Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~-----~--~~~ ~~~=---~~------~~~ JOf.!lfOn~?. ofthi!' G \:1 N.-P 9r\W.D &< R;;'Ji'-a EA$ o~N ; 89.9 ~~(1-i-i;\-tl:I_a_n!_v_e_m--:a-y- .d:-oo- · J- . n-o-t_::f~-:-. -:-tl::-¥-:.b-u-t"C:-b:-e-e.r-. e-::f,-:11-:-ly_w_ · .-~- th __ th-e.ii--i/) . 'ft-.n-~-u-p_o_f-~=u=r-· _:_..:_____ ..,..,, · foi•lei rJwrefui'el a?f<lrre ~ 'a~:or.fpmt'carl~<11e t;,he,hathq.ut~knetl.bis Ho{am.a,thar be J.lll}t put-fpiritand lifrunus, tofoll?w;lnm.~ h,:W~&h ~llf~rvor,o&-aff~Cl:ion:foure i·imcs;tv.Jice\vi~h uAnna.,la~d t~vlce.W1Ii~<N-u ; :etcM~,~.u~embefore, .and after 1 but ,v~,r, >ri ergqt·wdrcls,'an'd four_eafthemt'ntet]di.tQIJ.J'V al!'t\J.m<bli.a !t.pil~OnatC)lUd that fo,as (in the ori<>inall) nothmg ~an b~ ?mfed mordorc1blq. aad fo, as~ IS ~md, 1n ali~h other ton~u~· to cxprBfk1~1 ·wli1ch•made tlu:-EvangeMi<tor~t.a\oue, ll1Jd.Ieta1ne the ·flebre•v- Jotchlill' 1 ·Bu'r,~tn~·JI1Sn'e'ere ~s'>l can, it·li:mn"\!ttli; Now go'pd Lordfave 11 s :. yet jlill, norvgo'oiL'Lordprofper•"t)~ yetjli!AI••B.e ~~,u~ ~u£lt\y:eare.;fo this~ and all the yeilres to come,~ I ~ s n s. "'! S~vlour,~ifterdAJ,witf.~gJh'j'And.tbefam.eefpr ever. . . And rhreethmgs dotlai hethils carneill}npm.r.for;',';lll!lt'ejlcbeth us to do thehke, •Tofave, •pro(pcr, l andbl'ejJlb.:J< ,: ,,;", , ·~,.r,,- ;; ., ·: . . I Tofavc: thatfhould i>e'firfl: with us-;;-it is ·i:dminonly lafl: : Wee havelea!l: fenfeof ourfQulu. To fave us,with theltrue[wing he,rlth; (it is a word whereofour· SAvioar Iejiu bathHis name) it imporreth the falvation ofthefoule; properly to that it belongeth,and bath joyned to it Hofanna in the GofpeU(Ho[annainexcelfis)to !hew ~{at.~J;$'; it is an high and heavenly falvation. . ::~ Then,toproj}er. IfHebutgrant us the former alone, to haveourfoules faved though without profperity, though with the dayes ofadverfity, it is fors Sanc1omm, thelot ofmany aSaint ofHis,offarre moreworth than we: Even fo, we are bound, to thanke Him, if, even fo,wemay be but f•ved. But,ifhe adde alfoprofperity ofthe outward,to the(avingoftheinward man,tbat not fo much M' aleiifeoft~sjhallrvither, Pfat ,;11 b11t looke what we doe {hallpro(per; and that,whatfoevcr men ofevil! counfels do,ihall · notprofper againll: us ; if He not onely vouchfafe us Hofanna in e.~celjis, but Hofonn4 Jr.i!-!f~nd~fM:l'f;lom d~:fi;:/ijl4n';ileefe :Vt::Jts; thofe:!l]:lt,i:lig?ec:~eW.undeql\~e <lllt·profpent};; rf Head~~j~i'e'1h~ddow,of;~1$[P.tngs,. to $.~1te~ ~~> frP.I,J;IP,8i:rlsr t.o. th~ llgbt ofhi• cormtenincc, to}a>:fer us from ·oiJrjinnes; the~'ha>Ve we g~=ea~<:aufet<He•. joyce yet more ; and, both withexultemu; from without, and l,ttemur from withill; to magnifiehismercy, and to fay with the Prophet, Prayfed bethe lord,that (not only laketh rarefor the fafetie, but) takethpleaji<re in theprofperity cfHilfervants. 3 Lail:ly, becaufe both thefe, the oneand the other; our futurefalvation,by the continuance of His Religionand tmtb among us, and our prefent pro(perity (like two wals)meet upont/uhead.Jioneofthecorner; depend both, firil:, uponthename of the Lord, and nextupon him, that in flu name,and with His name, iscomeunto us (that is) . the King .' (So,doeboththeEvangelifts,Saint Lrekeand Saint John fupply;and,where Luke r~.J!,: we read,Blejfed be he, there they read Blejfed be the King that commeth:) [o that nei- Iohn ''' 'f' ther ofth~m lure, unlelfehe befafe; that he would blelfe him, :md make him l:ileil:, that, in His blelfed name, is come among!l: us. The building will be asmount Sion,[o Pi:U.u), !; : the cornedl:onebefaft; fo the two wals, that meet, never fall afunder.Iforherwife; but, I will not fo much as put the cafe; but as we pray,forrufl:, itjhallnever be removed,butftandfajl for ever• · " This then weal! wifh that are now in thellou(e ofthe Lord, andwe that are ofthe hiufeoftheL~rd;aeenow ;md ever, in theTempleand qut ofit, morning arid evenin<>'; night an~ d~;"wi.fh and pfay, ~ot~, tltarH<i w_ould co~tinue.foFth. hi, ar:'d blelfe With length ofdayes, With fl:rength ofhealth, with increafe ofalf honour, and ~appinelfe, with terrorin the eyes ofhis enemies, with grace in the eyes ofhis Sub– Jects, with whatfoever David, or Salomon or any King, that ever was happy, \Vas hle,JJed with; Him, that in the Name of the Lor/1 is come to us, and hath now thefe foure yeates fl:ayd with us, thathe may be blelfcd,in that Name,wherein he is come, and by the Lord, in whofe Name he is come, rnany and many yeares yet to come. And,when we haveput this iltcm{e in our phials,and bound thi> facrifice with cords; 11 the altar fafr, we bleffe you and difmiffeyou,to ear your breadwith joy,and to drink your wine with_acheerefull heart: for, Go o accepteth your worke; your jey !hall pleafc Hrm; dus fioJanna fhall fanCl:ifie all thejo'],lhall follow it; " · To