Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z. Ofthe GuN-P own E R-T R& ASO:N; things, ofthe phanGes figuring, but never ofthe fetifes apprehendi_ng. This maketh things, by all hkel.'hood, ro feemehkedreames. And fuch w:~s rhmcafe,at rhecorti– ming out ofcyru.- s proclamanon, for rhm returne. It was fa llrr_lelooked for,rhat ever it {l1ould come 1 1twas f~ above all they could hope for,whenJt d1d come ;that, what with rhe fuddenneffc,anil what With the firangeneffe,for the prefem, it feemed to them a dreameofthenight, rather than any vifton of the day. Wdl might they fay, Fac1i{inmu, &c. . . . . A dreitme it was. To fpeClfie what kmdeofdreame. /acobdreamed, and was Aplrafa•i much comforted with it : Nehuchadnezza~ dreamed, and was exceedinglyfrighted dream:. , with it. This (here) :vasofrhenarureoflacobs; acomfortabte,pleafanc dreame: Yoll g:~:;~r.' r, may fee by the effeCts uithefecond ver(e; T"'!' repte:um efl, &c. And fure, theimprellion of thephanjic, no where fi1eweth it felfe more powerful!, than mdreames; Men iliall be !o affeCted, as they lhall even laugh out, as they lhall even IAlke alutid; yea fa, that they fhall even wake with it many times. This here was fuch; Ioyfu/1, it.ft!/edtheir ltearts full ofjoy; fa full, as lt evenbr~ke forth, and rannc over; over into thecoummance, os ri(t• ; over into the tongne, Lingua j ubilo. Thefaccis a mirrour, to lhew, how theminde is affeCted: Thetongt~e atrumpet, to found out thefecrets of the heart. You might fee their joy, in their face, as in a mirrMr : you might heare it from their tongue,as from atmmpet. A Ggne it was; the Fountaine was full, when both the Cijlmm thus runne over. . Bur, what is it for a dreamt, to be pleafant, if it be not true withall ~ Nay; ~d tru.,.itb~ there is no more miferable cafe, than of him that dreameth the pleafant Ivory- a • dreame, and when hec awaketh findes it nothing fo. Dreames, hee is at a feaff, ;.nd waketh all hHngrie: dreames, hee is rich; and waking, jindes nothing in hu hands. This, was not fuch: it was per .corneam portam, a rrue one; not to be let goe for a dreame, for it proved more thim a dreame, a i:eall thing indeed. For, when they came out of their dre~me , all the Coumrey:<.about rang of it, Tttm dicebarJt, &c. And, there can be no better way, to come to a true judgement of what befallerh us, than bydicebant, what other men fay ofit. Men are commonly over-fenfible of their ownejoy : afcrucr efiimate would be taken, from them, that are no parries ro it. lle!t, hearc wlrarrhey fay. · ECpecially,ifit be not onlyDicebimt inter llomines; but inter Grntesroo; ifthey be nor finglemen, but whole '1\ations. Their Dicebsnt is yet a degree further. For; many adeliverAnce there is, the world nevertalkes of,and yet,great for all that: bur, thofe,that fill the eyes and the mouthes ofwhole Natior;s, mull: needs beprim£ Mag– nitudini~: and fo was this then. Notice was taken ofthis, by thofe inter Gentes, and no orhc-rralke forthe time, but of it. This iliewcrh, it might well be as firange,as a. nlreame, but was nodrc,zme indeed. · TheHeathen were either firangers;arid regarded them not; or enemies,and ma~ ligned them. No feare, that fuch (cfpecially,the laterforr) lhoulddreame too. No; Envie ileepes not. And waking and feeing it; no feare, they will be partial! and confeffemore than truth. Commonly, thcirnamre is to abate, diminiili, extenuate: no feare ofamplifyingat their hands. If they fay, it is great; it is great indeed. And here, bochjlrangers,·and enunies confeffe it; therefore, wee may be fure, it was no vulgar orordinary t11rning. · And truely, great reafon they had fo to fay; It could be no policie (they fay) • So ,,,.,,:, for Cyrm, to fend them backe. Be ha~ them now fafe, and well broken to fervice, ::,~·':.~t~"~ by {eventy yeamconrmuance. Theym~ghtprove iltppery, and revolt; and fo he re- •f it. · pent his fending them home. Befidcs, he fent none backe, of all the refl: ofhis C<~p- - twu, bemg(yet) ofhis owne Religion, which thefe were not. They faw (then) no re~fon for it, in the world. Then,to let them goe; and in fuch fort to !errhem goe; Wtth fo:unple acornmi!lion: with {o rich rewards, to build againe: This, when it carnerothcirnotice, it made themmufe, it found them ralke; it even drew fwm ~hem this dicebant. K k k k 3