~ -- . Sennonr. ofthe GuN~POWDER-TREASON. TH1 s uthed•y:Thii?Why,arenot all dayesmade by Himds there anydaya 1. not made byHim~ Whyrhen faywe,Timu thedaythe Lurdhathmade? Di- ';fth•'D•J· videthe daycsmronat11rallandcwtll; thenaturdll, Come are clee;eand fome ~:,~ ~:~" artcluudy . thecivil!, fome are tuckie dayes,and fume dt(mall. Be they fatreor foule, . glad or [;d; (~s the Poet calleth him) theGreatDie(piter, theFatherofdaycs hath made them both. How fay wee then offomeone day,abovehisfellow, This is the day, &c. No difference at all,in thed.<yes, or in the moneths thcmfelves : by natutc, they nreallone. No more inNwember, than another muneth: nor in thefifth, than in the jfmmh. All is, in Go o's makine;. For, as in the Creati?n, we fee, a11 arc the wiTkes, and yet, a plaine difference berweene them for all char, m the manner ofmakiog : Some made1;1' Sit, La there belight,afirmament, drie L•nd; Some, with FA- Gen~1• , 4 ,,a,. riamtts with more adoc,greater forecafi,and framing,as man, that IIJajler-peeceofHis _,.~' 1 m1tes,ofwhom therefore inadifferent fenfe,it may be faid:Thi.- u the Creat~trt which Go o bath made(fuppofe, .[teramornxceUent mam~er.) In the very fame ·manner, it!s with dayes; All are His making, all equal! in that; bur, that lcrwh nor, bur He maybe!towafpeciaiiFaciamus upon fome one day more than other; and forhat, day, by fpeclall prerogative,faidTu 6e indeed aday, that Godbath nzade. . Now, for Go o's making, itfareth with dayes as itdorh withyeares. Some yme(faith the Pfalme) Go o cruwneth with Hi;goudnejfe, makerh it more feafona- Pf•l. Gf.ul ble, healthfull, fruitfull, than other. And fo for dayes; Go o leavcth amore fen- · · fible impreffion of His favour, upon fome one, more than many bdides, by doing upon it fame marvelioM worlce. And, fuch a day on which Go o vouchfafcrhfome fpeciall f~[/um d/, Come great and publike benefit; notable for the timeprefenr,me– morableforrhe rime to come, in that cafe, of that Day (as if Go o had faid Facia– mmdiemhunc, lhewed fome workeman-lhip, done fomefpeciallcofionit)itmay with an accent, wirh an tmphajis bee faid, Thi; verity i; 11 day which Go o bAth 11Mde,incomparifon ofwhich, the reil: areas ifthey werenor~ or at leafi were not of Hi; making. . · As for hlaclc and elifinaltdayes, dayes of forrow and fadd accidents; they are and maybe counted (faith lob) forno dayes : Nights rather, as having thejhadow of death Iob 3 .JS, upon them; or, ifdayes, fuchas his were, whichSathanhadmarr'd, than whichGud had mait. And for commonand ordinarie dayes, wherein as there is noharme,{onot any notableguud, we rather fay,they are gone forth from God,in the courfe ofnature (as it were withajiat, thcnrnadeby Him; fpecially,with afMiam~ts. So, evil!dayes nodayes, or dayesmarr'd: andcummundayes, dayes; but no madul4yes: Ondy thofe 111ade, tha~crownedwith fume extraordinary great Favo11r, and thereby get a dignity, &exalrauon above therell::exempted our ofthe ordinary courfe ofthe Calendarw'" an Hie eft. Such,in r?e L111v, was theDay in rbe Pajfe.over, made hy Gud, the head llxod.tut' ofrhe yeare. Such_, mtheGufpdl, of CH R r s T's Refurrel1ien, madebyGod, Dies · Dummtctu; and to tt, doe all the Fathers apply this verfe. And we had this day,our Pajfe.o~er, and we bad :1 Refurrec1iunor"'"f"'"•l, aslfaachad. Bur, I forbeare to go H<b.' '•' ; ; funher~n rhegenerall. By this that hath beene faid, wemayfee, there be dayes of wh rch ttmaybefafdyfaid, Thu i;theday,&c. and in whatfenfe irmaybefaid. Such there be then; thatthisofours, one ofthem; that ifit be, we' may [o hold ir, ~nddoetheduties that pertainetoir. I i i i ~