.Sermon z. Ofthe GUN~P ow o ER~T R. sA so N. Thencommcth the Contlulion (the befl: conclulioa ofall) Fac7i {ilmm, &c. This their !I•fle!11ja. . Their HAUel11j• is no fooner done,butclofe Uf>On tt commeth their Hofanna. To Il. their knees they get them! and prayConvute Domme•. And tn this alto two degrees: •Firfr, rheyprayroturne •t. • And then,foto turnett,. as the jlreamestn the South. Inthe so 11 th (that is)rhewzlderneJ!e; hkemng their Capttvtltetoa defart,and rheirre . iur:ning to jlreames ofwater. And what mo~e needfull, or what more welcome rhan w.ater in rhc rvildernejfe ~ Thefe are thedegrees and jleps, mthetrs. The famejleps· will we rread in our owne; to ihew, that wee may wtth good nght convert to out owneu[e,rhisPfalme In Convertendo. • HA!MujAh firfl: for the Jl!orke, then for the work·m•nfoip: The worke is, The VER.~~ Loa o turnedar11a1 the CAptivitie of Sior1 .- 1 F.rfl:, of the Captivity ofSion; I. ' Then, of the Loa o's turning it, • H•Utlujab: TheCaptivity if Ston: I aske firfi, why of Sion? why not thecaptivity of Ieru1 falem, lt.da, tfrael? Jerufalcm, Ir~da,tfrael, were led away Capti•>es,no lelfe thanSion. ' 0 -ft' Worlf:' They,rhegrearer,and moregmerall: why not the Captivityofthem; but of Sion~ ~itit~£s;;::"' Itlhould feeme, there is more inSion's, rhan in the refl:, that choice is made of it before the refl:. Why~what wasSion t We know, it was but aHill in Ierufalem, on rr.L"B.z, theNorth-fide. Whyisthat Ht!l[o honoured~ No reafonintheworld, bur this; That, upon it, theTemplewas built: And fo, that Sion is muchfpoke of, and much madeof, it is only for rhe Templrs fake. For whofe fak~ it is (e\len for His church,) that the L o ~ o loveth thegateso( Sion, morethanallthe dwellings•f/~cob. Loveth pc,J.s 7 .i' her more, and fo her caprivirie goeth neercr Him, and her ddivery better pleafcth ' Him, than all lacob belides. This maketb Si~."c.ptivtty robe mentioned chiefly, as chiefly regarded by Go o, and robe regarded by His. As (we fee) it was : When Pfal.t;p} they (ate by the water of B•bylon, chat which made themweepe, was, When we remem- /mdthee, 0 Sion: that their greateftgriefe. That, their grearefl: griefe, and this their greatefi joy ; L£tatifum.u, when newes came,(not faith the Pfalmc,in dotJJos noj!rtU, Wc ihall go~ nowevery one eo his ownc houfe, but)in Domum Domini ibimzu, Weep;,J,,.,,,, . fba!lgoe tothe boufeofthe L o • n, wefhall appeare before the Go o ofGods in Sion. · . Ston, Go o loved and favoured high: yer, how deare foever Sion is in His light, for Sions linnes,propter peccatapopuli mei, ihc fometimes is forfaken, and alllicled by Him. Though He take not His mercy utterly from her, nor[Njfir His truth quite tofaile, Pfli.S.9 il-; yet Hevi{iteth heroffinm with the rod, and her deepertr.flfgrejionsrvith (ccurges .-and . i~ among the refl:, with this fcourge of Captivitie. To beplagued ar home,in their owne Land, isbut arodin cemparifon: Captivi. tie is afw~rge,in refpecr ofir, and a iharpeone. To be berefr ofall we have, and of •r ,. , ·~ (that, which they have, that have nothing elfe) li6mie, to be carried into a flrange land; to be made bonq and thrall to the proud commands of an Enemie; Woe ismee for Sion (faith Ieremie.) And no man fitall need burro reade his Lamentations onely. There is, in particular, tobe feene, the evil! ofcaptivity, how iharpe a fcourge it is, The Booke was madefor that end. • Bu:,ofall Captivities,none fo evill,as that ofBahe!.· If any other be a fcourge,that IS a Scorpton. In .IEgypt, their cafe was more tolerable : their (oules were free there, howfocver their bodies inServitude; they might ferve Go o.yer,rhey were nor com– pelled ro fall downe before tfis or ofiris. O~ly,theCaptivity ofBabe! is rhe~aptiviry offoul~,no leff~ thanbodies. There,they.m~fall downe before thegm.tJdolmthefield K k k k ~ Dura~