. . • VER. 1• The SDtl71d among!tthe fltatbtr: . Then (aid thty efthe lltathen.] And, what is it they faid ~ It is tothepurp r, I this (as in many otlm) the Heathen's faying cannOt be mended. This th 0 ~· n I. That they were noquoridian,or common things; butgreat. z. Then rhef,Y ay : things they afcribe not'rochance; that they hapnednor, bur weredone. / Th~g~eat by Go o Himfelfe: they fee Go o,inthem. 4· Then, not done by Gon .; one ~ome,V:ithout any particular ayme; but,purpofelydonefor them. 5. And yet, t~~~ IS more mma~nijicav1tJaare(tfwe looke well.) For, "'"Zn~fecit would haveferved all thts: But, mfaymgmagnijicavltfMm, Phey £:1y magmfeczt zlfos, ut,~agnaf. pro ilti.<,He magnified them,orJetgrwly by them,for whom He would brin~ to '";f, fo great aWorke. 'This, f~id they among theHeathen. 0 pa e And it is pitie, the Hwhmfaid it, and that the Icwu themfelves fpake notthefi words, firfi. Bur,the~ were fo ravifhed with joy at the firfi, as they were to bebor e with. But now, findmg theHeathen [o faying; and finding, it was alYbuttrue th;e faid; rbey mull needs findcthemfdves bound to fay atle~fl: fo much: (And mo[e they could not : for, more cannot be faid.) So much then, and no leffe than they And this adderh a degree to thedicebant. That thefound of it \V.S fo great among the Heathen, as it made anEccheeven in Ittry it felfe. VE R. l· That Ecchothen followeth (in the I I I. verfe.) Theperfononlycbanoed ·Nobi(. Th'J"!' of Cllm,for Cum if/is: there's all. And iodeed,Sion aJOuld have beene much rgo blame if "m '" · theHeathen a10uld feerhofe things forgreat, and Go o to be rheDmofrhem a~d SionaJOuld not difceroe them for fuch. Ifthelleathen aJOuld fay magnificavit Domi– nmfacere, and Sionfoou!dnot magl'lijie Him for this fo magnificent a worke; ifthis Confeffion a10uld even be wrung from theHeathen, and a1ould not come voluntary from theChiltlrenofSion, whom it more neercly concernedagrea: deale. Bur what,a1all there be no difference betweeneSion's and theHeathen's di"b•nt, but only N~bifc"m1 Yes: forrhough the words be eke fame, rhere may be oddes in the Uttering. G 0 D forbid, butsionaJOu!d(.cy' in another manner l!ey,at the lea!\. The cmtuAnd yet,there is fome amends for Sio11: The words are not all our thefame.Here IJ::di{umus 1 , ; is ahemifli:hiummore inSion's ; in whicb! they plainly expreffe theodde~, benveene ''""'· · the1r alfeehons and the He•thens•.Thts 1t IS; Fafisfumfl41£tantes: That 1s, theRu· thmfay it; bur, rather wondril'lg, thanrejoycingat it. They fay it, becaufe they cannot cl10ofe but(•y it, it is fo evident; but they bite the lippewhen they have done; they could havebeenewell content, to have !pared thefpeech; well content, rim GoD had notdoneit,that they might nothavefaidit. In a word: they fay it wirhoutal.t– tAntes; Bur,Siolf faith it joyi»g,and joyerh in(aying it:f•itk it, and, in faying it, fay ac rhe end of it,Fafli{ttmiU l«tantes. And this (here) is trueJoy,grounded upon tile due confideration ofthe matter,by occafion ofrheHe•then's fpeech. The other (before) was like thclattghinginadreamt. But, this, true joy ;and, in figne thereof,irwasat the firfi bur f•E1ifstm~~& ftcttt(omniantes; but here, it is faeliJstmtu (notficut, but) ve-. re l,etantes, truely joyful/ indeed. And this maketh up their Hal!elt~ja. VER. 4; II. Their Ho· famut, ~al.7J,lO, Their Hal!eluja thus performcd,they come to their Ho(amlaftraighr. And why fo firaight! They were ficutfomniantes; fo they fay: And,dreames(weknow) hav~ this quality, they are but fhort. And, they werefaeltl«tanw; and?J•J commonly~s ofthe fame nature, lafieth notmuch longer than adreame, but vamfhcth ~~~cklb, re adreamt rvhenone awaktth.Dreames, and joyes,as foone had,fo foonelo!l:. 1ha:t ~ · fore their l.et.mtts prove not fimt fomniantcs, to keepe their joy wakmg,_ thts tbey thinke their wifell way : No foonerco make an end of Hallelteja, but llra.ghtto. e. gin th;ir H~ranna;make the next verfe to their thankes for In Convertemlo, apetttton, ~· Convertt•