Sermon 7· And upon all this followed,tbe J( ingwa~ faved,twicefaved,from both dangers (thankes be coGod)andarvayhewent, f~.fcw1thoutanyha1:me. Only; loftapuceof htimantle :and I would never greaterlo!f,~nughrcomc.colum. _ . •• . . Thus lye rheparrsin th~s order; \vhi~h, when al! i~do~e,we ~~(!~~~V'e l~ave~(; reflect upon, and review agame; ro lhew;,t:~t the Etce~f' ~h1s'bur~,1- !s_f.arre ab?'3'~ the Ecce of th~r ol thms. · /-· ~: . ,,!!.\. .. · ,. ._., . £ .•. ~· "' · ~·;,· Now, b~ rhc fpeciall providence of G? ~' lrfo fsll.~ut, i.~.~t ~prhis \~as no: p:ilfed and ·done in lilenc,e. 'There was argumg th~.P~!nt7· re~_[on~~!? ~nb?.rh fi~es,~ The ivhole Tdt is bur a'kl,nqe of Dialogtt~ berwe~ne Z!f~!ds menar;_~ h/.m, ~bar:t:aS. to bee done with Sarel their enemy, nowrhey had lmn,mrlle,aw;.Urll h,1m, ortef him goe ~ And it fdl out well, that this point was rliusargued.' f;br; ourof rhit their debate, might thofe tWo wretched men this day h~ve learned (1f~bey had·had' crace) and may all true men and good fi1bjeelslearne, \'vhatto doe or nbt to dae;·i" like cafe. For, a cleerere)olution hereis, t'b beheld, f?,~.ever, dk~il'd,q,r~fpJv~1s vtbjit here, Go o forbtd that ever any f!Jorrldlay hu 'hands on tlie L o .R n s Ann~ttP ud. Yea, though he i11ould catch him in4cave(or as good as a ca-.\,,' il¥.this day· nee~ was.) · . , ·· '1 • • '.) ~~~ • ,~~-:,, Nay further, G ci D fo providing, here falls am'xtredn upon'th'C:B'Y ( of~-a~/1 IJMntle)rhat removes it from the maine (Sartls perfo,.)'qlflre. ~~!tulsp~rfo!:Ji'Davit!Co'i:t~ chednor; weritbut ro his mantle. And even for going burro that', didhtrhetirt (mii-t1 him, Which (by a rninorcad maj'") putsrhis queftionpa.ft :tll.q~t!tfPh1. aslieillg~ proteCtion forrheKings robe: and,if for it, for his perfonmuch mbJ."c.!J ~·, ~ ' ' And let me fay two things of this Text to' you .' One, thal:aS'Sltlfwas the fir!!.-' 'Kitzg; fo, this rhefirfi ca[qhar ever was, wherein the m:iking awajl of aKing, vias purro thequeftion. So,the leading ca(e (as they callit)to'all the i~ft- fl,efolvcd here byDavid (and we cannor re[dive our [elves by abetref) and refolvedqnce;refolved forever. Nomore~4re'sofirnow. . . . , , . The orher,rhar iris the only cafe (this) that·ever I read of in Scripttire;of Dixit Dominru alleaged for killing aKing; of killingKings byDivil'!ty. Thf morewor~ thy it is your attention, the neerer it comes ro rhehtephrerilie of this Age of ours. And two ufes therebe of ir, as rhechiefe perl'oos In it:iretwo. Jfn-saut, to let Kiwgs fee their danger: • Inbavid, to let fubjetts fee their dntie." :to' let Kings fee their danger,rhar they may look up continually to their pdiveret oil'r ofevill hinds, InDavid, to let fubjetts fee theirdutie, and the exrerit of their dr1tii:,fis'r9 themfdves; fo toothers. · · ;· · · . . · Two dangers were like to befall Stit<l here. From Dav):f'firft : His meLl perfw<l~ ded him todifparchSaul: pet[waded him,bur prevailed nor ; He Hldir not: So sa11l fcaped once. Second: when rhat would nor doe, they were upon ri(ing(th~mfelves). to have done it. Daviddilfwad~d them: diri\vaded rhel!l·and prevail~d,iTheydid it norne1rher:Therehefcapedtw1ce. : "..,. _ 86t. dr; .T , , ,ttr . I• •.,, . ·:-: In which two) David isrwowaycsourexampk; tolearneus, thetwodu.tier~[ fpake of.) ' Would nor doe it birnfelfe : , would nodi1fferothers to doe ir : Would not .be ~erfwaded by orhcrsro it : did dilfwadeorhers from it. I willl:1y with our Sav10ur, r adetu.& (ac {imi!iter, Let every good [ubjecfgoeanddoe li!itri>ift. Neither Luk. '~·li; tloert,not fl•ffirtttobe done: And he !hall be accordina ro:Vdvid's w'bo was aman · Jl."ording to Gods 1wnc btart. . "' ' "< .. "" ' I .., .- 1 ~ \1 l "•uO:: · · ', P'drlt ·'.