8.8o Ofthe CoNSP IRA·cu Sermon 8. againflmy very foule, thiscounfell oftheirs :I h3dnohandinit, neitherart, nor tart (as they fay) netther had, nor ev~r meant to have: bur was, and ever willbein– nocem from all that belong to ir,violence, cou11{elland all. T\.5ver let my foule come amohgfuth. And why not come in any {rtch coun(d!? For, where twoorthreeare at counfel! about any fuch matter, Imer duos prod.tores Dtaboltu eft terttm, where two areconLukc u. J· fulring ofany treachery, the Divel! isr~e third. Mijit Satana:s in cor, was inIud.,, is the rule ofall rraytours. The firfl ·mifton, thefirfl motton, 1s (ever) from him: hee the prime C~rmfeUot<r ofthe three. And blame not lacob, if he would nor be oneof– or one at anycot~nfillof his, or have hi> {liule at the end of any fuch treatie. ' This, on their parts, ,m~kes it the mor~hainous, t_hat they did !t not ofany l'f>l.l,l, fudden p<lf1ion; but confulto, m cold bloud: {iept upon 1t, rofe upon1r, were in it three dayes: Didall advifedly of malice prerenfed: met about it; tooke co 1 mfell· how to effece it, the cotmfcU of the>~ngodly : Put off the execution, rill after thre~ dayes. . Jacob'stwo: On !Mob's part ;two t~i~gs he fpeakes of: 1 That neither his {oule jho}lld ewr fold abhomng come in (ucb CDtmfell: (So, 1t IS a (ot~le-matter; a cotmflll, and an aCt, which brinos ~£';;,. v'"i" with it the hazard of the[otdc.) • Nor his glory, or reptttation : ( fo that, lr isba ~"ima i• confi- thing which touchet!~ ones honou~and ~epmano~ neere ; a blemilh to the glory ofa ;•-;;.,.fi, glo· man.) As pollutes h1s foule, fo ramts h1s bloud ;IS theloffe of both. To fave both ri• ;"'~"' thcfe, he dorh (we fee) and we mufl d1favow all fuch cotm{elland CounfeUorm. All romm. are bound under the fame paine, to make the fame proreflation: to fay rhefame ~ veniat animli mea, all that ~re ofthe l{rdel of Go;,, Let never my{ouluome into an1 fuchcounfell,let never any fuch cotmfeUcortJeintomyfottle. Marke rhofe two words: 1 hisfou/e,and • hisglory : the two things of highefl regard withal!; 1 Whariliall become of ourfottlts, • What Name we !hall leave behindc us. All, to rhinke,rhat in fuch company, they d(!)e but cafl: away theirJoules, they doe lfut lofe the honour oftheirnamefor ever. · And yer, afarthermaherthereis. For,markethefetwowords;CDrmfe/1, and ~i1p ,,D L.Aifombly., SodandKahal: for, by them, rwofeverall partakingsheefeemesrofet our. 1 One, of their fecret privie meetings, that is Sod. • The other is Kahal; which is any publike meeting or affembly oftheirs; and namely, their Church and Congregation. Hefpeakes to his glory, never to make one in any fuch affimbty;never to be joyned to any fuchCQngregation: fo,makes amatter ofReligionof it. Never, ofthat Cluirch, which !hall give countenance, rharrheremay be any ineetings,toany fuchend. It is noKahal, no Church, noreligion for Iacob,that favours any man tha' is fo minded. If-~hen we will like ordillike with the King and Prophet Davit!, weem~/!fay . ~ nS•~n chalila li, G o o forbid, I fhould once lift up my handto any fuch ace. Ifwe W1lll1ke or diilike with the Patriarch lacob, wee mufl fay, 'X!, veniat in confilium anima me_•· You obferve, the patriarchs and the Prophets agree well : Iocob's Ne veni~t, Wltlt Davids .Abfit mihi a Domino. Nor on,ly to have cleA»ehandsfrom it, not to hft them up, or firetch them oui to the Ace; bur, ade•re [o11le : never once to confidt, burro detefl, not one!y their.confitltations, but even the congregations offuch con(t•ltm,that be rhat way given. Neither Civilly,nor Eccleji4fficilf/y; neither in Ch11rchnor .Mar--, /:et (as-the.y fay) to have to doe with them. , And for afarewell to this point, let me tell you ; there be; that interpret r:.e~b s fpeech, in this fenfe. Not, let not me, nor myJoule bepre[mt, or partaker ~fany ,uch; but, let not my[011lior life,be the matter orfubjece ofany (uch confultatton: Ne~~:: lftnt de anima mea in confilio tali, ut fie•# Sichemitu fmn)nt, fie facerent & '!' 1 •·, Go o keepe my foule, fave my life from any fuch Con(ultot•rs, for evercommwg ro be treated or debated of', by any filch. L.et:_never any fUch 111eedncouH[eU,about/"{ foreleor me. ~Both will fland well: .! Neither J, about any mans; • nor apy, a ~~r mine .- either, 'to co11[ult,about the life of anyother; or, • my life t0 /;e m;fulmi 0 J• by 411J fth.er like them! " fron\ ..... J;;,