Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

.. if the Gow R I BS. I weigh the word tradam. It is one thing t~ fay, Tortrcnemie is fallen; another to fay, 11 'delivered. Fa!ltng IS cafuall; Deltvery tmporrs adeltberate all ofanA~ent to doe . 't'odeliver him: So,this is more than chanq:,morethan hap-hazard : It is not ce– tr, cidit, it is tradam. . . . · Againe. One thing to faydelwered: another, delwmd by Go D (now I weioh :s...,.t.,; theperfon.) Egb trAdam; it is Go Dthat fpeakes it. 0 nemay be delivered, and by • .. · man, by fome falfc traitor (it was not Saul's cafe, this, it was the Kings.) But her.<", G 0 0 is theelelwcrer ,ml thegwer. Take htm then as donrtm Dez. Goo hath even given you him, and h~vinggiven him, would have: you take him, arid I hope it will [eemeguodi.~yoar eye! fo to doe, and notlet GoD gwe you bun for nothmg. Nay,yetthercts more. (Now, I come towctghdtxtt Domtmu.) For one may lDt_q,. di~i< bedeliveredby Go o,feeing it, and faying nothing to it, but fufferingit: by Go o's v,,.,..,. permifion. So are all things. Of many of which (though) GoD faith nothing, fpeakes never aword: but ofthu, Go o fpake to you before, fp:rke eoyou wirh His owne mouth, and fpake it with an Ecce; Ecce tradam : gave you warning ofir,_gave you His word for ir, I wiHdeliver him : and is now as good as His wotd; bath deli•. vered him. See ifHe have not• Will yee collect thefe three, ' Not, cafually fallen into your hands, but pur– pofclydelivered: ' Anddeliverednot by man, but by G o DHimfelfc: l And by Go o,not q<NVU modo,at advenrure,but plainelyprophejjingandpromijingHe would fodoe. Ofthis(fure) Go o mull needs be rhe Authorthat Hee foretells thus, and promifes before-hand. So have you (here) GoD madeAccejfory, nay, principal! to rhemurther of a King. . And now arewecomcindeed totheperillous point ofall. This (lo) is it. They wouldhaveSaul made away; and for this,they alledge de qtlo dixit Dominus, as if (;~Jhadbefpokenafetday forthedoingofit. This, goesrothe quicke. InimicHJtJ tn•mis but arevelationofjlejband bloud, that, but dixit Dominus, that is the will of our heavenl1 Fat!Jer. So, not onely lawful!now, but a matter of confcienre, to kill Sanl' '; ,101'1, GoD hathfaiilit. Wh~re, firft, you fee,itisnonew thing, this, to kiD Kings byDivinitie. This geere is but newly raked up from hell againe. It is but the olddiveUnewcomea. broad, rl1at had becnein the world before. For, ever fince there have beene Kings over.Go o's people,this bath bcene broaclied; firllinthe caveh«re at Engedi, and il'ixit Dominfl6' pretended for it (you fee) in the firft King"s dayesofall. . . The griefe is, they were not Siml"s,they wereDavid'smen,rhe better fide,that al.' ledge this. But David'smenall, are not of Da<Jid's minde: John's Difeiples fome- Matth.9;,4:· times are foundwith the Pharifees; and theApoflle faith, ofour{elves, there/h•fl arife Aa~o.Jo, men [peaking perverfe things. Therefore never marvell at it. Goe not afi:er the mm: Goe after the Mafter, Davidhim(elfe. ) Well yet,! muft needs fay forthefe good fdlowes (here) they goe roundlyer to the point, thandothSuarez, or any of them have beenc blundering about rhis geere of late. They be all triflerstoDavid's men, here. For, upon the matter, all they havebeeneabletofay,is; itharhbeenedone. _King Eglonlvaskilled;fowas LA- IuJp;>•: , thalia. Neither ofthem, a truelawfull Prince (as Go o·would have ir :) t{urpers • King.... ~,: both. So, nothmgto rhe matter. But, fay they had beene lawf"ll: yet all this is but Homo fecit; it is not Deru dixit. Deeu comes from them. Nothing but poorePafce ovcs :which ( fure) is a full unlikely Text to perfwade a man to be- ·rohn ~-·=~; cornea bt~tcher, and cnt hujheepes throats. OneAbfit ofDavid's here, OneNeperd.a, Onequu erit irmocens, able to dalh twenty fuch,and all they can fay, to peeces. Not one o~them comes off to the point, as doe tbefe in the Texr, with dixit Dominm, Go n ~ expreffe word for it. £. There is no remedie, we mnft fiay a little at this, at dixit Domilteu.. What He atth, we may: nay, we mull: doe. To Hisdixit, there isnoccntradixzt. If Go n fpeake o.nce, let allfief/, keepe fllence. . _ • . %'~~.11; I w•ll not trouble you with, when Go .l> fp:ike this, or where. Extantlt 1snyot. · . et.