Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ofthe Go wR IE s. !Dell were, in that world: Not his mantle orcloke; not a~ edg_e ofit. And how de– fperately audacious, how pall: all fearefomeare growen m th1s : Not tilt (now) but thrNjl: or,ifcut, cut thorow cloke, coat, skm and all. And, their he.trt never [mittS them for it. Nay, there be, whofehearts would have.flmckenthem, theyhadf/ruck. esno deeper: as did his, that he had hit the tooth, andmilfed thethreat :and that, if theknife had beene in thetrhands, would havecllt hzs sk~rts[o clofc,the bloud ihould have runne downe theraines of his back. . . To ft 1 ch;David(in effect)faith thus: It was a ldfe matterfarrhat I did,than lay.· ing hands 011 Sa11l: ~fyou will be ruled by me, meddle not fo much as with laying handso»his mantle: 1fyou had felt fuch a blow at your hedrt, as I d1d at mme, you would never offer. What~ not mittere nwmm in ilium i' nay, not inpalliumilliuJ. Nevertalkeofhis perfon: fo far from that,asnottO the very corner,but ofhiscloke. 867 And this is the remove I told you ofat fir!t. Thus did Go o fuffer thisdmino– redt~~ajus to fall out in this firll: attempt upon a King,that we mightinferre thereof afurrher matter, and yet nootherrhan ourS AVI ou 1t CH 1t Is T's owne infe– rence. May nota man put aknife in Sauls raiment t by this blowof thehldrt (here) itfeemes he may not; May henot~ and is not the body more worib than the rajment,O M:u!i..6·• 1 ; 1eo{littlefaith? Alway, this we may count of, and fo conclude this point: that, he whofeheart didthusfmitehim for doing this; he would not doe that, his heartfmit him for, ifit were to doeagaine. Notgoerhus far, fince he felt it at his heart, his going bur thus farre; though nothing fo farre, as ht&menwould have had him. And fo much fot percufil cordis, Davids ;onttition. All this while we goe but upon colletl:ion; feele but byhis pulfe, how his heart VER." vrr; ~IAteth, Will ye have andre tenus,a full and a flat confelli.on from him,hea.,re him di2 1linetly fpeake his mindeto this very point, ot laying hands m Sd11l; and give you the navids"•fif.. truereafon, why he did it not; why, neither they, nor any ihould ever doe it~ That ft••· followes now in the third verfe. . Butfirll:,letmetell you, this cntofDavidswas not well taken, ofeitherfidc. WhatDavf 1J~'IIil(we fee)thoughtnotwell ofit: No more did his nien. He, that he had done ':f~:h••&h fomuch' They, that he had done no more. Evidently to be gathered, that ht&men when they faw he made no more oftheir motion than fo,that he camebackwith his hifeinone hand, anda(nip ofSauis mantle in the other, arid his knife had nobloud onit; and that he had done as much as he would doe,and no more was to be looked forat his hands (for, helooked like one heart-jlricken, that if it had beene now tai doe, would not have done that, neither :) they fell into arage, amutinie, a plaine ri- {'•g; as refolved, ifhe would not, they would : Ifit were notgoodin his eyes, in theirs uwas. It was not an endBfama?ltle !hould ferve their rurne; they would make him furefor ever goingchisway: as knowing, ifhe wemaway, he would provc\vor(c thanever, as (indeed) fohedid. So, whenDavidwasdowne, his menwereup. Herenow,isthereafecond dangertowardsaul, fro·mDavids men, a multitude i read~ torife and runne upon him. Plaine: for, it is faid inthe next verfeexpre!Iy, s••lsfccond JJavtd[ujferedtbemn61 to rife. Whi€h could not be faid properly, unlelfe they were '};~';;~,' m'm hn rifing. Bur~aninfurreilionrherewas t?ward, and at SAul they wouldhave beene, "mmmm. 1 ~door Davzdmrerpofed,andoppofedh1mfdfe, With thefe words wluch now fol· ow, andWith thofewordsovercotl.lethem, andflayed them, that they did notrife. 'A Sothat,t?e words we now.cometo, ferve forrwo purpofes: Not fomuch for an v 4 vidsdir- . ,;ot,gzefor htmfelfe?.that he dtd it not (though, that they doe too:) as for adijflva- fwaGY<toth<m, fi t,orretenttvetotliem. and in them,to us and to Jl! that ndne fi1ould ever attempt tt. You faw even now: how evi'llhishe;rtbrooked ir:voufi1allheare(now )his m out~Utterly renounce it, ever to hold that for good, thatfeemedgood in their eyes• flrft, aflat deniallit is. But,chatisnot fo much: the nunnc:r ofit,is is not - Gggg ~ foberly