&rmon g, if the GoWR n s. 877 . ' Sonnes £landing before him, all twel vc in order; according to their feverall ages, as they came into the worl~. Hehad fomewhac to fay to them (ttfhould feeme:) :tnd comming to thefe two (Ius fecond andth:rdSonnes) he called to m~nde a foule out~ rage by them committed, upon Hemorand Stchem, and the whole Ciue. ()fwhich youmayreadebefore,atthe XXXIV. ChApter. . . . .. This, though it weredone and pafr many y~aresbefore, that 1t _mtght feeme tci have beene forgotten, yet 1t comes frdh to l11S mmde, and troubles htm (now) acthe houre ofhis deadJ; The nature is [uch (ever) ofthe finne ofbloud. This f.1Ctofthei!'S,he did not thinke good to flip over in filcnce 1 but, even thenj to tell them ofit,and rote!! chem his minde about it. No time,to keepeit from them now. He was going toGod; and fo, frirred inSpirit, liottoleavethe world, tifl he had left:,t good teffimonieofhis deepe difiike of attempts in that kinde; It was the will of Gcd: fo, as he fpared not hiseldefr fon Rtuben, for a foule fact ofanother na– ture (for inceft;) So neirher did hethefe cwo, for another, ofblor.d-gtliltinef!e• BlouJ andlncefftake heed ofthem. Befides,ic might prove dangerous (he knew) if he did not declare his minde,and feta cenfure upon that,and theEkeanempts;and that he could not difcharge his con– fciencc, ifhe had faid nothing to it. That others therefore hearing ofit, might feare to doethe like; firfr,he condemnes theircounfell,with aNe Veniat,Let never myfoul~ ecme i11 All) fuch coanfellor company : 2. Then !ayes his heavie curft on the fact it felfe, and on their thirft ofrevenge, the caufe ofit. 3· Andlafily, cen£ures them doubly forir: 1 bydi{-herijOn, depriving them, and not them onely; but all theirpoll:eritie, forever having lot of inheritance of theirowne, as all the otherTribes had: • And thea Scattering them abroad up and downe all IfrAel. For, thefe are two dill:inct : • To difinherit, is onerhing; and, • rofcattertibroad, is another. · The Summe is; lacob their Fathers curfe, and the dif-herifon of thefe two bre- Tb• SHmt.li; ihren Simronand Levi; for confulting firfr; and after purfuing fo wicked a counfell, · • as the murder of Sichem. CNlpaand P~nawill divide the Text; thefault, and the ftmijhment; In it doe but Th•Divi}i•i..l adderhe perfons, tomakethepartsthree; SzmeonandLev:, thePames, chat made · thefault, and upon whom, the punifhment came. . The fault,was eitherrhefa/1 it felfe; orcwo weigl;ty circttmf/Ances of it. 1 The fact was, they.flew d m.;n, cheybr•ke downe the wAD, This for this fact, and for the two thin~s in it; 1 Firfr, that there was a meetingand confr•lting before; about the d9mg oftr. • Then, that there was cruelty after, lltewcdin the doing of it. Cdnfol– ttng, andpluttmg, before : Rageand fnry, after. u: ... Thepunifhment, orcenfureis of two forts: You may thus reduce them. 1 The 'One is achurch.,·en{tm : • The other, a Civi!lpmaltie; and fo the fentence of both Cour:s. 1 Maledii1m, <?fone Court, that is Spiritual!: And •Difpergam, ofthe other; that IS T.emporAII, . You !hall obferve, all herell:ands upon two's. 1 SimeM,and;. Levi : 1 they, •and II. I~ theabloudy n!eapons. r •. lntheP/ot,two: 1 Cormfe!l, and •Company : whence Iacoh · · · removeth two, 1 his fg,.{e, and •hisglory. 2. In the fact, two: •Murder, and •Bttrgh– l<rj: doneupoli two; 1 • Vpon themm, • and upon the very n!alls. 3· In the manner, tw~: 1 • Anger, and •fury .. and theY: tiVo, t~vo Epithets; the: Anger 1 ftrong, in rhe begtnntng; and the~age •:ndurate, 10 purfmng: killedthemen, in their anger· 6rake rlowmro,/!s, in theirfury. 4· In thecenfure, two: 1 TheCt~rfe, • and the Penafty.One lookes backe; the other lookesforward ,: One, tothefa/1, the Curfe: The other, eo the fer[o»s, thePenal! p.rt. In rhc Fenalty, two: 1 Thedividing, and •theScattering; dtvtdmg thm perfons in the family of lacob; Scattering their poli:eritie, in the Com– mon· wealth ofI{ratl. Whatis now the ufe, \Ve have ofic ~ Firft, the notccmmi»g to any fuch GOtmfelsi H h h h the