• .. Ofthe Gu N-P own E R..-T REAsoN. Ser;;;;;;; The day (we a!J know)was meant to be the day_of all our deaths; a;;;-;-– many were appointedasjheepetothejlaughter; nay,worfe thanfo. Th~re' nd thingdoing on it, ifit had beenedone, we all had beelie undone. And thever/~a~~ daywe(all know) the day, wherein that appointment was difappoinredb Goda e we all faved., tlmwe might notdye b11t live,anddeclare th~praife ofthe Lor"Jthe £::1 ofwhofedomg, that marvellous deedwas; of whofe makmg, rh1s Joyful/day is tha' we celebrate. ' t' l'f.1l.~!~·f· This mercifull and gracious Loa o (faithDavid, P[alme lii.) .) hathfs d H& lharvellotu workes, that they ought to be had, and kept in rememhance, Ofke~/"e in remembrance, many waycs therebe: Among rherell:, this is one, ofmaking da;:f. fer folemne Dayes to prefcrve memorab\e Acrs, that they bee not eaten out, b' them, but ever rev1ved, With the returne oftheYeare, and kept frill frdh in comin! E<od.u. 3,&c, all memorie. Go oHj_mfelfe.raught u~thisway. ~n remembrance ofthegrea; d'elivery frQm thedeflroytPJg Ange/J, He _h1mfelfe ordamed the day ofthe Paffe·over y_earcly to be k:pt. T_hepht~rcb, b,y H1m taught, tookethe~ame way. Inremem.' !lficr ~·•6. branceofthe dtfappomurrg of Hamans blottdy lots, they hkewlfe appointed the dayes ofPurim, ycarely to bd~pt. Tl\e)ike memorable mercie dicllie v.ouchfafe us: The d1fr~yer p~ffed over o~rdwellings, this day.: ~t is our Paf{e-over. Haman, andhis. Fellowes had fet rhedmon us, and we by th1s tune had beene all \n peeces :It is our Ptlrimday. - We have thereforewell done and upon good warrant, to tread in the fame lleps' a?d by law to provide, that this Day fhould not dye, rior thethemoriallthe\eofpe~. nlh, from out fdves or from our feed; but be confc€rated tgp.crpetuallmemorie, by a yearely acknowledgcment tofbemade of it throughout all generations. In ac– complilhmenr of which order, we are all now herein the prefenceof Gon, on this day, that hefirll:, by His Act ofdoing, hath made; and wefecondly,by our act of decreeing, have madebefore Him, His holy Angels, and men, to confelfe thisHis goodndfe, anp our [elves eternally bound to Him f9r ir. A.nil,_bcin'g to confelfeir, with what words ofScripture can we better .or fitter doe ir, than thofewe haveread out ofthisPfalme r Sure, I could thinke ofnone.fitrer, bur even rhus to !ay, ADO: ,minofallum, &c. r TheDivifiow: The treatie whereofmay well be comprifedi!l threepoints: I. 'TheDeedorJo~ I. ing: z. The D•y, and 3· The Dutie. The Deed, in thefe :'Thi; is the Lords,/!c.' II. TheDay, in thefe :Thi; i< the day, &c. TheDutie,in the reft: Letm, &c. The other I I I. two reduced to theDay, which is the cenrer ofboth. Thediing is the ca~fc; The Duty is theconfequent : from theday groweth thedttty. , , ,. 1'o proceed orderly,we are to begin with theday. For though (inplace)it,l!en4 after thedeed; yet to us, itis lid~ : our knowledge is a pojleriori•.The eifccr cyerfir!!, whereitisthegroundoftherell:. Ofthe daythenlirll:. , ' .. · _ , That fuch d4yesthere be, and how they come to be fuch. z. Thcnofth.edo·.. ing, that maketh them: wherein • that this of Davids was; and •thatours 1s no lelfe, rather more. 3· Thenofthe d11t7, how to doe it; by rejoyci11g, and bemggltd, John !~·"· for [o,gaudium eritplenHm, rhefe two make it full : How to take order, that we may long and often doe it, by faying our Hofanua, and Bmedic1us; for,gaudtttm noftmw,. nemo toilet a nobi5,thofewill make, that 011r joy nomanJba!ttakefiwn_ ll!~