868 Ofthe C o NSP IRA c u s;;;;;;, foberly and coldly. No, I will not doe this thing. No : but it is withver~ ~emcncy, asthe manner ofmen is, whenthey fpeake in great paflion. Ifyern~c kve. lt IS Wlth lhort rurnes: Go o forbtd: What, do1 thu l To mtliege Lurd? To Gr e 1 !• anointed.< lAy my h•ndson him,•nd he Go o's anointed? A pawie,at everyw ~ 0 5 if h~e were halfe out of breath, as if his heart did be.t RiU. Weioh thcor jas tie: 'i o•~ n~•~n. There is not, in the Hebrew; there is notlhany Tongue Coma It. [o paflionatean abnegation, abjuration, abrenunciation;as it: It was the;vo~r~e(\ · ufcd when they rennheir clothes at blafphemy.We turne it,as om tonoue will b 1 . ey as the poverty of itwillfufferus. Toturneit to the quick, thereis~oreinit :hrc, can in anyon~ phrafe ~e.expreffcd. So, not being able to d~e it in one,the In:er ~~ ters h:~ve altatd to doe1t mmore than one. Ever~ one, as theu owneUiome will ben beare. The_Lo~dkape mefrom dsmg t~zs thzng (~atth ours.) So, it is ofthe nature ofa prayer agamlht. M<A~-,,Out upon It, AJ'ay .rvzth zt, By nom;a'!es; Or M»'l!o6m(faith the Greeke :) never let me, let any, never let It be done. So,tt ts an urterdetellatio .Abjit mihi .t Domino([aith the Latine) Never let me come where Godhath todoe Arc n. fed be I ~fGod, allevil!come to me, ife':e~ I doe as you would have me. So,isi;abi;;;; e:o:ecrAtton. It beares all. Vnder one, 1t ~s b?th a hearty deprecation orpraw •g•injl it, a detpdeteffatton, andafearefi•ll execratton, 1fever he be brought to do it to lay h ..ds onS411!. Thefethreewillamounttoanoathof Allegianceatleafi. ' ' Thcre,rons • You will fay, hereispa.fi'ionin~eed; butitisreafon, andnotpa.fi'ion, muilcarry ot ir. . thtngs whenal11s done. Nay, here 1s reafon too, and rea(on upon rtll[on, couched in 'D'"''"' "'"· thele words, why n?t todo~ it. Dominomeo~ firll:; To ~i& liege Lord, orSovrraigne :, • chriflo D•- Not to b,im. Then, 1fthat w1ll not hold, Chrijlo Domzm, to the L~rdt anoiptuf, not to mim. him: That will. For,twohealleages; Domino,and chrijlo Domini;The tiril is from theearth, earthly; Domino meo, hisearthly Lord. The fecond,\Chri.JioDomini; Domi·. ni, is the Lord from heaven. Thefirll: hell:ands not on: this fecond,thathe frandson;· that, he iterates once and againe, fees up his rell: upon that: as indeed, whenwe have findied all that ever we €an, we lhall never be able, to finde amore forcible. Ircan never be anfwered, ifwe care either for heaven or earth, chrijlmor Domimu,chriil orGod; anything at all. It cannot be; the Lord ofheaven lhould ever endure(where ·. bis handhath beene, to •noint) anyhandiliould be, to violatr,mdoe any violencero that party. Doe but fee how he uttersit:Layhands on him randhe Go o's anoiHtti? and fo breakes off, asifhe held itfor afoule indignity, for agro!feab[urdityin rea. fon, once to quefiionit. So, for laying hands but on hismAntle, Davids hmt check– ed him: But, for laying handsonhisperl'on, that ispall:corpenitenti&,itisv~xcla: mantis that, p.» :Y<'vmo, LAbfit; farre be it from me ; never that, never. Will ye now obferve how,in this fpeech, he returncs upon them andtheir three motives~ Go o forhid, (faith he) to that, for which they alleageadixit Domtnll4. To their G o o {aid, he fayes, G o o forbid: anfwers ;Dominm dixit withDwunus interdixit. Ofwhich Go o [aid, No, no, Godforbid, and that·~ n~·~n,forbidwzth acur[e. And what Goddid then fsrbid, he doth forbid frill ;what,to htm he dtd f?r~ b.id,hedoth tous(toeverygood body, that cares either forhisbiddingorforbtd· ing it.) They that lay their hands care for neither. Doe thar,which(as weufc to f.1y) is againll: all Godsforbode. . . , Then, for inimictlln tuum, he replies to that with ChriJIIITI' Dolllmt:?ppoling,as his G0 D forbid; to Dominus dixit; fo, the Loa n's AnmJi-m/, tohue~emte, to weigh downe that. And fo it cloth :thereis,there will ever be more.ve~e mChr~· t1m Domini, to keepe him alive,than in any inimicum tutlm, any enmttym the wor ' todefiroy him; _ . . . h d.r but Lafi,where theyfay, Ecce trada11Hn mAntiS,He IS now evenput mto your. awl ., not mitteremanum([aith he)nottolayany hands 111 kim •.So rhat,for all DommtH :~~:b orinimicttm tuum, or Eccetr11damm tJJAnm,Davrd,is lhll wherehewas,anfllcrs S t! reafon, every part oftheir reafon; God forbid, for any ofthem, or for a~l rIC~if;:~ lhould have any harme, butgoe ~~~way quietly for him! And ~his for hts£lnJ 1 )J1~