Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• 898 o~'tbeGuN ... POWD&R... TRBA.S01 N~ S-;;---...... 'J ermon 1 Lllttmur,the inward joy. ffal. tf.,, .!'f>l.tS;H, P!ai.~!.>G. PfaJ,,,,l.,. How toorder 0\ll f•J· Hofc.a 7. f , ~lal.a.J, Exod.J>.G. } Cor.Jo.$. v~re,,; liCay j6.7. Y<r.>f. ~btth:u.,. Pfal.t.n: l'rOM7·t•1 preAching, but.finging forth Hispraife. And that, not~~ Jlruments, and not i~jlrsments of the~eerealone, b~t infirumenrs ofthe f/uwf: tn. hels and all, that!o it may bee Hofannam altij11ms, 1ntheveryhigheft k'JJ htoo, Thisfotexu/temtu. e ave, But, many a dofe Hypocrite may doeall this, andmanyacounrerfeitsh , ~nd Sheha did all this, to David; got t\Jern ajlee!i~gforced tountenance,tak/~11 Joy: And therefore the other ;that Godwill have hts)oy, not bethejoyofthe non tenance alone, acleere face, and acloudy overcafi bean; he will have thegl ~off," oftheheart too,ofthe inner man: Cor meum& caro mea; theheart,aswell as thefl~e ~o be joyfull. The joy ofthe.foule,is theJoule ?fjoy: not abod1 without afoule,whlch JS but a carcafe. Strange chzldrmmay(and Will) dijfemhle 'Wtth me (faith thePC: 1 XVIII. XLIV. )dijfemble agladnejfe,for felre ofbeing noted;and yet within inha me you wot what. But, Godcalleth tor his defontibm lfrael, which we read [,~:7:• groundofthe hmt, That is (indeed) the true fuuntaine ofjoy, that our ltps mayb 1 faine, when weJing unto Him, andfo may our{o111e, whi' hhe hath delivmd, Nay H:~ delivered both : and therefore,Qoth thebody to rejoyce,'!nd the foule tobeg/411: This doth L11temuradde, toexttltemus. Ifthen we be agreed, that wewill doe both, I come to thelafi, howtoordtr 1 u 1 joy, that it may pleafe Hirn,forwhom it is undertaken. Itisnoteveryj"],thatHcli. keth. Merry they were, and joyfull (they thought) that kept their Kings day (n 1[. VII.) by taking in !Jouleafterbsule, till they were fick againe. So they that MAIACht fpeakes of, there came nothing oftheir fe~fts, but dung(beare with ir, itis theHoly Ghofi his o~vne terme) thatis, all in thehtlly, andhtlly.cheere. So thcy,thatfatedow 11 e to eat anddi(i11!ct, "'!dr~fo ttp t1play, and there was all; that is theC11lvuftaJI: aC•lfe can doe as lnuch. Butwith nonofthefewM Godpleafed: and as good no joy, as not to the purpofe';·asnotto pleafe Him. That it may be to the purpofe, that Gsd, roay take pleafure in it, it mu{\beginne at HofannA, at -Aperite mihip1rt114 I11jliti11, atthe Temple-do1re; there mu!\: it goe in, it mufi hlejfe, and be6/effiJin theh~ufeofthe Lord. I wiUfirfi makejoyfu/J inmy ho~Je of prayer (it i.t Godhy E{ay :) the fireameofourj1y, muficomefrom the fpring·head ofRtligi1n. Well then, to theChurchwearecomc : fofarreomvard. Whenwearethcre,' what is to be done~ Somewhat we mufifay,wemull not fiand mute. There tofiand fiill, that, theProphet cannot skill of. That then, we may (there) fay fomething,he here frames, he here endites us averficle, which after grew into fuch requefr, asno feajl ever without it,without anHo(a1111a: it grew fo familiar,as the very childrmwere perfect inir. The fumme and Cubfiance whereof (briefiy)is no more, but(whichwe all defire) that G1dwould fiillf•ve, llill pr~ffier, llill Meff'e him, that in His name, is come unto us (that is) King D•vidhimfelfe, whomallintheHoufe,andallofthe Houfe of theL9rdbletfein His name. And to everygood purpofe doth he this : for, joy hath no fault,but tba~ itis~oo lhort, it will notlafr, itwill be taken from ustoo foone. It is ever aham, mallW• tolletur 4vobi.t; fubject rothe worme,that Iona'sg~urdwas. It.fiandeth ustherefore tn ;band; to beginwithHofanna,Co to joy, as that wemay long Joy to prayfor the[?"· tinuance, that it bee not taken from us: ever remembring, thetruetempero 1g• is (exultate in tmnore) notwithoutthemixtureoffomefeare. For,th,sday,we eef what it is, ajoyfuUday : we lcnownot (faithSalomon) what thenextdaJ wtllbe ' andt not what thenext day, what thenext yearemuch Jelfe. Whanvillcome, wee kn01V not· what our linnes call for to come,that weknow ; even that Go D Omuld call ta judgcment,if not byjre,byfomewhat elfe. If itbebut for this,it.concernes us6eer· ly, to fay our Ilofanwa, thatthe next yeare bee as this. Iris our wtfedome tfbherhe 01 ) · to make the meanes, for the continuanceof it, that Go o wouldpdt flabit t egoo w~rke, Hee thi.t day wror1ght in m~ llill bletfeus, with the continuance ofrhefamc blejfings. fin4