Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

TheSI4mml ~ndDivJjion. Ofthe GuN,POWDER,TREASON, Sermon 1 ) Yer,this I confeffcumoyou, that-this;r>cliveryoftheirs (fpchasin~ lh~Jl't of that of ours as on thtsday, where"Y1th yet llhall be faineto matchit, Bu 5 thtsi mull tell you before-hand: to have th1s ofours fully patterned in allpoi r, muftnot looke for it; The Scripture hath it not. They had nop•wder thenn:s,we not foumd. Ifthey had had,they would have ufed it, but forthe murde; of p~;r~va~ they kaew no other murder. But, to murtherall three EflawofaRealmeat ac!ns; F am funt jicut fomnianw, or rather, Fa8t non funt jicut fomniante; they nap· dream't ofany fuch. And what then is our cafe, thinke we,th:~t have·r:ceived ter Go o fuch a Deliverance, as we canfinde no match for it~ ram 1 But well, though thefePfalma, oftheCaptivitie, come not fully home ben altogether like ours; yet, becaufe there bee none liker, noae rhat come 'n·ereot wee mull content our felves with thefe, and either take our Texts hence, 0 ; ta{; none at all. In taking this then, and applying it to the prefent, there lhall need but oneword 'to be altered, that is, rhe word Captivitie. But for it, all elfe would runneverycleere and curl'ant: ifwe might butchange rhat one wor_d, and in llead ofreadmg,whmthe LoR o turntdaway the Capttv:ty of Ston, wee m1ght thus reade, When the L 0 R D ttmwl An1AJ the blowing up of Sion : all belidcs, every word elfe, would fuit well and keepe perfeCtcorrefpond{ncie. ' It is true, it ~asnot aCaptivity,tharwas turnedaway from us. And yet it is hard ~o fay, whether lt m1ght not have provedto that t~: and whetherGo o, in turning ft away, d1dnot happily. turneaway aCapttvtty . Bm, ,f not aCaptivity, rhar Heturnul away from us, was worfe than anyCaptivity. This Pfdlme lheweth ir; They rharare Captives, how miferablefoever their cafe be,yet have hopeofrerurning,as the(ehad and did. Bur, ifthis ofours had taken place, we had beene fureenough for ever re– turning: w~had becne (all) pall linging,I~< Convertendo. · · This one word being changed (and that wi. hour wrono- to the Text,for iris for agreater) all e!fe will fall in and follow of it felfe. r. A~tharofrheirs, fo <hisof ours,foralltheworldlike'ilareame. z. Asthey, Among the Heathen, then faidof them: So, they, ofother Nations, now {aid ofus : that Go o had beenc ourgDIId Loll o, for bringing us againe, ifnot from tk,captivrty ofBabylon,from Baby/on([ am fure) that is,from an horrible and fearefull confu.fien,which He turnedawayfrom this Land, and from us all; To fet then this Pfalm.e, firfl for them; and then for our felves. Iris aPfdme cf Degrees (the title is fo;) and twodegrm there bee in it. Nonew ones, butthe ufuall; which we mull fiill fall upon, if we_deale wit_h !he Pfalmu :(All rhe Pj:rlmts are reduced to rhem, even to thofetwo words HaUtl11ja and Hofam14, Prayfls an~ Pr·ayers; Hf'lleluja, Pray(es for De/iveran;e obtained; Hofanna, l!Y4Jm for obtal· oing thelike, upon the like need.) r. The Haflduja in the foure firll verles: 1. The Ho[ann&in the !aft. I durfi not fever them i they profper not, where they goenot together. . . . . . . The H&fleluja or praife,harh two degrees,whtch (as mall othenhmgs,fomthts make it praife-worrhy.) ' TheStuffi, and the • Workman{/up. . . · The Sruffe (or matter) I call, The turning backe the Captivity of Sm1: aad tWh degrees in it: r. ThatSionisfufferedrogoe into Captivity. :. That GoD tsrnet . IIW4J the Captivity ofSion. This is Haflel•ti• fortheStujfe. . . 1 And againe, Halleluja for theWorkmarfhip. That Go o did notdehyer Stun~; eumpte;but, fo deliver her, as the manner was memorable. Themanner IS fer ~ow J in two degrees (Which two are,as it were;tbeembroidery (If the o<her.) t •. r~ne it follrangely, as, when it was done,it fcemed rather adname, rhan a thmC ole waking,FaC1ifumU<,&c. 2. Againe,tll;n_e_cl it fomemorably, as the Heal mta~ kedofit,Tumdicebant,&c. - · he't ' . WhichDicebantdividesirfelfe,'intothefotmliamongll:thc/ieathen (mt J•·. CPnfl_ vtrfe,) and the ~ Ecc~~£fit in lfrael (in the fourth.). :rheq