• g 7 g OftheCoNSPIRACIE SermonS. --~~------~~~------------------- the condemning of all fuchattempts,rheholding for accttrfed all fuch omr:;---: w~s. Which (I truft) we will now doe at thelaft. We h;ve feeneitcont'asth_Js Perjia,in Iervry, and now, in£gypt. InPerjia, by the Heathen : Inlervrie bmnedm and Prophets: And now in lEgypt, by the Patriarchs. By the Heathen in,thl K(,ngs BigthanandTharez ·: Byth~Kings and Ptofhets, in the cafe of Abfalo;,,and~t~ 0 : and now by thePatrzarchs, mthe cafe of Stmeon and Lwi. And al!thisevenu "· high as Gen<ifis, up before theProphets, beforetheLarv, long yer Mof'swereb pas in thePatriarchs daycs: and (now) higherthanGenejis, furtherthanthe Patria~:~~, ~a=~ ' Kings and Propluts_yo~ have ~eard: today, you lhall heare a Patriarch Jay his cm-fe upon it; aod nor, m h1shfe·tlmeonely, but at the very point ofdeath All fhew, how hatefull a fin this is; and how_Godwill be fure to require iratrh~irha~J~ whofefeet a:·e {tvift tojhed_blottd, And,rhts was a good doctrinerhen,~ndbath been; ever lince, nil ourunhapp~e dayes; wherem, fomethat have attempted it, havefca– ped thePatrtarchs Maledultu,andhavemuch adoe to [cape the Popes Benedifltu:md being made Saints for it. J. szmeon andLev i ar~theParties. He joynesthem together in thePrdcejfe,for fo they Jl 10 Pmics: werem thefa8: etther,as deepe as other,and fo,the1r caufes proceeded mjoyntly. Two. Two they are: and two are more than one. It is handin ha11d, this; adot~6fetrvi~ Ftov.n. u . fled cord. HA»din bandis thdl:ronger: double,than fingle iniquitie. rw• brethren. And, this is true of any two : but more yerofrhefe two; for, thtfetwo are bre~. thren. And,that very bond ofNature and naturall affection,worksyetmore[\reogth, Prov. !B . r~; For,ll:rong,as thebarres of a Palace, [o isfrater qttt .i ftatre adjtwatrtr (fa1thSalomon.) The firft thing, that makes us mufe, is, that lacobc~lls rhefe twoBrethren, as if G<_:•.~•·p; therelr were not fo :werenothing ofkin to them. They weretwelve brethren; them– felves fay fo, to Iofeph. But,not ofwhole bloud,you will {ay. True: but,ilx ofthem (rhefe two named, and foure belides) they had all the fame Father (Iacob) and the fame mother (Lea.) And, why then thefe two,twobrethren,and not they ~ Wemuft fceke out fomewhat, wherein thefe two wcre,and the ref! were not. And we will nor fiirrea whit from the Text. They two were brethren (firll:) ' in wearing of rmJoHr ofviolmce(in this'v er(e:) • and(inthencxt) brethren,inwickedcotmfe/1: l and (rhird) · in the r.tgeofrwmge: • And (!aft) inabloudy m11rder. And, as inthefe,rharmakeup the faulc ; fo, in the punifhmenr. In all thefe, were thefetwo, brethren; 3nd rhe[c two ondy: The other, nothing of kinne to them, nofraternitiein thefe. . . IfRabbi Sal~mo11 be right, that p.J.~pg. in Greeke be all one with Mechm• mHe– brew; then it is, theJrvords they were girt with, were weapowsofviolence. ·Jiuof (as others take it) Mechera be a tmt; then,it mull: be, theweapons ofviolen.ewcrerobe found in their tents : that, in their tents they had them, thoughnot ar their fides. Tbe r Brtthrt•• in other were ofamore quiet difpolition: So were not thefe; bur, their{words our,rea– wm mgw<'- die to offer violence upon every occafion. The other hadweapons too, bur nor wea– pon•. il,::ll;:l pons1[violence : and, tmts they had; but, cruelty dwelt not in rhem. Weapons of cmelty theq, is their firft difference. ., Why,may not one for a need,haveby his fide,or inhis houfe,weapon!? Yes :Bur, ~!"I •S::l thefe were cbele chamtU (that is) weapons ofviolence:and vtolmce imphes wrong,~V~· Weapons,hemay :ofwrong,he may not. All,even our very hands and memberst e · R•m6 r;. fdves, are to be weaponso{rtghteoufnef[e. GoD never inrendedtoarmemJU~k~; >Cor •J.<o. There is no po1vergtven to dejlroy, or doe violence withall.The Law allowesno N chamtr<: no man to have them in his houfe, no man to wearethem by h1sfi~. .: Peut l'·l 1· fword is allowed to private fury or revenge : c.Mzht vmdtaam, Revmge IS . 0 d rh for He will doejullice. Thefword of itisHts; and nomans, butwhom Godgtrw~cb