Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon I· Ofthe GuN~POWDER-TREASON. Tell me now, ifthis were not f!i> ~oing, and ifitlhould not have beerie aday of His making, theDevtlrownemakmg · . This thould have beene done; this,thedanger: what was done Th1s,thefaCi'tlm {ttilfet; what thefac7um ejl? All thefe were undone,apd blo~ven over; all tbeunder– rninin<> d 1fappomtcd;a)l this murdet,andcruelty,an<:J,dcfolanon defeated. Themzne isdi!c~vered, the fna;:e is brokea and.rve are delivered. All thefe, the King, ~eene, Prince Nobles, Bijhops, lttdges, both Houfes alwe, all : not a hatrt ofany of thm heads D"'·lo'7; perijhcd; notfomuch as thefmell offire on any theirgarments. Give thankesJI{rael, Pf•l.6S..6. rmto the Lordthy Godm the congregatton,ftom the bottome ofthe heart; here u lmle Bm- >7, jamin,thy Ruler, the Princcsoflllda, &<". rhatthcy are here and we fee them here,and '',&c; that rheStone thefeBuilders refufed, is flill the Head-Jione ofthe corner. That, !hould have beene done ;this, was done: and we all, that archcrcthis day, are wime!fcs of it; Wicndfcs aboveall exception of this fac111m eft· But by whom, whofedoing? Truely, not mans doing this; it was the Lords. A , A Domin•·. D•mone fac1t<m eft iflud, orfic1um eH iflttd. It was the Devils doing, or devtjing(the plot:) A DominofaEium ejlhoc, This was Godsdoing(thedeliverance.) Theblow was the Devils: Thewardwas Gods. Not man, but thedevil!, devifcdit: Not m.n, but Goddefeated it. He, thatfat in heavew all this while, and from thencelooked downe and fawall this doing ofthedevif/and hislims, in that mercy ofHe;, which isoverafl hisworkes, to fave the etfufion of [o much bloud, to preferve the foules of fo many innocents, to k~epethisLand from fo foule a confufion, to thew frill fome token, fome fenfi6le token ttporH/6 {orgood,that they which hate tts "'''Yfee it, andhe ajbd. Pfal,86., 7 ; , rned; but cfpecially, that that, was fo lately united, might not fo foone be d;tfolved; Hetookethe matter into his owne hand. And,ifever Godfl1ewed,that He hadahook in the Le·viatbans nofe; th~t theDevil!cangoe no furrherthi1n his chame: ifever,that there is inHimmore power to helpe, than inSaihanto hurt; in d1is, he did it. And, as the devils clawes to be feene in the tbrmer; fo Gods right-hand, in;his mighty thing (He brought to pafie) and all the fingers ofit. x. To !hew it was He. He held hispeace and keptfilence, fat frill, and let it go on; till it came neere, even to the very period, to thedJy ofthe lot; !ol)eere, that wee may truly fay (withKing David) M tbe Lordliveth, Vno W1tum gradu, nos mor{qtte 'S:un .o.1~ dividim11r, there was but afrep betweene death and us. We were upon the point of going rothehiU, all was prepared, thetraine, thematch, the fire,woodand all,and we Gen.u.7. – ready to bethefacrifice, and even then and there, In monte providebat Dominsu, Gdd vcrfe8, providedfor o11r fafety, even in that very place, where we !hould have beene thehurnt offering; fromh.eaven,ftayedthe blow. It was the Lord's doing. > When treacheryhath his cottr{e like water, and creepes along like a fnaile (it is Pfal.sB.s_, thefiftieeight Pfalme) then, to makeitlike the:mtimely birth ofawoman, nevertofee thefunnc(nor,as in this, arferunt Jicllt ignis i»JJinis, was but ablaze, M in abrifh of vcrrc 9, thornes: (nay, ifit come fo farrc, it had gone wrong with us :)bur, as in tbat,priuf quam intefligerentJPintt, or ever the thornes gateheate, or thepowder, fire;) rhen,[aith he there, dicit homo, v_tique eft Deus,Mcn !hall fay, verily, there isaGod,and this was V<r.u: H1s doing. . 3· And not only,thatitwas bewrayed, butthat he made them the bcwrayersof Hthemfelves; and even according to the place (Eccl.xo .) made thi11gs withfia- Ecclcf.>o.Io; the~s todilclofe it: When(asinPfalme 64.) their owne tongues (or, which is all one, tbttr owne pennes) make thm; tofall: all that confider ir, !hall be artL1zed; and rhen Pfal.6t,~. all menlhall fay, Thi,> hath Goddone; for they ]hall perceive itplaine, it is Hi; wurke. They!hall be charged,in c-/Jnfijiion, they fl1all fweare, they !h.dl take the Sacrament not to doeir, and yet; contrary ro all this,it !hall come out by themfclves. Was not this Gods doing? · 4 Yctturther,to !hew it wasfo: This which was written was fo written,as diverfe ofprofound wifdome,knew not whatto make ofit. But rhen commethGodagaine (Godmofi certainly) and (as in the Prov•.x 6 1 • .r ?:) puts PCIP•a very·di'llination, a very Pr~v;•~-!~; 111 4 ~rl)&fe,