Sermon 8. oftheG oWRIE:S . llut, when we come to theViritm, there (I am fure) is great oddes. Ours, ano– ther manner ofVimm, thari.thms,and put llm•orand Stchemboth together. Many a ycareafterthis,thereweremthat Land thtrtte one Kmgs, wh.ereof Hemor (at the mo!t)hadbut one pm: The lea!tofyourthrec Ktn$domes, 1s greaterthanallthe thirty one putto"ether. So, the:eholds no propornonmP"trtlm. . Will yee fee now thepumfhmem: that though handwere;" hand, they werenot nnpunifhed. I.cob's Legacte came on ~urs too: Vnder lacobs cutfe they dted, His c•rJeupon theirJollies, under whtch tlm: foules lye, and fo !hall for evermo~e. And upon theirglory and hopour; for, that I?, gone and loft for ever, and, as thetr (outer; fo theirmmmy acmr{ed. And upon thmThbe or llouJe; for, that IS (catteredasduft before thewind,andcome to nought. .. . . Arid one degree further,wherein ours were diflil{e. Simeonand Levi, for all this lived out their tithe ;flew, but \yere notjlaine. Bur, here this day with thefe, in ll:ead oflnterfecmmt, it was Interfellifrmt. This Simeonand Levi, they lay both deadori. thcfloore, with tHeirweapons ofcruelty in their h~nds, with their wicked counJeO and purpofc in their hearts. Which hearts oftheirs, the weApons of jufl defer~ce went rhorow ; and their coun(eOturned,to their confuflon. . . . And now our Benedifftu JJeU<, to Go": Bldfedbe He for this c.Maledi8U< of l4Cob, forthePatriarch's cnrfe, thatlight upon them and theirs. Arid yet our Male– dic1tiJ roo, to them, theirweapons; their coun(ell, theirfnry, their (oules, and their me.; moriu. And,ftom{11ch bloud-thi.rffie.curfedmen, G o 1:> ever b!effe r ou. Ler nierell you this,forafarewell. Jacob cloth here two things:' Delivers us a Doettment; •and denounceth.4dreadful/ pimi}hrnent. His Document is, Ne veniat ani· m•melt: Hispimifhmentis, Maledifltu and di]Jipabo. And c~oofc, they that will not fay, Ne vewiat with him,he will [ay,Maledifltu,his curfe be upon them. But, as Iaceb .faid, fo we to fay all, all to fay afrer him, Ne veniat bothpafi'ive,and aflive. pafi'ive: Never be their cormJellcaken abour lACeb'sJoule; or his Jgrtfe, that is to us, Iacob,even theFeeder, the Paftor,andStone of Ifrael; never tome his(ou/e,to be the Jubjerl, or matterrreatedof in any fuch counfe!l. Aflive: and neverletanyrrue fubjedsfou/e ~omeinanyfuchcoun.feH; nor ever anygoodchrifliancome in that Chttrch, wherein fuchCounfe/1, or Cou~lelloursare harboured and maintained ; or that hold any do~ Orinethat favours any fuch conJultations, , . But ifany willnotthusfay Iacob's neveniat;wetobefo bold as to fay Iaco~'s M4~ ledt!lsa, to him, hisfonle, his feed, his memoryand all. Let allfuch inherit thecttr{e, r>o~;~~· 1; let it be their legacie. :E:<urgat D&U<,&difi'ipentur inimici, Let 'GoD ari{e,and theft !' Jlu enemies he (cattered; ..Js the {lubble before the wind,and111 the(rmke, let them vanijh an/come tonothmg. Let their lwesbe forrheJword, their names · bepttt out; their{oules for thecttrJe, their horiftspull'dtlownc • a11ddeJilate. SoperijbaB thme eliemies, !udg.f. j~ o VoR ,, &c• . (" .. ~ - , . SERMONS .__ -··- --~- ----J,