (here) in the Text, was the firfi King that ever the people of GodHad 1' In him (the fir!l:) wouldG~dhaveall fucceeding Kings to reade theirdefrinie: that as they are placed high; fo their higJ1 place is no exemption from <danger; aprovo. king it rather. Here now, Satd i'S'indangerinthe vale Engedi. Once beforehad wee him in as grea.t aplunge; and that wasintl)e hii!HachiiA: Abijhaiwou!d faine have had a blowat him; andbutonehlow. But Davidcame then betiveene with his '!'{!perdtU. That did not fo well fit ourrurne. ft was nightthen: Saul was inhis6edajleepe: That,was not our cafe :this here comes neercr.This fell on the day.San!was awake-, So was Hi& Majefiie. We may fay Em dies, Beholditwasday,andthatdayunow come. Betweene them both, they make up thus much; thatjieepingorwaking; by night, or by day ; inHachila, the high lands,inEngedi the lowval\ies,outof danger. ~hey goe not,if the: hand of Godbe not overrhem,ashere over Saulitvias. TbiDivifiaw: Firfi and lafr, wemay rec:~pitulate the wholeText imoone word. It is all but ii -- - Deliverie. Eccetradaminmanm, aDelivcrieintotheirhands : Ecce abiit, aDeliverie out of them. Which tw'o make the two maine parrs of theText. Theformer, the Deliverie into, !ails to the!aftverfe : And, intheend of thelafi,comes thelatter,the'; deliverit eut of; theKing rofe 11p out of the cave,and went hiJ way. ,!; Ecce tradam in manrM is of two forts: • IntoDavids hands, and • into hisment hands. Or thus :Saulsdanger here,isdouble: 1 One the danger of Davids mensPJO; tion 1 • the other, of their Gommotion(for, riftng they were, ~!ld David Jtljfiredthem MN~ . t. In their t.Motion. ' What was moved to Davidbyhis men : and • what 'IJavid did upon it. That \Vhiehwas moved, was mitteremanum,to lay hands on the 'King. Thar, hee did upon it, was, heewent and layd his hand on Sa11ls ~~antle,and iUt off an end ofit, and that was all. This, the faCl : then the Cenfure of~~~ faCt. - WhenDavidhaddoncthis, whathethonghtof it: 1 What he,and 'Whar.h~ 'men. Heerhought not well of ir, he did penance for ir. hh heart (mithimfordomg but fo much. Hi4 men thought not well of it neither; but ex aliocApi!ethey,forno~ doing morethanfo. . . z. What followed of this\' The negleCt of their motion, turn~d hr.~mentoj ·cgmmotion : they were rifing againft S~tll, if they had not beene ll:ayed. The fecoo.~ danger, this : farre the worfe ofthe twaine:The rifing of Davids men, than theJrdfl; ing of Davlds kvife. ThusfarretheEpita.fis. _ , u ; Then followes the Catapr~phe. For, theiffue was, DAvids mill were.frayed b/ him, and kept from rifing : Davids vietoric. And how~ by certame wor 1 t fpeaking. Thofe words are in the third vcrfe ; DA'llids flt~, ~ ~pay 'a · ~helll. · · -- - - - · · - - - - ---- · t'Jld