Sermon 8. 88r From thecounfell we come to thefali',to the blttclving ofit. There istoo much in 1I. theCormfell;that was faulrenough,tfnofac1 followed: Bur,here followed a fac7 roo, The Fatl. and that afoNlefaCI. Whtch IS of rwo forts: expreffed firfi mtwo words, • Inwfe. , Murder. cernnt, a~d •fr1foderrmt,:har is,MIIrder,andBurgl<ry: a~d·rwo more; killed,whom~ Iottrfrcmme; iris faid, aman, virum, mthe fingular, bur one; the number dorh bur aggravate,the faet is all one, one ormore, both to be condemned. . . ~ Bur [ure, !ACoh, in faying Vimm, aman, meant but, and ayl\ledbut at one, prin- rir~mi cipaUy. rirnfl': Atquun viritm ?. what man wasir ~ Hemor .rhe~hiefe man, the Rre. /er,the Lordofthe Citie,and the rerntory about. Ofno great ctrcutt (perhaps:) That comes all to one: Bur, being theSoveraigne Ruler ami Lord, fuch a man is worth ma• ny men: that, in killing him, they may be (aid, in one to have killtd many. And? as ifIaceb thought, they might be quit ofthe refi, fo they had let that man (the chtefe Magifirate) alone. , . . ' , . · Bur, they killed more than one: Even every mothers fonne, !tfl the males intbe cliap·H·•f· Citie. This is anOittrage: not to leave a mantokill; to killthem all, as ifthey were but one,.,.; to leave no cinealive! . . Andwhy~ whatwastheotfence ~ Siclumhaddejlowrdtheir Sijler.Say,tho:e was Gen l4 . ; : afault inSichem: what,no remedy,but kill andjlay him~ But,ifhis were the fault, let him alone be llaiqe. Bur, what wa~ his fathers f.llllt ~ He, !ought to make amends,by mariage, forrhe wrong done, and gave them ablancke for her Ioynter, to put in what Gen tpr; they \vould :Agreed to becirmmci(ed, he and all his people: All that ever in reafon Gcn 34·•4, .. could be required. Why was he (then) llaine ~Forbeing hiSfather; Nothing elfe canbe alleaged. But,all the men inthe Cirie,the poore people,what had they done~ They went about their bufineffe, medled nothing in the matter : Yet, they went to the pot, too. So,it is murder ofmany,and thcife many, innocynrs all. Innocent and nocent together, to be fwept away~ (hall thelrtdgeoftheworlddoe ii! ll1all any IttdgeGcn. r~.•r: in the world doe t~at,which thelr~tfgeofthe wortdwould not doe~ They faid: {hottld 6 ,., 30 , , he ahufe orer Sijler.? No: Bur, ll1ould he doe it, and'all they fuffer for it ~ But, what had theirwivesandchildrendeferved,thatthey lhould be led captive,and all they had, either in houfe or field, taken for a prey, made fpoile of, and carried cleaceaway ~ Bur, what had the wals,andhoufes hurt them, that not onelythe hot~fe.wals, but even theTowne-wals mull bclaid flat for it~ was there ever heard ofa greaterhavocke ~ And,fo eager upon it they werc,that,ro commit chem11rder,theycommit JJurgh- • Burghfary. lary firfl: : Firfl:, downe with the hot~fe.rvals, that after, downe with themen. So greedic S•Jf•dmo< to kill, as hreake downe wals, breakc up houfes to make theirjlareghter. For, either it mumm• . mufl: be, they broke through thehorefes to cqme at themenand kill them :Or, when they had killed themen, they pull'd downe the horefes and aU. Both (it may wdl be) they did: Bur, one it rrtufl:needs. And, that one, is too fortleand b'arhai'Oiu. Now, put ro the circumfl:ances,which are ever ofimporrance(fpecially in a fl:o: rie)and well worthy to be weighed, in a matter of faet. Here was no rvarre, where– infuch things are done: (for, the mame of warrc covets m~ny a foule fault.) Bur,. •wre it w.1s not; bur a treaty ofpeace. So,they ll1ed the bloud~rwarre (that is,) that • King.~.~~·bloud, which bur iDwarre ll1ould not be fhed : ) rrtadcfpoiles as inwar · razed downe To1Mes, as inwarre, and all this inpeace. ' Nay, not only a treaty ofpeace, but ofamatchand marriage, contr«fing 4finity; ofafirmeleague, ofamititperpetHaU. Nay, of unitie in Religion, taking upon them the fame{ealeoftbeCoven&nt. That; they violated all three 'I11ra Fcederi;, •C~tJ· nu.hll, 3 Rtligioni&. And that, in all thefe, their corm{efl WA.s'fraudulent, Bemerma, 01~~ \~ttbout any go?d meaning, coloured onely with tbefe three pretences•.Which they dtd not onely vtolate, bur above all abufed rhe holy •ordinanoeofMatrtmony, • ab~- flbed theSacrament, ~and made the facred Seale of righttoufr~tJ!e, a cloake for thetr ad and barbarous uitent. They wouldfeemetopretend jufiice: Bu~,evcn injHfrice, therule is,pro menfrer!i.. Hh h h 3 peccat~