Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 7· 'Of the Go wR IE s. Thereis ~Pfalme(as Ifaid)the L_YII. purpofdy fet (of ~is being there in the ctve,andfcaping thence:) theP{almeJ.Shket?e day;reprefentsitfitly. The fore-part , . ofir,full ofdanger and f:are: UUz{erere mez Domme, rm{e:eremei, andMy{ersle is pral.s?.-' •f; a~~~ong Lions : well befirnng_You when You wereu?der thm hands. Bur the lattpr parr, theca41rophe; full of;oyand :r~umph. When you were ~ot outofthe_ca11e, andwereno;wuponyour way,thenit was(I tru~) and ever will be asthereirfollowerh: c.)!.{y heart is ready,o Goo, Jny heartiirelllij, I wilijiRgandgi11eprai(e; Pfal · ' . V!wake up my glory, awake Lute .and J13rpe, I my felfe will a_wake up early : I will ' 17 ' 1 3, pr.Ufethee among thep~aplt, I wtH flng unto thee among the nattons: for, thy mercy '' is gnat toward me, ztreachetheven up to the heavens, andthy truth abovethe J?, • &louds: Set .fiP thy felfi, 0 LoB. o, above the he.wens, lmdtby glory ! ' ; over ,/! tile earth; as this day thou didll indeed. So, ends the: Pfalme, and·a berter end there cannot be. So, will we end,withglory andpraife,blefingandthankc.r, toall the three per(sns of thegloriera Trinity : To . whomforthisday, andrheEcceoftM i~y, be afcribed th.u Jay all thefe; even this day, and forever• ASER.~