Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

892rf the Gu N.-P 0 w D Jt R:-T R EA s 0 N. s;;:;;;--0 ----------------- nr. - ----------.:: 11. TJ~Wids day Wlsfuch. . . . . . Davids dayhere, was ohec~rtainely, dit1~11te Spi~it~; and.they, that arelike. , to be holden for fuch: fo that, tf ours be as thts was, it IS cenamly dies~ n., fi flit, Now then (to take our rule from the formerverfe) Facl.tmDominifacit diernri "~· ni. It is Go n's deed, that maketh it Go I?'s day : and, thegreaterrhell~e/m~ more Gon'sday. Theremu!lbe fir!l,Faflt~meff, fomedbing: andfecondit . mu(l be a Domino, !fe thedoer: and thitdly, thatfomewhat mu(l be fomewhat y, 11 vcUo/IJ: and foutthly,not, initfelfe,fol but,in oureyeJ. Thefefouregoet~~;: thcfe foure make any day; aday of Gods making. Lerus fee then thefefoure: Fira' in Duvids here, and then in our owne; and ifwe finde them all, boldly pronounce' Thuistheday,&c. ' Firft, the[af1111J>ejl, inDavids; what wasdone, fet downe at large in the fore: In ;ttherc was part ofthePfalme. It was addwerance: allthe Pf•/menmneth on nothing elfe. Eve. >AF'aC/Hmtfi, ry Jelwaance 1sfrom adanger;and,by the danger,wetake ineafure ofthedtliver•nu "' deimrance. The greater that, the greater the Delivery from it: and the greaterthe delivery th~ gre.atertheday, a?d the morelikely to be of.Go n's ownemanufaElure. His d;nger From dang<r. firll:: what fhoula have beene done. He was ma great dtll:relfe. Three feveralltimes Vcrfe, 10 • with great paffion, he repeates ir,.rhat hu Enemies 'came ahout him; • oompA[{td hi;, .':: ro1md; l compajfed and kept htm m on every fide: were, no fwarmeofbmfothicke: Vcrfc 13, That they gave a terrible lift or thru.ft at him, to overthrow him; and very ncereit they were. Andatlafl:,asifhewere newly crept outofhis grave,outofrhevery jawes ofdeath and defpaire,he breakesfonh and faith,Jw,u very neere my death;neere Verre 1 1· . 4 it I was, but non mori~r,dit I willnot now, for this time, h11t livealittlelongertode· clarethe wor!woftheLord. This, was his danger: and, a fhrewdone(it fecmeth)it. was. From this danger, he was delivered. This, the fa8mn eji. 2 A DomitJQ, BvG 0 D,not by man. Vcrfc3, 9· . Bur, man might doe all this; and fo it be mans day, for any thing is faid yet: Though it weregreat, it maketh it not G~ds, unlelfe God,God(I fay) and not m•n,but G o n Himfelfe were the doer ofit: and, ifHe theDoer, He denominatestheD•J· This then was not any mans, not any Princes doing, but Go n's alone, His might, His mercy, that brought it topalfe : Not anyarmeofflejh, but Go n's might; not of anymerit ofHis, but ofhis ownemeeremercy. This was done by His might : Thrice he rels us ofit; It wMtheright hand ofthe Lord, that hroughtthis mighty thing top4j]i. Verfe >r, This was done by His mercy; His ever-enduring mercie : fouretimes betelsus, It • 6 · was that, did it. With that he begins, and makes it the keyofthefong. Then, as we Ve~fe '•>,J+ have[aflmneft, {owe haveA Domino : Thedmlandthe doer both. 3 Et mirabile, :md m:nvd. )ous ic WJS', • Zcch.-t·to. 4 J;J oeutit HO· OriJ)cvcnin our eyes. Go n's doings are many, and not all ofone fize. The Prophet •ZaGhary fpea: kerb ofaday offmallthings ;and, even in thofefmall, mull: we learn~ to fee God, or we fhall never fee Him in greater. Yet, fo dimme is our fight, that unleffe they be great, commonly we fee Him not: n;~y, unlelfe it bee great ufqr~e Ad mimulum, fa great, that marve!lor~swirhall, we count it not worth aday, nor worthyGod: unleffe it be fuch. But, if it be fuch, then iris Gods, ~i facit mirahili•JDlUf,Wh~MlJ works greAt marvells: thenl man isfhutout; and Gcd's mull: theDaybe. ADommofatlum, &mirabile. ' And yet this is pot enough. The truth is, all that Goddoth, al!Hisworkuat wonder[t~fl,. Magna, fed ideo parva qr~ia ujitata. Great, 111 o11ders,all: but,not wonderfu ' feeme f mall to us,becaufe they be r~fr.a!J : His miradesare no morenMrve!loUf, thd. His ordinarie works,but that,we fee the one daily,arid the other,not.Therefore he a deth [Ino11reyes] fora full period : Hisdoings, all marve!lor~r inthemfelves; butjnot. marvellous, in or;r eyes, unlelfe they be rare, and the like not feene before : Btt~lcnJ they be; andthen~e fay, Digitm Dei eft; It is thejngerof q~d; nay,therrg# a:/.