--8~6~6~ · ~~~~~~~~~-::0_if"~:-:t_h:-e_-._c~-0---N~S~P~I~R~A~-C--l--J£------_-_-_-_-_s-e._;;-; ·, >jlliwotririon For his Contritiin. it is faid, after he haddone it, his heartfmit hi'm,and toldhi , Pm•fit "' why~Evenbut for makingahok in Sauls mantle. It is firange,tbat huh~<rt th (m, fo~m. would think) thould have fprung for joy, that he did no more but that;fal;to~ ~ne and tobwhim for doing b,ut that: in fiead ofexultation,rhat he had done well d'• e, the King no harme; apalpitAtion,apang <;>r paffion offear~ takes him,Jell hehadd~ne . more than he could wel anfwer.And, tt 1s the more l!:range,rhe great valiant ll ~e one ofthenine Worthies, whom neither thebea.redaumed nor the lion; whowi~1 ' all fcare cncountred the GianrgrwGolia:S, ana fruit him downe; whofe heanfc 0~ him,fainted notthen: here,for do.ing I wb~ ~or what,ajhredo(Sattlsm•iltle,it[e:~e him not. but beatsand thr1bs, as, mfeare, 1t IS ufuall fortheheart to doe. 5 Bonlrum mentiumeft (faith Gregorie:) Good mindes wiUjomtti111tsfem tird · knowledge afault, '~~!here none i;, Peradvemu~e DAvid cloth fo; is morefcrupulo~ than needs. Nay mdeed. For,tod?e~ut th1s, to the garment ofa.ny private man fuch as our felves, to cut orto marretr, 1s a trefpAj[e (I rake lt) and will beare an aCli: on. Andiffo; then mlifi it needs bea higher,_a more heynous otfencetoolferit, to any the Kmgs robes; to mangle or deface themmany fort. Themateria/Jpart ofit cannot (fure) be juilified. Onely, the formaO part(as in Schooles weCpeake)nontan: quid, quam quoani,~o,~hat :nay in fame f~rt fc;_eme to qualifie his aet,and helpe roex. cufe h1m; that he dtd 1t, wuh no other mmde, nor to no orhet end, but by thelittle }breadtaken otf, tomake it appeare, he did not fo much as he c.ould have done, ifhis' minde had beene [o bad to Saul, as Doeg and fuch as he, would fainemakehimbe· leeve : tej/e vetfegmento hoc, which he gave in, by way ofevidence (verfe IZ .)WI11n I cut ojfthu lap, I ki/l'dthee not; as, going a little farther, I might havedone :Might havedone, bur did not. Might have gone otherwifeto worke: withafrmdand not aknife; with the point, and nor theedge; thru!l:, and not cut: or, if'ut, taken away a collop ofhis fleth,as well as acornerofhis rloAke. Yet,for all this,though hishearc were privie to noevill intent, it f mit himthough. For, in cafes touching the King fo neere,it is not enough to fay, I meant not that, but this. So, a fault it was;andasfot afanlt, his heartfmithim, Thereisnofmiting,butforafault. Specially, notofcheheart. For,thehem 'flrikes not us, bur it is it felfeHricken firfi, And ifyou aske, whojlrilus it~ thatdotb Go o: for, this(oftheheart) is nothing elfe, butthe reverberation of GQ'ds}Mt, His knocke at our hearts, ro fore-thinke us ofwhat we have done ami!fe, whenwe havecut where we thouldnot. And it is no light fault, theheart futfers for. Theheart is the chiefe parr,~nd the l!ccl.•s.si. blowofitis thegreatcfi blow. Giveme(faiththeWifeman),;;,.,,.,,w;,a•J.Jlrpe, any griefe, rather than the griefe ofthe heart. Cardtaea paj~t is the wori!pailionof all. Therefore, as afault; fo, no light fault it was. W cmay patterne it with themwJbrmgofthepeople,afcer. Then, itfmit htm,coo; • Sam. •po, and then he cried, Peccavi valtfe : and the fame reafon is ofboth, as roifgtving htm in both, he had in borhdonefarreorherwifethan hethould. But rhis(here)was the pr,I.•ocs. If· firfi blow, the fir!l: difciplinegiven him, asif he had gone too neere saul; as1£Nultte tangere did reach further than theperfon, even to the robes RoyaU. . And herein is his contrition. For, we ufe to flrike gur hrefls with rhe l'u6/t;an, be· lukcl8..15· h d a taufe wecannorcomeatourhtartto firikeir, for notjlrikingus, wen wema e fault. But, when theheart needs not bejlrkken for ir, when irJirikes us firft, when we 1 Kings 5. j8. fcele plagam cord# (as Salomoncalsir, in exprc!fe words) upon makwg afault~ that our ht&rt corred us, gives us difciplinefor it; then is our penancebegun, then 1sour Contrition in agood way. Nowgood Lord,if but for aflit in Sa11ls cloake,his heart went and came thus; hOld would it haveraken on, how contrite would ir have beene, ifhis hand had hfhappenc to [werve a little, and done him any hurt! How many blowes then, what arpept· liante fonhat ! ·J s Will ye now lay thefe together. How fcrupulous, how full offearc DA'IIt :O~J