Q j the C 0 N S P 1 RA C I 1!. ;;---_ Sennon 7, With what axe did he rhis ~ (for, it is the act of an ax~ words;(thcywereDavidsaxe :) ShaUweedoethis l Shallwe{o? lay h,nJ tefe Andhe Go o's Anointed? and the edge ofhis axe were thefe rwo, chri.Jiru"; "'.f C!iap.>6.,. they did the feat; all the force was in them. And (indeed)of great forcert"[,"; :~: med to Davit/, and were ofgreat ufe with him, came from him oft. TohiJey ee. ~S•m·•·'4· . nies, here. T~Abi{hai (a chapter afrer.) . To the Amalekite (the next book::£(~' ·6· I Chap.), Tw1ce, here: Thnce, toAbijha•: Twrce, to the Amalekite. Seven . e' in all. And fliil, nothing bur chrijltu Domini; as if they had beene akindc ofat~m~ to charme any from rijlng, ro any fuch end. pt • And (fure) amarvellousmergietherefeemes to have beenein thefewords. D vids men (here) rvere.rijing: rheCe words kept them downe, they rofenot. A.bifh•iaf: te~,h: was even.Jlnkmg:theyfiatd h!shands,he.Jlmck rM. Davidhimfelfe,hewasbue thmkmg a thought rhat way,they fmtt hts heart, madett toake, made htm give over. Now, when I fall ro c?nfidcr what venue thefe words had mthoietimes,to hold mens feet from rijlng; then hands from f/rtkmg; yea, their very heart fromthinKi•g any fuch thought; 0 I amforced to wonder,they fhould not have in our times the force they then had. Dav.dcould not overcome Comemen now ;his menwould rife, doe what hecouldfeet,hands,and heart,fhe loofe now,thefe words notwirhfiand>ng. They have not the power ro breake men, men have rather rhe powerro break them. ~ s.m.>p ~. Davids men were brave Souldiers; Abijhai one o(his three JIIOrthits: himfelfe more worehy than they all. Power they had, to flay thefe fo many men ofarmes: and have not now the powerro make a fillyFrier hold his hands. Whaeis become oftheir venuenow~ Ofthe cleaving force they thenhad~ It lhouldfeeme,Da~idJ menwere othergates men thanmany (I will not fay ofour Souldiers, bur) ofour le· {t1ites and Friers, are oflare: had magi.fuba!Ja pe!Jora,brel!s ofa better mould ; ha<;! at times, beene brought byDavid to know what Go o was, what irwasto beGedr Pfal.n6.r~. anointed, how preciotu their bloudwas in HisJigbt, how nomancouldliftup hi& hand Chap.~6.,. Againjl them, and be innocent. So, they foone tookean imprdfwnofrhishis Abftt, fo paffionately,fo pirhily(wirha!l)delivered by him. · Mens brefls are nowmade ofatougher metall,rhe words meet with harder heartJ in theCloyfler(now) than here they did in the C•mpe. Some mens hearrs(now)leave notJlriking them, eill they ·have flricken Saut to theheart. TurneDavids Ab}it mihil Domino, intoAdjit mihi a Domino facere rem hanc: rurne his exe,·ration into aP"Jir, nay, inromanyprayers, rofariu, andmajfes,for Go o's affiflance,to an aCl:,whrchh~ v eryJoule abhorreth. And this is ehe reafon. The words are not rebated; they have notlofl: their edge: bur, men have in!tead ofhearts now,jlint-floms : Elfe the words being the fame, the fame effect would flill follow, ifthehearts alfowere thef.1me. For, the fame effect doth fli)l follow, inall whofe hearts Go o haeh couched,' on whom the Spirit of Godis come. For, where the Spirit ofGodis,therethe ~ore! of Godwill workc: and where it workes not, we may fafely fay, thereisnoSpmtro worke on. , Chro.... ,:r. To trierhen, on whom theSpirit of God is come, therecome~ tomy minde a pregnant place (iris the XII. ofI. Chron.) full to thrs pomr,andtt wrll evenbnngus home to our owne Textagaine. Amafa there, when the queflio11 was asked, whom they wo11ld take part with, he and his: cried, Thine are we oD~vid, andell :7fidj thM{onne ofIjhai. And it is therein exprdfe tennes affirmed, tharrheSflrtld; Go cameupon him, that made him thus tocry. Ifrhen ehe fame Spirito(Gedbeupon u;, thatw~s upon him, it will make us take up the fame words, Thine•rewu, anddnt1 ~ S:lm.q.r 4 . fide o David: Thou haft a Te!timony in holy Wrie, to have beene amanaccor mgtd Gods o!Vne he4rt; what was in Gods heart, was in thine: thenareweeorhmke,f. 1y,an doe, as thoudiddefl, and fo theSpirit of God i!>upon us, indeed. . . ve Will we then be asDavid, with him, onhisjide? (IfGods Spmt be upon us,, .t will: now come we to our Text. For, here is in this om·Texr, avwe anatomte, DJ Pavidineach part: his eJe,h.is h.wd, his heart, his !"Outh and all. . h. ·es to ,I His eye, full ofcompaffion toSAul his SDveraigne. It wasnotgoodlll 111 1 doe