Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 8. of the GowR IE s. ' l~t"t"t by vmue ofthe words inGmejis, By mAn fhallhio bloudbejhed. Bur rhat man G 6 W •< , Ji . dl . ' en.~ .• isnorevery 19,.,: that tvordhangs not at every mans gtr e; nons, by every hand - to be drawne forth. , . There is one CJfc onely, where the party would, and cannot fl:ay fortheMaai– flrares fuccour :the alfailam comes on him fo fierce and furioufly,that eirher he m~fl: ufeir,or lofehislife, and yeeld ttto the rage of hts enemte, bemg a pnvareman, as himfelfe. In that cafe, tf he cannot othenytfe keepe offvtolence trom htmfdfe, it is lent himpro hac vice tantum; and the ufe of it made lawfull, by the tmwritten Law, the Ldr> ojNat11re; Vim vt: Yet (as we fpeake) cum moderamzne mculpat.e tutel,., or (as our Law) Se defendendo. Andnever,bu~ uponthatoccafion: and in tlm cafe,the fi'ord is but aweap01<Jofdefence, to keepe oft vtolence. And out ofthat cafe, this one except, not to be allowed. Even they, that carry the [word in theirname (Glasia– tores) we call themFencers: and fo doe they themfelves, their (<"ience, theScience of Jefmce, that is, Skill to ufe their weapons only to that en~. For (ever) a Cherethit~ iseo ip(o to be a Ptlethtte. Thefe two were but one : thetr weapons, to defendand J•ve: rqdehver fromwrong,todo~none. To make thefword, theweapon ofcrHelty, is to abuferhefword: Every abufe ts naught : And fo, thefenvo, Brethren, nontam 11 atur!t quam neqttttta, not fo muchinnAiure, as inn~ttghtineffe. As, we know aplace, where many fuch there be : no kinne at all by nature, yet fworne brethren they call themfelves : makingSacraV1entum pietatiJ, vinculum iniquiwi;; binding themfdves by the oatR of God, to ferve the Divell: As .they all are, wbo(e fm arefwift to jhed E(aJ 1~.1~ 6/oud. So, the Patriarch implies rhus much: that of all his fonnes, thefe two were by nature, ofarevmgif~tll, of a blotidy dtJI!ejition. And as they were, fo were their . weapons, For, who will blame the fword, or!ay any thing to theweapons charge c' The weapon is, as the man is; as he will ufe or abufe it. Ofit felfe, not violent, if he be not fo, thatwearesit. But, thefe werefo: and fo, the fault, inthemen,and nut in theweapons. Brethren ofblMdthey were; and not fo, but Brethren inb(oud. And fo palfe we from this bloud. You may gheffe at their difpofitions, notfo much by their weaponsas by their • Im•nftU~ .coun{e/1; In conjilittm eomm: He tells ofa Cotm~dltaken about it,where they met,and faid one to another, their[words fhould doeviolence: their filler was wronged, they would be revenged: and no revengeferve them, but deathanddeflrulliun; death of themen, deflmEiionof the Towne, yea, ofthe very walls ofit. le was a plot or con- {piracie then: a very match made betweene them. And what was their c.unfe/1? In dolo, deceitfully contrived. MArry they would their fifl:er, toSiclmn; and all fhould bewell, ifthey would be cirmmcifed. Where25, their purpofe was, when they wereJore,'1 oftheir circumcijirtg, when the wound was ac w<:>rlt, and they could not fiir; chen, .to fer upon them, and make a maffacre of them all. · . Here, IacoG cann<:>t containe himfeife, but burfi out,ftw»(acb MAtches Godkupt me. Ac the very firit, ac the doing, Iacob mifliked it·:Mifliked it then,and ever afrert and even now, at his death, he cryes, Ne vmiAt, Ne-ver let my Joule come 4mmg them• or have to doe with them. · · . It troubled hi~n much, atthetime, it was done. He fa~, he!ofi his reputatiori ~ytt. Loe, here IS the holyPatrtarch! Here-beimpesof hts breeding, and bringIng op ! That they made him even jli11ke ( you will beare with it, it is the Ho ~ YCh>p;f4·l~! GHosT's word)beforethe Nations round about. . _Befide, they put him in feare, and hazard of his owne,and all theirlives. Very ltken was, they would all have beene over-runne by thebordering people, but that Go _o, feeing Ia~ob's innocencie, even forhis(ake fenc Hisfe~tre into the heart ofrhe Nauons a_d)oynmg, that they purfued them not to death with the like ctuelry.Thefe Were mottves for theprefent: but_herenow, fo many yeares afrer, he rakesit on his death, he was never partie nor privie to ir. Never was he, to rhat; n'or c:ver would ~,e, to a_ny fucb,as we fee by hisf<:> deepely detefting it,and protefting again£\·it. For, ltts,~sifhe!hould fay: I here declare openly before Go~ and ~h;World, ic w_ent •· ~ h h b ~ agam!l; ..