Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon i. Pie may tidy be applied to them. Beho!d,ye defpifers 1 andwonder, a1u/.vapijh for God Mlstl .j;, hdlh wr 011 ght aWorke inyour dayes, aworke which yo~ yo11r[elves that werethe d~e;s, {h~ti Jcarccbe!eeve,whenit jha/1 bctotd: that evena!tomfl1ed themfelves, to fee it go forward fo long, and fofuddenly ~all: downe. Nay, I goefmther, to make it amirac!~ confummate. I doubt not,but It was fl:rangc newes,even mHeN It felfe,iofomuchas even that place had never hatched the ltkemonfrer btfore.You fee the welcome they in Hell <>ave him of Aj{ur ( E(ay XIII!.) what art tho~come, that ,,akefltheearth to nc, 111 . 1 t,;; tremble;~11ddoeffjb!lke whole kingdom~s? And yet it is well knowne,all bisjhakingwas - · but ina mc.lliphore: He ttjhake atiually, as thefe would have dooe: and therefore, this ofgreater admtranon, and (I doubt not, but) more w~nderfi•llm their rycJ ~ Andours are very dimme, ifinall other it be; and lie not fo ineuts. · Then iffuchdayes there be; ifthis ofours be one <!f them, ifthe f~re,part ofthli I 1I;' verfedoe; then mull: thelatteralfo belong tO us. Iftlus, theday, the L,ordhath; TlttDNi): then, this, theday, wherein we to rejoyce: WhenHe makes, we tomake; and our re-. - joycingin it, is our makingofit. . _ To rejoyce, no hard re.quefr, norheavie yoke, let it not be grievous to us. We love to doe it, we feek allmeanes to doe it in all cafes elfe: then to affay to do it here. .This (fure) the Prophet would not require, nor make it the office ofthe day,but that ·'/ uponfuchdayes,God himfelfe calsustojoy. , . And even as, whenGod calleth ustor:rtoutning, by hlacked•yes, offamine ot ivarre, or the like; then to fall rofe.ylingor. revelling, is that that highly difplea. feth GoD: fo, whenGod, by good day~s, calleth us to joy ;thent<,> droope, and not to accommodate our felves tei feafons ofHis fending, is that which pleafes Him neyera whit. , . . . . . .. , . .. . . . . What~ (faithNehemiM, uponfucha bleifed day as this)Droopeyou to d~y r No~ Nehrm. R.j; lite, at no hand to doe it; Dies enimfeflm eft, it is a fefliva./1 day : wl)at then~ why it . 10 ' iseffentiall,itisoft~every~ature of~very ~eafl (faithGod in His iaw)omni~~ga_uf!e- ~~:· •;-;;:. re, by any meanes, •n anywtfe, therem to reJoY,cel 1'\nqNehemtas promtfeJS to m- · ' · --' courage us, that iftheftrength ofthe Lorit be our joy,the very joy oftheLtird_{hall be our jlrength. . .. . Toco~clude: Sure I am, that if thepfot h_ad prevailed, it would have beenean htgh Feafr mGath, and aday ofIukilee in Ajc;,lonl The dat~ghters if the uncqmmcifed •Sam:t.oo: would have made it aday in triumph. Let us not be behi[lde rh_em then, but}hew as " much joy, for ourfaving, as they would certainly have don'; for ourperifoing. , Exultemru & 1-ttemur. God loveth our joy fl10uld be full! it is not full, excep~ .txutttmru :lhd we have both rhefe,thehedy (asirwere)and the Joule of joy: the joy outwArdo(rhe L~t<murb9<n, bedy, andgladnej{e inwardofthe fort/e. (So.m.uch qoe the tw,o words fignifie, in a\1 the three tongues.) Both he will have: for,ifone be wanting, it isbutfemiplennm, halfe full. . . And he beginneth withExrlltemm,theoutward: Not,ro our [elves wirhiri,which Exu!wruai wecallg4udere infint~, Jgy ofthe hofome; but fuch, fo exuberant, as the fireames ofit ~heoucwar<! may overflow, and the beames ofit lhineand /hew forth,in ~noutward fenfible txul- J•Y: !"'ien. It is aday: [o would he have usrejDyce,that,as by day light,it inlght fie fecne m our face, habir,·and gefrure : Scene, and heard both : Therefore hee faith ~atthe I 5.ver[e,) thevoiceofjiJ r'>inthedwellings oftherighteotu. AndinthCd.velling Vcir011 ; lt l)oth well: But yet, that would not ferve hi~ turoe; but, open me(faith he at the XIX. ver[~.) thtg4tes ~f righteoufnejfe, that is, the ChHrch-dom (his houfe would vicJ• ; 9 ; nor hold hlm)thttherwi!JI goein, and there, in the congregation, in the great Con.- · gregattin, grverhankes to the Lord: And that [ogreat Mongr~ation,that it may confli- :uere dum folemzemincondenfis t'.{q11e ad Cornt~aaltaris, that they may frao,d fo thlCke lO t;he Chu~ch,as fill it from the emrie ofthedoore, to the very edge ofthey1/tar, 'fh1s fameJOJ•. ~hat is neither [eene nor heard, there is fome!eve~ of"'alignity in it; he ~:ll!not skill of ~t~ He will have itfeene in thecomitenancr, heard in' thevoice;not o~ly · preachtng