s 7 4OftheCoNSPIRAci& Sermon 7 • jballperi}b (and fo they did ;) and aUthe workers ofwickediJejfe {hall be def/ro~ they were:) c.Mifit manllmin 1JWJIIm mittentes, He firetched His handsagainflth · () that fimched theirs againfi You. And becaufe their hearts {mil not thune!U i'Cll.UI.s$. ' 16. ~fl!.nS,.>~. . this fo foule :!n anempr; they were fmittm trJ the hearts, the fword Wentthro 1~ both their hea:ts. !he very J>b~e they had defigned. for Yours, becametot~~m theplaceofthmpenfhing:.pcnfhmg hc~e, and p_enfhing eternally. The day of which they faid, Now ff the daJ come,_It ca_me !~deed;_ but came, and proved a difmall day to them: the rubrtcke of It wntten m thm owne bloud, with Ecce; the !afl Ecce of all, Behold Mr fearefuU end, and let every one feare to d: the like. They faid not Abjit nobis 4Domino : Go o therefore faid Abjit Domi 11 us aw. !Ju. AndfoHeis; He from them, and they from Him, asfarreas thebottomeof thenethermofi hell, is from the top ofthe highefi heaven. And ever the fame handif Go o be[o layd Bll them, that !hall offer to lay handr M G 0 o's anointed. So~ay they all !hurtheir eyes, as many as it !hall feemegood in their eyes, to doe thehke. So, may their hearts beefmttten, thateverhatchin their hearts any thought that way rending. And the faithfuU mercies if David be upon them, whofe eye and hand, heart and tongue, !hall fee,and fay, and thinke anddor, as he did. And lettheKing live, live yet many yeares, rofeerhe renew~ ing of this ble!fed day, andtorefre!h the memory ofCgds mercies,uponit,fhewed him ; and in him, !hewed us all•. And now to retutne to the beginning. Wemay (I rrull:) now fay, Emdies ve: nit, Behold the day is come, with an higher accent. A day,inregardofthedeliver1 intg their hands, de quo dixit diabol& :but in regard of the delivery from them, de qu~ dixit Domin&, which Go o did belpeake. Befpeake, but in abetter fenfe: not thus; in q11o tradam i»<man& : but rather inquo eripiam de manib& : not deliver you into, bur to deliver you out oftheir h~tnds. And yet,it is dies in quo tradamtoo: butthe edge turned toward them. Nor, inquotradam teiUis, bur in quo tradtmillostibi: nor deliver You into your enemies; but deliver your ~nemies inro your hands. The ·beginning was, they made full account, You had beene given over into theirs; and that the good fhould have beene intheir eyes. The end, as is happily proved, they weregiven into Tour hands, and thegoodwas inToHrs; removed thither: AndYou have done, and they fuffered what wasgBod, not in their, butTour ow11e eyes: heaven and earth approving it and tejoycing at it. Now then, as ifthey had done to You, that wasgoodin their eyer, it hadmad~ tnany weepingeyes, it had beene Ecce diesfimejiH<: Co, feeing they have fuffered what wasgoodmyours and even in Gods eyes, and thereby made many agladheart, flJallit not be Ecce dier{eft&; aday ofjoy and health in the dwtUing ofthe righteoas; ,.berem the right.handofthe Lordhadthepruminence, the right.h11ndof the Lord brought thi& mighty altertttiontopa!fe l As they meant it, it had beene aday, the devil! hadmarred: as it fell our, this was aday that the Lordhath made, andlet"' rejoyrc andPegladJIItt, with the voice of joy andthankfgiving amongfnch 114 keepe holy day. . , Holy (I fay:) forlet Go o have the honour of the day, forfemngfomany Ec– ces upon ir. For which,all dayes,but fpecially as rhed•y it felfe rerurnes,we to make remrne ofour thankes uponit. Even upon ir, upon thisday, forrhis d•J• for the ma– nyEcces ofthis day; to Cod the Author of them, for the King aod hisfafety, the fi•bjeBa materiaofthem; for rheEcce(urrexit e {pe!tmc.<, his rifing out ofthe cave, m cffedas goodashisrijing GNt ifthegrave, or(asDavidin this Pfalme eals1t) hudtlt– 'IJery from the Lions den ·' rhence·herofe. And for Ecce ahiit viam,tharaway was made bim,that he was not madeaway,but that his1vay hewent. Then went,and many awa:., fince hath gone, andmany moremay, fiill go, and theAngel!ofthe Lordtake charge DJ him tu kcepe him inaUhU wayes, and the Lord Himfelfoprefer'Ve hi•guil•g M Andmn~ mingin,fromthis timeforthf~revermm~ - jheir