Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• Ofthe CoNs PI RA c I & Serm;;;-s. --------------------------------- had fer, that, havingjhed mans blond, by manfoould thm bloud be jhed~ lhould have bcene rooted our cleane, and twoTrzbes had beene loll: mIfrae~ . 0 ' *ey nexrwas,tolerrhemhavenomhmtance, enttrclybyrhemfelves ashada\l ~ ~e As the P(almtft faith: Slay them not,left my people forget, anyf:teh~htn"w.u/ erb ' rr,lm 19· 11, fc.tter them abroad, and !o put rhem downe that way,as chafte is eitherro;;~ Ut or the wmd to fcarrer it, no man can tell whither. urnr, , tcattering. . ('> fecond degree is, not only to bedifinheritul,,but to befcattered: for,thatwas G<n. 4 .h. Cams punijhmenl, dlV!ded and call: our from Go os prefence, all his life lono. T , wander up and downe, he knew not whither. That was, for bloudt.oo, the bl;ldof Abet. It is the Iewespunifoment: (an~thatwasfor bl~udtoo; theb!ottdofCHusr ;) that they are {tatteredall overthe earth (as, to th1s very day theybe;) and never could a er rogerher, to make an enme fiate, no more rhan thefe did. 3Even ofthrir The third degree is; That all this did light upontheirwholepofteriiy,rarherrhan pof/cri<ir. upon their owne perfons.For,to have all,that came ofrhem,fodijjmfedabroad was amore heavie hearing to them, than ifit had light on rhemfelves: ofthat I make no quell:ion. It is the courfe,.G o o holdeth in His Law, to vifit tkefinnesofthtfathm Exod.>o.s. upon the ~btldre». Bur, th1s 1s yet hcav1cr: for, there, 1t 1s but to thethirdandf•urrh, but this IS ro endure throughoilt all generatloni, The father, which is little moved with his owne loffe, ifir fhall turnc to the damage of hischildren, it will move him therarher: As, this ever hath done, and ever {hall. 4 AnJthat, And let this be the !all:: That l~cob's Maledilltu,and hisDifpergam,doeremaine "i'"'·"'d, andfiandthusof &cord, andfofll:l!llland torhe worlds end. Thecsr(eon rhcir heads, ablot on their names, afcattering upon theirfeed andpofterity for ever. Bur,let me adde this : Thar,rhough it appeares,tl:!eir nature wJsnone ofrhebelli they werenogoodnatur'd men, asgiven to blOted, and fo to bediflikecl: yer was nor their nature exempted fromgrace though, burplace left forgrace, and fo, they robe releevcd that way. For,it may well be thought, this fo fevcre acmfure, fpecially at this time now infliCted, and by their owne'{ather, being ro goe out ofthe world; that it wrought uponthefe two brethren, and wrought in themdeepecBntritionof that theiro11trage. Wherewith Go o being appeafed, rurnedtheircurfeimoabliji'ing, P.rnm; difperjionu in pr£mium Saterdotii (fay the FIll hers,) For, thec11r(e, which lA· cob infliC!ed, Mofes referved; (not for their difperjing, which came through their fa. thersfault :) Scatteredthey were,butfcattendwirhhonour: One having the Officeof Prieft-hood, and teaching men: the other, of Scribes and Schoolc-mafiers, training tip their children all rhe Tribes over. TheApplie41iLet us fee now, if you can findc in the[emm, the men of this day; and, in this 0110 f ' 11 ' Text. fall, theirs 1 and fo for the ptmifoment likewifc. • T•~o they were, thisday: So rh~ number aarees. •And bretbran they were,as neerely allyed. lAndweAponsrhey had both. 4 A~d made ofthe fame merall (ofviolmce) that theirs here. I C•un{dl they tooke, into which Iacob'sJotlle would never have come. 6 And coloured it with f<lfe femblance (Bem!rma) noleffethanthe!e: (One, of di[coveringof (I wot norwh~r) $ecret : the orher, ofnot being from the Sermon in any wi~e : his Sermon, hke rhe1r Cf" c11mcijion.) 7 Did as much as in them lay, roexm1tethm CQMnfeU: offered ro ftn e, offered to binde, lAy hands, grafped, fell to the ground. sAnd, from rhe fame root they came both, from defire ofrevenge. Theirjttry no whit leffe, no leffe erueO• no Ie(feimpl.cable. Thus farre their likeneffc holds. ft; Bur now, in two things, dijlike: r. One,thefeintheTexthadfomeclu~. their Sifier was deflowrcd. Norrhe !call: colour, here. Their fi{ler was hoao;re.; themfelves dealt with but too well. No caufe in rhc world, they. DJ 1 e, 10 this lirfi. . .r. ert~nl z. And then, ifyou come to the iffue,in that,diflikeroo. It wasnormter! eeB. 1 _ Cl~::f indeed (we thanke G o o forrhat, it was not:) Yet they did rhe1r good wJII ( " fonam;) And, it was a judged cafe inPerfia, Voluerunt was enough~ llut,'