Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

8.8z.. Ofthc CoNSi> IRA c 1 E Sermon 8. J>Wati rherdhouldbcplagamm modtu. Here was no mcafure kept. A whole C' . fackr,~ whole Countrey fpdil'd, all the men llaine, all the refi led away as prifon ltle and all for a fault, to which they were now:!yes acceffory. ers; . And thar,all this they did,_ witha~inde ofcontempt of I .cob t~eir Fat/ 11 ,, and hts attthortty: neyeracquamtedhtmwtth tt,ncver c.n{u!tedhnnabout lt.He wasbo d nor to come in their counfell: they were bound to come to him for his • who if t~n had come, would have counfelled better. : ' ey . The conclulion is : Rea{on they had none, nor ~olour ofreafon. Onely, it is faid Cl~'1:! Btrtfonam, for their wzllandplea{ttre, dtd they all tlus. A wretched pleafure to take delight in fo-wickcd a delignc, . . ' TheRoo< of !o this, adde the :oor ofall,fet out in two words,' Rage, and >outrage, or An. ~h~~~"• . gerandfury. That thm 4nger fl1ewed lt felfe cruel/; that their fnry lhcwed it fe!fe in. ~ Furi<. durate. It was nor Aphonely, that is, anger ;but Gebrath, which is paftanger gone !l~ beyond it; indeed, veryfury. They did it furioujly. And, thatfury washard, hard as l'l'1:JV .ftune; call: off all compallion, without pitie or mercy fpared none; Not thepompeo~ ple, that made no fault ; not thewomen and children, but made bootie ofthem :No not ~he wals,bur downe wi1h~hem too. And (which is worfi of Jll the reil) fpa: ied not G o o neither : did all thcfe in the very aB of Religion. If they had done it, when they were(yet) Heathmmen, it had beenethe leffe: but now, in their be– ingcirmmcifedtO doe it, as they were comming on to be the people of Go D and were within the eovendnt, by receiving it already: Now to doe it, inferrerh~vel! Ctirfedhe the wrath, yea, thrice llcmrfed, that outrage; for, thelike was never head Anger(we k\)OW) isfitror brevis: And,jigravis, brevis, being fo vehemem,ir fl10uld nor be long by courfeof nature: But this was long tOo; continued; not to befarif· ~ed, bur implac~ble;Nothing could appeafe them, or tllrnethcm from theiroutrage, nll they faw walls ~ndall lye flat upon the ground. Here, 1¥e looke backe. Their •~;:, weapons (above) were chele, which is (properly) vafa; veffells. So as, their pallion was nor powred out ~ike water, and fo 'ler runne away, but it was kept or reforved, as liquor in avelfell; barrelledup, to be broached, when they faw caufe. Withoutrtafon, in the beginning; without t~ppeafing,in the end. Such was the malice of thefe men-: Ill. The: Ct!l{ur~. J A J.faltdi.- 8114~ totbe bll. DC:Ut '1· ,_., •r. Numb,:i4·9~ Such theirs of this day• .Now, fuch rage, fo outragious,jul1:ly deferves a t.Maledill&: Such wrath, fo qualified beyond all account, [o exorbitan~, fo infatiable. On [uchwrMh, lac ob!ayes his Cttrfe, cur(etl,l them here. Which Curfe was(after) by Go o renewed inM81mt Ebal: Cttrfed behe thatfmitethhu neighbourfecretly ; Againe, Cttrfed be he, tbat liitb in 1vait, tofoedinnocent bloud. The twola!t, and heavie!l: curfes there, towhichall Jfraelwastofay t-Amem While it was but in confultation, Iao6 cries,Neveniat, Away with the Co~nfi!l, come not at it. But, when it comes intoa8, then he cries, .Maledic1m, Ct~rfed be the e;:ecution; at no hand, be anACl:our in that. _Nay, not onely havenoparrin it your felves, but condemne them that have fo, and hold them as people accurfed,even by lacob's owne mouth. Weigh a little this .Maledifltuof Iacob. .Maledifltu is a word, wee would not beare froni thepaore.ft or meanefl hody, that is. But, there is much in the Parry, who is (here) aPatriarch : and theyvert11otu, holy, andgraveper{ons. To bemrfedofon.e ofthem is much: for, whom they mrfe G o o curfethdlfo. And, not onely a/olrd arch, but a Father, to whom Goo hath given powertobleffe, andr_ocurle;an whofe curfe ever atcompanieth afather's; efpecially fuch aFather, as1Shke Iacob. So that, this puts them under Go o's curfe certainely. . . ; Weiahalfothecirmm.ftance,tbetime. For, this timewastheumeof bleft#£·, Lying o1~their death-beds, mencommonly give their lafi blefings to th~1rch1dren. So did Iacohto Iudahere, and fo to the re!l:. At this time (then) to doett, tS ome· what yet more firange, than ~t al!~ther; Nay, than at any other !ime. Plefiltg~~~