Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• 894 Ofthe Gu N,P OWD Jj. R,T RE As 0 N. s;;;;;;;;z ExoJ .. •• . heiscrttdl; and inthis, all his cruelties 010uld have mettogerh~ N'"h·'· .~. rod's killing .innocent and harmelef!e children; ycr, they fpared the Moth,,',.a~ ~~cruelty, fmmngmother, childrenand all: Nebt~zar.d•n's nor fparina theKing (.h's Lords: HMJMrls not fparing Hejler, nor her Ladies: Edam's cru~lty notfpl;nor 15 rr.,J. 'l7 .7. SanCI11arie northc wals, downe with them to theground: His owne fmitingrh~}, the lob •.• s,, 9 . cormrsand bringing downe the houfe upon the heads ofIobschildren. Purroll~ur~ L"~· '·9·' o. cmelties, in Iaemie'sL.umntations,the not honorerin~ thefaces ofNobles,Priejls 1 drhe Imm.Ja.• r. the making fo many wido!Vcs and orphanes; the voice inRamaofRachd comf~r~l~~;; Cruclue, rpore cruell to them, lt fpared and left behmd, then to thofe it tookaw It yrk~th me ro ll:and repeating thcfe; That ever age, or land, but tha~ our age :yd this land 010uld foll:cr or breed fuch monll:ers ! ' n That you may knowit for that perfcetly, confider but the wickedneffe ofir,asir were in fullopf?olinon to Go n, and you mull: needs fay,ircould not be His doing: Gen.18. , 3 , Go D for6td (la1rh Ahraham) thottjhouldejl dejlroy the rtghteous wtth tiJC wicked, Kill _ 'f· not D4mandyoungones both (farth<MofesmtheLaw.) You Jhallnut-t~ttchmine vfn ~Gf.d;~~.~·~. nointed(faith Go o in the Pfalmes.) Youjball notptdlup thegeodcorm, r.thtrletth~ 1bc.'J.'9· tares.fland(faith Cn ~ I 'T in the Gofpell) You fhaU not dete'1.11Uthatgood may come Roru. 3 ,s. oftt (farrh l'attlmhts Epiflles.) Bur, here IS Satan flat contrary, mdefpireot Law Prophets, P[•lme, EpijlleandGojje/1: Hoc eft Chriflum c11~n Pattlo conculcare, to rhro 1; downeAhraham,andMofes,andDavid,andPau!,and C n 1\ Is T, and Gon,and all, and trample upon them all. . n,n 9 ., 7 • Onemore yet: that this a~ominatio11ofdefolation(fo cal!ethDanid · focalleth our M"·'4·';• Saviottr,the uttermoll: extremity ofall rhat bad is:fo may we this trlll/)r'nar thisabomination ofd<{olation tooke up l1is jlatiding in theholy place, • · r. Anabomination: {o it is; abhorred of all llelh, hated and detefied ofall, that but hcare ir named: yea, they themfelves fay, they 010uld have abhorred it, ifit had taken eftett. It is an abo11Jinaticn. 2 Every4hominationdoth not forthwith makedefolAte. This had. lfeveradefo~ late kingdome upon earth, !itch had this becne,afrer thatterrible blow. Ncirhcrml nor 6ral9ch !eft, all fwept away: Strangers called in; murtherers exalted; thevery dijfol11tion and defolation ofall enfued. 3. Bm this, that this fo abomit~able and de(o!atcry a plot, fiood in theholyplace;!nis is the pitch ofall. For, thereir ll:ood, and thence it came abroad. Vnderrakcn with an holy oath; bound with theholy Sacrament (that mull: needs bein aholyplACe;) war· ranted for a holy ac1, rending to the advancement ofaholy religion,andby holy per{1m called by a moll: holy name, rhename ofIe{u.r. That thefe holy religiom per(ons,mn the chiifeofall religiou.rperfons(the Iefl•ites) gave not onely abfolutio,, bur refolu· tion, that all this w:.s well done; that it was by them j~eflified as lawfull,Janc1ifedas meritorious, and lhould have bin glorified (but it wantsglorifying, becaufo rheevenc failed, that is the griefe; ifit had notglorified) long yer this, and cAnomzed,as a very good& holy aet,and we had had orations our of.theConclave in commendation ofir. (Now I think,welhall heare no more of it.) Thefegood Fathers they were Dav:ls 6ees here, came hither, only to bringushony, right hony they; nottoftingany body: v"r' ,.; or (as in the XXII. verfe)they (as builders) came into the bnd, only foredifcatton; nor topt~ll downe,orto dell:roy any thing. We fee their praetife, they begun wnh r~· jelling this Stone, as one that favll<md Heretikes atleall:, and therefore excommund care, and therefore depofed, and therefore expofed, roany tharcould handle a fr• 1 well,to make amineto blow him up;Him,and all his Ejlateswith himroatren~hrm.: (The corner Stmebeing gone,the waHs mull: needs follow.) Bur rhen,rhrs /b~mmg lt (fuchanabomination)ferting it in theholy place, fo ougly and odr?us; makmgfu~ a treafon as this areligiom,mi({afl,facramentaU trea{on; hallowing rt wtth ori[on,oat ' anrl EHrharifl; this paffeth all the rell:. Il:1y no more, bur as our SA v I ou~ con: N'"'•·' r. cludcrh,when you fee fuch an abomination fo ~anding,qt~i legit intelligat; nayfiquj~£ du. Go n fend them, that (nor rt4de ofit, bur)fee ir, and had !tke to have mer ir, to lcarne that, they ihould,by it: and fo llcaveir.. :fdl