Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sennonz. OftheGuN~POWDER~TR&ASON. ·Converte. And rhatto Him, that granted rhar;_ to grant this. In convertcndo Domi– ti! converte Domine: (char is, Ho[annatoHzmmthe htghcft.) n 'converte Domine : Why how now ~ But very now, theypraifedHim for tur. • Th,y pr1y · ningitaway and doe rhey nowpray Him, tottmwit away~ How hangs this to<>e- •oturneit. rher: to pray ro have that wrned, that is turned already ~ ~hey may feeme to bee fcarce yet out of thmdreame. Nor fo : Thefe trv~ Convertes, and thefe trvo. Captivitiesare not all one. Samt Auguflme(urh well (upon (ol11tt> dolortbus mferm, Acts Aa.... t:· I I.) that, rwo mannerofwaycs, a thmg 1sloo[ed: 1 En~er, after wear.c already fna- - · red. 'or elfe before-hand, that we be norfnarcd With lt at all. CH R r s ~ loofed tholeforrowu, ~his lanen~ay,which is farre the better way ofrhe rwaine.And even fo, cwo wayes 1sa capuvme (or any mifch1efe elfc)turned~way: 'by an after-deli. very, when it is come: • or by :1 fore-hand prtvcntion, yer 1t doe come. The Grecians exprelfe ir, by Promethetu and Epimetheuo: the Latines, by Ante•>ort~,and Poflvorta; TheS&hoole-men, bypr£veniendo,an~frtbvemendo: But,prcventtomseverthe better. Better a goodBuckler, to keepeoftrhe blow; than a good l'f•ifter, to heale rhe hurt ofit. Better never fee Babel, than rerurnefrom it. The captivitieofthrfirfl verfewas come, and is now come and gone : Who knoweth, whether there be any other to come~ Ifthere be, Converte Domine,turne it away before-hand; take order there never come any more. So, it is plaine, for all the former In mwertendo, they may well pray this lafi too, notwithfianding. They may well pray it; and good , reafon they have, to pray it. The chitdrenof.Edom, and the rcfi oftheir evil! neigh- Pf:U,, 37-7: hours, that {hewed theirgood-will in this captivity pafi, are the fame men frill; !till carry the fame mindcs. No yeare, no day gocth over their heads, but they wifh and contrive, to bring another, either c~tptivity, or fome mifchiefeelfe,I know not what. ThereforeConvcrte Domine is no more than needs. Now, as Converte Domine is, whatrhey wifh done: Sietlttorrentes is, the manner > Them3nne5 how they wifh it done. Turneir, and fomrne it, as theflreames in the South. By the oftumi•git, South, underflanding the South climate; on which fide, lay Arabia de(erta. All, S~~ttb.wardfrom rhcm, was nothing but a drieandwafle rvilderneffi. It is ofthe nature ofawildernejfe to be without w.tter. And what fireames are there then in the Pf:U.,o7 .u; wildernej[e r None, bur fuch as they call Land-waters. And bow are they turned or · brought thither ~ No other way, than by melting the[now on the great high hills there, which being dilfolved by thefummer-fun, come downe fo plentifully,rhat all thepo1les anfilled 1vith Jv.ter [o firongly,that they turne the cour(i: ofmighty rivers. Their meaning then is : r. They have as great need ofdelivery, as the Soutb-climatehathof water. z. Captivitie is as congealed fnow, and they frozen fafiin ir, . that they cannot fiirre. 3· They would have it turned, but by no violent way, but even onely by thawing and melting the hearts of Princes ( Cyr111 and the refi) fet againfi them (whofe hearts Sa!o!non compareth to thefe flreames: ) by that, rather Pro<.u. 1; than by any other way. 4· That never was water-flreame more welcome to the · way-faring man, in the rvildernef{e, than this fhall be to them. For, we reade oftwo manner ofturnings they had. . 'One out ofJEgypt, in violent and tempefluous man- pf 1 6 ., ncr: The(Mjled,Iordanw.u driven backe; Pharao was drowned; SehmandOg ilaine; rr.:t::;+·l'_'· very g:eat adoe there was. • Andno~ this, out of Babyton ;neither by an lrmie, nor ~~l::~:;:· bymame firength,but by mySpmt(falth the Lord) br<Athmgup~n Cyrus,and in milde PCai.IJ6. •f· and gentle manner melting his heart :and there was all. A com/erfion(not as that of 1 9• Pharao, bu:)_as thisofCyrtu: not, as the rivers ofthe !Vorth; but, as theflreames in Em 1,,_' 0 • the so,.th, ts 1t chey pray for. So pray they, andfo will all prayrhat are well advi- ~~~'~l~·~·; fed. Thus farrc their Hofanna. Nowtoalterthe property ofallthis,andtoconvert it to our owne ufe: and to fhew The Appu,.; firfl,that bot~ this Halleluja; and then that thisHo{anna, will no lelfe agree to us, and ~:r"n.llti•j.ri ourQQ_eere (1f not more;but certainly more;) areviewmuCt needs begranted,ofa! the former pomts, And in them (there is no remcdie, but) we rnu£1: fall to meafunng, K k k k 4 1ha~