Sermon7. ofthe GowR IE s: Now to & fMies il/i; what was done. At Saulthern<iasaknife <fr•wne; or ra– ther not atSa 11 1,bur,arhumane/c. Ada~ger; not at your mantle,.but at You. Benveenci chefe rwo, a dagger andaknife, t?erels fom: odds; but certamcly betweeneadag. ers peint,and akmvesedge, there IS. And, th1s was Your cafe. . g And whattodoe with it~ (rhatfetsitfurtheryer;) To do·enothing to SaHl and• no great thin()" q) hri mantle: left a peece of that behind. Hisdagger,wirh farre'ano~ rhet minde, ~~d at flrrc another marke, than Davids laiife. More was fought her~. You to Jofe more than fo. What talkewe of apeece? I wouldacloakt; 1would a whole JVardrohe would have fervecj.rhe rurne,would have fatisfied them, or excufed you. Nocloke-matter,here. Your 6efl hle11dwas fought; Tour hrejlaimcdat; and not the edge, but the point benr,and too neere You. · And; to be 0Jorr, for the lafi point,Bomtmin oculii• . No more than a !hred, fee£ medgood inhii eyes; no lelfe than Your life, Ceemedgoodin theirs. Thus every wayfrom point to point, theEcce flill greater,inTradam, the delive~ rietoo:InEcceahiit,inthe delivcriefrom, how holds it there~ , In'his extremity, s at1l found one yet ro crie, Abfit, to deliver him. Never anAb.' fit here. Never an one~ Yes: one there was, and that a firongonc. When rhac wretched creature, rhat w•s fer to doethefacr, in afort hindred it for once. Bur, fo faimanone it was,as that would not ferve;as Davlds didSaulJ GoD wasfaine to fiep inroDavidsroome: And, when there was never a tongue on earth tofayir; t(j fay it from heaven; thence to giverhe true f''/ -y{vom, Nefiat, I we11ldnot haveit dene. From heaven He fenr you helpe; not by the caves mouth, but miraculoufiy another way; by rhem chat knew nor, whither theywent, but unwittingly were led byGod, to theplace ofyour danger. _ . . _ Let me fee: at the mo!t, there were but two atte1npts againU Sau!; So,he fcaped but tJVice. Two andtwoagainfl rou. Twice and twice efcaped,I'our Majenie, foure times in all; foure difiinet dangers, and as many prefervacions. 1. That ofhimchac fioodreadyarmed. 2. Thatofrhedaggerofrhefirfi: 3· Thatofthefword : Nay (more than one) Ecce d11ogladii, ofrhefecond brqther. 4• And, thatofrhepopular tnmult, worfi ofall. Thefe were bur uponrijing, in the Text; they ro{e not: They; werenot upon riling, but were ri{enup indeed. So, two Ecces more ill Yours. And, of all this perill, saulhadno fenfeatall. Awake he was,but he might even . as well ha've beene afieepe. Ofall that was faid,he heard not a word:ofall that was dorye, he perceived nothing; had an eafie efcape,he. So was it not withYorsr Majeflie; You heard, and fawall,and feltfomewhat ofthat, was faid,and done; e(caped the periU, bur not the fright and feare, ofrentirnes worfe thari the perill it felfe. Vpon themarter,in Sat~ls,fornewhat was offered to be done, but nothing aeted: No doing. Here, there was doing and fuffering both. . . In Sa11l, it never camera m4nummittere; not on his aerfon: httnds were laid on hr<clMke;his perfon,that nor touch~d. Tours was: hands were layd,bloudwas drawne; the m.ukes on your jaw, the'hurt on your handremained tobe f~ene a good rimeaf– ier. So, Sauls comes nor home; fals 01ort in every point. in Yours; Your d•y, Your darJger, Your delivery : the more ofrhem, the more is Godfiill robe magnified by You, and by us all. , All fell our well in the end though,with both.It wasmearJt, you ihould neither have rifen; Saul, nor To11. You both rofe. And, eitherofyouwent-viamji~am;vi~ am, nor eomm, butfuam; wentnottheway, they woutd have fentyou, the wn;mg way; bur viamfaam,yourowne, the right way, the way offafety andpeace. And thusendedSat~!s danger, and rhus Yours: Thus the Text, and thus theday. Nay, yours ended not fo . The goodnelfc ofG~ditayed not there,_ Yours had a plus ult!a, another, a further, agreater Ecceyer, beyond that ofSaul. Th~re,asSau! Pia'. 1.4': ": 1nt.httway, [o d1d his enemies their way too: hefcaped chem,arrd they h1m. Nonfie !mpre, non fie :It was notfowirhTorlri. Youfcaped them,thcy fcaped not you: .!2.!!,ia l'fll.9~··o: ~c£e i'!i_mici tui Dumine, Ecce inimici ttri. 'For Lo thineenemies, ~ Lord,lothim enemies. - . I > . f/Mf{ ..