• 896 OftheGuN,POWDE~ 0 n1, oracle, in the Kings lips, andbis mouth miffed nor rhematter~ the.revealer offecrers, to read the riddle: ~iving him .wifdome to makeb~:~~[eph, canon, what they would doe; and apphcanon, where tt was they would do• · j'~~was Go n certainly. This, Pharaoh would fay, none could, unldfe he,~ rt•. ,;;/ds Gcn.• qs. withtheSpiritoftheholy Go n. IrwasADominofac1um. ereJ'. e 5 Lallly,asrhat, when it was come forth rhey were nor reclaimed. not h . when they faw,rhehand of Go n was gone our againfl:them, and rhacit wast en, Go n_, they f/rave with~!!: no, bur ~ven then, from hidden treachery, feU to ~v~n rebcllwn, and even penlhed rn rr (rf Go n !hewed not a mir.cle ofHis,., Pn them) perilhed there, and peria1ed eternally: as this I fay did (that it wasfa~yo~ D£monc, wh? never lefcrhem~ till he had brough: them thither:) So,that(b:f~r: they came thrthcr) Godca(l therr owncpowder rn therrfaces,pouderedthem and d'sfi gured them with it; and that their quarters !land now in peeces, as they meam· ~u •· Pfat.o9.17• ll10uld: Iris the cafe ofrheCIX.Pfal!IJe, Andhmhy fhallthey know,th 4 titis thy han~~ and tb~tt tho11 Lordhafldone tt,How~ rnrhat, they are thus clotbtd withtheirgw , 9. fhame, and even coveredwith their owne confufion; that they fall as fJl! as they rife. a~; fl:ill cQnformded, and fl:ill thyfervants rejoyc~. Thefe five (as prints) fhew,it was Gods pr,t.,.. 13 • hand: It was the LorJ, that made theday; lt was theday, that theLordmade. Beth•• ex~lted Lordintltine orvnef/rength: It was thy right hand, that brought thismighty ~ro~ . . 3Ete!lmirabilt Dcut..f.p . Ier.1..10. Luke f.~6. M1r.~.Js, Mat·9·ll· This will n?tferve the t.urne. His doing makes it not theD•y; His doing am;,.; cle, that makesu: and, that rr rs too. I take no thought, to prove this point: by the Larv,the Prophets, the Go(pdl. To put them to it; 011ofes: enquirr now Qf thedayes, that arcpafl, that were before rrs, flnce the day that Godcreated mantlpon earth,and.tskc from 011e end if bettven to the other, ifthere came top4J!e[r1cb a thing a; thiJ, whether any frechlike thing have beenebeard; and, ifwe cannot fuit it, or fer !uchanother by it,we mu(l needs yeeldir, for one. Byrhe PYDphets: Goetotheifiesandbehold,[<ndto Kedar aNdtake diligent heed, andfee ifyou canpojfih!y findethclike: ifnor, confdfe it for mervailous. Come hitber(faith David) and behold, bow marvellot1s God is! and what isthat~ that fuch, as are rebeUiorts, are not able toexalt themfelvu. We need nor goe fo farre, we have it hereto lee; Wemay fay to him, Come hither. By the Goj}ell: for, fo doe they (there)ackttowledge our Saviours for miracles: s,,,, we have {eeneflrangc things today: Wenever{aw it on thisfoj/Jion: The like was ne· ver feenein l[rMt: therefore mervailo11s certainly. It is now no miracle, noj/tange thing, to have aKing delivered: every other yearc, we fee ir, and therefore wonder not, at it. Bur, to fee King, ~eenc,theirfeed,all their epates delivered, that ismi. rabile, that is anew thing createdon theeartb. I conclude: as, that wasthe Devtifdo– ing, and wasmonflrous in our eyes; fo, this is Gods doing, and it is mervailousin our eyes. And againe,.upon all thefe markes,that, as this was aday,thedevil/would have marred5 fo, this is aday, that theLordmade. ;,rn "•lit no' Mervailotts then it is: yet, hath it Mt (as we fay) his {r1ll Chrijlendome, unlcffeit flriJ,i"'"' befo in our eyes. Forthe time, it was 5 and that (of the P{dlme) firs us well, Wbm ~~[.~; uG.t. God(faithBe) trlrneda.vay thecaptivity (fay we, the de.Jimc1ion) ofhtiJt6ple,thmwere we like tothem that dre4me. Noman,but fioodin amaze,asifheknew nor wd!,whr;~ ther he faw it waking, or dreamt ofit, it was fofl:range. . . , lntheeycs of And let me goefurrher. Not, inurmonely; for(fure lam)that whrchfol· mhm. loweth there, is true (Then raid the'J, inter Gentes) of other natiom; The .Lord hath 11C:,I. us,,. J ~ h h Ec do11egreat thingsfor them: arid we arc to blame, ifwe anfwer them not, wrt t. e • V«fe 3• cbotherefollowing, Yea indeed, tkeLo:d bath donegreat thingsfo;IH ;[orwhzch~: have w1e to reJoyce. Iffl:rangers thmke It fl:range, and fay, and wnre, A(eculo mau trtm, The like was neverheard before: ifit weremarveUo11s in therr eyes, lt were very. mervailom, it lhould not be fo,in o11r eyes tco. • ~~~~~,"'1 Iadde, they thatwereth~ 4ii'cr~ ofir, intbe~reyes,i~ is [o; and thatofthe.A74