Sermon t. Ofthe GuN-POWDER-TREASON. tfGod, char brought thi! mighty thing topajft. Then we giverheday for GodJ, with– ut moreadoe. Nowthen, we have all that goerh to 1t: 1 ADelwerance wrought· ~wrought, by cod; ; a wondtrfull deliverance; 4 and that, even in sur eyes. The[~ make 1Javids day, aday ofGods maktng. Willthefe befoundinon~s, at1d then ours !hall be fo too~ They will,~ll ofrhem ?u:;;.naywl• cettainly; and that, man h1gher degree, magreater meafure; match1Javtds day,and overmarch it 10 all. 1. Weweredelzvered,_and from adanger, that IS cleere. How Thefc fourein great~ (for, chat makes the oddes.) Boldly, I dareCay, fromagreaterthan Davids. ;;:;~., r/1. Thus I01ew lt, andgoe no furtl1er than the Pfalmelt fclfe. 'A dctivmnre · 1. Davi~calledupon ~oDin his danger; heknewofit, therefore. We did ~0;';.~,;;;:-;:: nor: weunagmcdnofuch thmg; butthatall had been fafe, :md we m1g_ht have gone ,f,. · 10 rheParliament, as fecure as ever. Thedanger never dreamt of, chat 1S thedanger. z. His was, by comp4Jfingandhemming in; char is, &bovegroHnd,and may be clef– cried from a watch-tower. Ours was byundermining,diggingdeepunderground;that none could difcero~. 3· One cant1ot be bdet, but he may have hope to breakethrough,at fame part.' But here, from this, no way, no meanes, no poffibility of efcaping. Thed<nger not eo be defcried, notto be efcaped, that is rhe danger. 4· His wereafwarme efbees(Hecallerh them fo :) they,huzze and make anoife Verfe u: when they come. Ours, a brood ofvipers, mordentes in filmtio ;Jiilt, not fo much as ahiffi, till the deadly blow had beenegiven. . . . , 5. His was but ofhimfelfealone; Co he faith,I vus introubte,They came about me, Verre "·'l' kept me in, thruftfore at me: But onepcrfon, Davids alone. Ours ofa farregreater extent; David, and his three Efl:ates with him. Now, though Davidhimfelfe were valued by them at tmthor{andofthemfelvcs (and not over-valued neither; for he is •Satri.1&,J: worth more ; and all Kings like him, no lelfe worrh:)yet he and rhey too,mufl: needs be more, then He alone. Not onelyKing D.widhadgone, bur f<r!_eene EHhertoo.: and nor one!y they, but Salomon the young Prince;and Nathan hisbrother. Norrhe[e were nor all. The Scriptures recounr, Davidhad Jehofaphat forhi~Chancdlor, Ado. >Sam.:o.••: rmnhis Treafurer, Scraja hisSecretarie,Sadoc andAbiathar, and rwentynvo more,rhe... cbiefeofthe Priejls,Admohisiudgc,IoabhisGenerall; all had gone :.Hisfcrtyeigkt •Sam.•J· Worthiu or Nobtu, all they too. The Principal! ofall the Tribes in the kingdome: all they too; and many more than rhe[e; no manknowcrh how many. It is out of quellion, it had exceeded this of Davids here. . . 6. One mote. His danger (heconfelferh) was frommAn: Hegoeth no further; ! rv!llnotfeare ivh~t m~n doth unto me: This of ours was n?t : meercly mans, I deny verre &; u; ltwasthedevtl/ htmfdfe. The mfl:rumems(not ash1s, ajrvarmec(Bees, bur)a fwarme ofLomfls,DIIt oftheinfernatlpit. Not mm; No not Heathen mm: Their Apoc. 9 . 3 ; Stsries; nay, their Tr4gedies can ihew none neere it. Their Poets could never fain~ any foprodigioufly impioH<. Nor men ; No, norfav&ge wilde men :the Hr1tmes,theHemli, theTrwcilingi, noted for inhumanity, never fo inhumane: Even amon<> thofe barbarous people,this fact would be accountedbarbarous. Howthen~ Beajls~There were at Epkafm,be4fsinJbape of~"~; and :;, 1!m,, bmtif/mejfeis theworfl:,Philofophie r Cor,t5·l'; r,ould 1magme ofour nature. Th1s.1s more thanbmti{h; What Tiger, though never fo mraged, would have made the hke havock ~ Then,ifthe like,neirher in.the narure ofmen, nor heajlstobe found (it is f? unnatural!;) we mull not looke to parteroe it upon earth, wemufl: tohell; thencelt wascertamly, even from thedevitt, He wasa . murderer from the hegin~ing, and will bee fd to theending.Ineveryfinofbloud, Iohns.H; he harhaclaw, bur, all h1sclarvu, mfuch an one as this: wherein fo much bloud,as v.:ould have made it raine btoud; Co many baskets ofheads, Co many peeces ofrent hod!es cafi up and downe,and fcatteredall overrheface ofthe earth. Neverfueh a day; allzoels fignes of a fea~efutl~ay,btoud? and jire and thevaportr offmoake. As he_ is a Iocl •-lo: 11Jt<rthercr;fo wefee(mMarKe) by hts rant•!'g andtming the poorepo{feJfedch;lde, Mar. g••,, !iii 3 he ..