Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

86tjOfthe c 0 N s pI RA c lE ser;;;;;;-;. y <t feeing:bavidtraverfesit nor, denyes not but that Go" fpake it, w~ for good, that they truly alledged Go"· For, it is not unlikely, thatatfomta .elt when David was in fome greatdiftrcffe, Go o might fend to him by the h/~une '1\athan, or Gad, his Seers, he lhould take agood heart to him, hce lhouldbe[~(s of from beingdeliveredintoSaut's hands, as the day jh011ldcome, Sauljhould beder arr~ ;mohis, todoewithhimwhatfeemedgood inhiuycs. , •vere Well rhep,take it,Godfaida!lt~is: a.nd all this might Godfay,. and yet S•ul not touched. Ye /hall fee as ltttle force m th1s Domm<M dJxtt,as m.thmHomo/ecit.Nei– therofthem,to the purl'ofe they are broughr•.Yo~ lhall fee Withal!, whatit is whe~ Sword- menwill be medhng With Dommtu drxtt,With our profeflion; what trim fequences we (hall have,tomake, Whatfeemesgoodin David'seyes,and tom 11 rther ~0~ to be all one. And withal!, that it is good for Kingsrobe learned, and to beiearne~'' God's Law. For, had not Davidbeene thehetter Divine,hemight well have beene IQ vmaken and made beleeve,rhere is a way to du1rol. f!.ings ,even by theword of Cod.o. Tofcan_them a little. Dtxtt Dommru, Go oj.:d. Whatfaid He~Thed<yjhollid coml: well, 1t1s come: that Goo wordd delwer s,,ul mto huhands: wel,thatisdon too. AndDavidjh011ld doe to him, what~ Whatfumedgoodin hit eyes. What is that! ~odejlroy Sa11l f No indee~ : BtJn11m inomlis~ will bearc ~o fuch matrer. Wemigh~ d1fparchall ma word, all1s put upon D4vulseyes, and 111 hiuyesitfwnednol good, But to rouch them lhort!y. F,,;, ,;quttl Firft, (4ciesei here, injoynes nothing,leaves himbut to himfeifc: that isall canbe ~"~"' •JI'" '~ madeofit. Nay,thexdefirenomore,bmfoto be left. And when one is lo Iefr what '"1~ ""'· then,may he doe what he /ij1?Suppofe,he lift to doe that which is evillorfor6iddm! Adamwill tell you,no: Thatconfequence we all pay full deare for. Ir undid him and us all. G? o's fo leaving u~, gives nor ~ny /e~veto:doe anythingthateviUis; puts but powermour hands, ro me howwe wzll ufe It. For, when power is fo put, lp(a '"· tiodiflat,even by the rule ofreafon,we arefo to ufeit,as we takethehetter,and leave the worfe ever, and reach not our hand to the forbidden tm. Nor, ''"""'in When Go o ieaves a rn:lnto doe that which isgoodin his eyes, he hadbe~ wipe ""'~~,but in hit eyes, fee they dazlenot. Ifthey doe, that may bebon11min cctJ!is, whichisnotGo. """' '"~· 11um indeed. They be not all one, thefe two, ' Bonum in oculiJ, and • Bonum :Take h~dofthat. That which is evi!t, may feemegoodto ane'tJilteye. And nomanisfo fond, to thinke, Go o would have any evil/ done. Therefore He faith not, bonum in oculi&, and ftayes there: but, He addes 111i1; i~ oculi/ tut4. For,much is, as theparty who!ccheeyes are. For,as theparty is, fo1shis eye. AndthepArtichere, is Davi.l. G o o would not havcfaid this to every one. To DAvidHedid, and Heknew what He did, and that Saul was fafe enough forail that. He knew his eye, wasftngle andgood,that nothing thanvaseviltinG o n'seyr, would feemegooiinhis. He would never have faid fo much to Saul, of David: norwDaJn~eulh tuit, vid's mm, ofSaul. Never have faid toDavid,.f<!£od bonum eft in oet~!u tuorum: If it 0011 """•· had beene wllat feemedgoodin their eyes, Satil had becne gone. No, Hee had not fo good aconceit oftheir eyes: ofDavid's He had. To him therefore hefaidit :and he deceived not Go o's expectation. Peperdt tihi ocultu mea<(faith he arthe XI.Ver[e.) All then refolving into David's eyes; itfeemedgoodin his eyes, to fpareSaul. A.nd, this is Cure, rhey have not David's eyes in their heads, to whom it [eemes orhenv1fe. For, todoe whatfeemedgoodin hi< eyes, was, to doeSaul no harme. Looke to tu/1 then, that the eyes be David's, and all is well. . Then, feeing David's eyes are focleere and fo good, now were it to be.w1f11ed, Davidwould fee with no othc:r eyes, but His owne : would frill doe, what ugoodm his owne, not inhis mens eyes! So thiswas their Blench. It feemed good in theirbloud.fbotten eyes, to lAy hands on Saul 1 and they ftrongly imagined, what feemed gHodin their blot~d.fbotten eyes, would have feemed fo, in his too. The fequele ihewes, it did not. Why lland.we any longer then uponit~ but leaving the Motion,lerusnow fee how i(movedhun, whathediduponit. · · ' s · · · - omt.