Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• . t,h4 - ! ,_8:_J~:t--:--~--;:--;-0-;:-l{---:-th_e_C-:-;-o-:N_s_P-:I~R--:A-c_I_R-:----S-erm---;;; .Abiit, thcefcaping from it: and the better it, the more is our joy; andt~ joy is, t~emore our thankes lhould eve_r be, Iehev" liberAtori. And, oth:f~eolll: :ecce m1ght be on our thankes, astbere1s on the day,as it and theEcce'sofitdo chaa deferve at our hands. eWeQ 1 To !hew them, theTrad~m is wor_fe; I beginnewit~ theTradent,orTraiit . Ectttradam, Behold, I will delwer htm; lt IS Go o that faith th1s: this was G '~· doing,Saulsdeliveryinto. Here is no trechery intheText. Intotbetavehec 0 "£ 1\ls owne accord; was calually found there, not guilefully drawne thither. s~~~~ it noccoday; buttheKmg tramed thuher ~oil:treacheroufly. Em; Behold h s it is farre worf~,when_wretched men by wKke? alluring meanes,fl1alltoule one~:~: ning no_harme at all, mco a fecrctcorner asev!ll as S4t~!s caveeve.ry whit; and there l fet on h1mb. ~orfe, If~y_,fotr h 0erechcdevt/1 betrayes; G ?lo de!;,vm not. Suffers, grant; ut 1s not age~t m1• o o neve.r ~o-operates wu Jlrett; on. So then,noda (thi~) ie quo dtxtt Dommru: rather de quo dtxlt diabo~res,a day (in refpettofthem an~ theirtrmhery) ofche~evtlsownebefpeakmg. Thtsthenthefiril:ods, that A Do11JinD fa{/umeJftUud, adtabolofaaume.fl hoc : chat of Gois; this ofthedevils ownc tradam :and fo the Tradttor worfe (I am fure) with anEcce. And, who was delivered l Inimic11m tuum, an e11emie in the Text, Some reafon, in that. Sar.t was fo indeed, Davids enemie. You were not their~, th;y \\tere yours,_witho~t a caufe. Nay, caufe to the contrary : Nay, caufes more than one. And,m that regard worfe. Worfe, to deliver an innocent thana dead– ly enemie. Anddelivered, whither~ TheText is, into uave. Where S4ul(indeed)faith· he_wiUjhtttup: but to fay t_ruth, fin: ply he was not fo : the caves moutl1 was open,h~ m1ghc have come forth, Ius men mrght have come to him at his call. Bur with us in mu·cave, the King wasfecundNm !iteram in the!iterall fenfe,jhnt up indeed. Many. locks anddoorts fall: upon htm, nogomgout for him, no comming in for others. The worfe his cafe. Nay, a worfe could not be. Sodoth theHoly Ghofl defcribethe hardcil: cafe of all, bythefe three: ' Conclujits, •dere/i{im, 3 &nen erit•uxiliator. All three, here: jhutup, qrtitelift, none to he!pe. In farre worfe taking, than ever was S4ttl inthuave. Thereis no hurt ina(Ave, ifrhere be nohurtfilll.thinginit : But David faith in the l'(alme, his was; andfureitis, Your {ottlewasthereamongLions. TheTe~ is, Tradam in maniM ttttU : Trad•m in mantis; I aske, into whofehands l for in danger, it is ever good lighting into goodbands. Into what h•nds light You~ No comparifon, there. SartllightintoDavids ha~ds. :H:is iv m_Anus tuas,where,Da~ids, and Davidr were gentle hands. Hu he•rt[mtt lnm, for domg but fomuch, as yeu have heard. Ifcheirheartfmit them tbuday; it was not for doing fo mucb, bucfor doingnomore. Davidwas t?uched with his duty to his Soveraig~e,flrickenwi~h the t.Majejlie of chriftru Domtm: Thcfe, they trade under foot, dutte, and MaJeflte,and chrif/us,andDominru, and all. NothinglikeDavid; quite contrary, worfewu!J ~~ ' . Nay, notlikeD.cvids men. For firfr, in the Text, here is adiCpurebetweenthem ·and David,and the parties divided. Sa11l the more likely to fcape·:as he did. Where the enemie is divided, thedanger the lef!e. But to day, in the Kings, no debateatall. le was conclufum io cauf/i, refolved onboth]lides, long before, what to do WJthhlill; ifeverrhey got him. Noway but one then. . A<>aine; 1Javids mm(how ever evill minded atlirll:,yet) afrer ~elented, were 6verco~e. Thefeoftheday, offarre another Spirit; their maliceinvmc1bk. Dtd v ids men overcomming was with words : Here, it came to blowes an~ tognpes, an[! aJi would not ferve: Davids men,theywereovercome willinglyandd1d yeeld:Thc e were overcome too (thankes be to G oD) but it was maugre their wils, they n~er yeelded till they both laydeadon the ftoore. The more the parries, themoret Clt hauJsfuch, the more your perill _: themore it,themo~·~ the faire grace ofGOD,you. tfcaped fuch par~!cs ~ands! Naw