Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~~~~--~~~----~----~--~~~ o.fthe Go WR us. <'6.9 Sermon 7· ~ · o -~--~------~----~--~----------~--~-~ But, you will remember !told you, all this was fpokcrinot fo much for Da- 1 'Da~ids f•·· 'IJids defence, why hedid it 1 not; .as to let thetn fee agood ground, why they a 10 u!d m[a<llon. not doe it; to keepe them fi·om rijing. Fot,rijing rh~}' were, Riflng_(fay theLXX.) ~,.,.,,.,,.vJi,, ro haveJl•me Saul. They .llartmgup (as lt were) m a kmde oftndtgnity rhar David had rhus fe:ved them, to doe thar themfc;lvcs, wh•ch.rhey hoped, hee would hav~ done, bur d1d not: for, done lt fhould be; 1f not by hrm, by them; that was refolved. . · . Sure, hadD•vidhadany edge to Sauls making away, here now Was another, a fecond a faire opportunity offered ir fdfe: a.s plaulible a pretence as he could have win 1ecl' ro have let Sa11l beene raken away in amilitarie tumult, a mt~tiny ofSou!diers. As for David, he had refufed it; he had good wimcffeofit: ifrhcy rofe rudely and raNne upon him, what could he doe Wit hall~ it was their fault, not ~is; he had no handin it. But, in all this, he fhewed himfelfe amoll: t~yall SubjeGf, m thus pumng himfeife betweene Saul :md them; in raking paines arid even fl:riving tJII he had ap· peafed them. Which fhewerh plainely, his heArt was upright in all th1s bufinelfe,irt faving theKings life now fecrmd'o. Elfe,what he li(led not to doe himfelfe,he might have let rhem doe. So then: doe it he will not; nor fuffer it to be done, neither: neither per fe, not peralium,by himfelf~,or any other:thought it not enough to fay,I will have no hand in it; but neither his owne, nor any mans hand elfe, ifhe can fl:ay it. Not only Abjit .l m~, but abjita met.: liritand lafl:, Ab{tt(faith David) to both. Notj nonfaciamod.– ly, let not me doe it: but;.<>1')!uom nejidt, let not any, let it not be done. And ~hat-: not onely not mittere mitntem, but mittere de manr• 0r de manibm (rather) fend h1m out of their l1ands,fcnd him away fafe. To this fecond end, were thefewords fpokenby him, and (2·~ the Text is) directed to his men; ro quiet them, and not onely to dear(j himfelfe; Now to Davids victory. Et vicit verb~ hoc, and he even overcame them withthefewords, faith the Text.' It.' aere, is D.wids vic1ory. Bur, ifhe overcame them, then was there a fl:rife. So bee The fecond. even fl:rove to fave Sa11l. Andifhe (ttjferedthem not torife, then were they bu!l:ling ~);;~~it. 1 up at Icall:, and ready tohave rife,. · The Text-word in the Hebrew, is full of force: yov,ir is to cleave properly, or torive infender. So, either they weredu!l:ering (as rhemanner is·in mutinies,to iunne together on an heape) and he made rhem fl1ead and fever themfelves, and re. turne to their places againe. Or ye may referre it to their hearts, that \Vith thcfc word.swcre.even fn1itten or cleft quite, and broken of their purpofc, fot proceeding any further m fo bloucly an enterprize. Their motion did not fo much as emer into hi~; his, didjnto them: enrred into them, and as hisheartfmit him,Coj hefmit theirs; {mtt them, and evencleft thmi; made them leave, and let goe their tefolurion quire; and let s autgoe. .. , TheLXX. fay,,,..,,., that is, he perfrvaded themwith rhefe words: (the bell: lvercommmgever, by words,byperfwafion.) overcame them (our Text rurnes it;) and fo I!•vid had here a viaory: Nay, a double villory: 1 Over hithfelfe,one: andrhat1s a ·great one: Greatviaorm havefailed ofit. • Over bu 11ten, another; He kept them too. And fo, by thefe two, favcd the King tJPice, And manyviflories -heha?; but ofrhem ~ll,none like this: this the greatdt. For in thole orher, he but flew h1senemm; but m th1s here, withotita drop ofbloud fl1ed, hefavedhis Princes life. And now, this VH~rory obtained, Davidandhu menare agreed; and they arc famfied, not to rife, but ~t Hill, and let Saul rife quietly, andgoe his way. By which, fome amends was made h1m for thepeece of his mantle. This, forDavidsfatisjaflion; and for hlS:vu'1ory both in one, For, this vic1ory was (ina fort) hisfatisfaflion, and ferved fonr.; . A~dnow wehavefet the KingCafe, that he may go when pleafcs him, would! beg aimle leaveroreturne to Davids words; to his_Q>e/l(ifl may fo callit) to th1s .lle.vmg rvord )10111 :that Daviddidnot ~:~nely fmite, but evencleAve hrs mens hear~s • Gggg i "hth •