Sermon 2. Ofthe GuN-POWDE R-TR&ASON. ,that. They were in a firange Country i rhev mull J?okc more demure!y, rhey mull: fpeake more fparingly. We weremour owne,we might doeIt the more free]y,both in countenance and fpeech. And forrhe ti?JC, Co we d.d. . Andwillyeenowfee, wepaffethem todrcebam. TheirS was dicebant; bur of 0 6 ours, not onely dicebant, but..Scrtbebant and excudeb~nt; f,udIt, wnt It, andprintedit. For Di"b'•r; -Andwhac,asrhishere,Magna ? Nay,Magna,Etafewlo maudtta; fuch,fo great, · as the like was never heard before. · _ . . . . . This for dicebant. And fo_tinterGentes, we paffe them there. For, who talked of 7 theirs~ ahandfull ofnanons, tn companion; but rhofc that bordered about. They Fq•'""' am< ineffecrf.1y as much: Nor Gentts, notall; butinterGentes,jome amongthem. A"'· -- ' [mall pareofche World, comparedco ours: more tongues a great deale went to .our .. . _ Dicebant. I may fafely fay,~.. regio in terris,What land is there,whithet thefame ofit is nor gone,wherc it is notfpoken oU and we by means ofic renolip~d and made famous over all the emh;even toTurks and Infidels (for,thicher alfo it i!;-.CO!Jle, how Go n hatiJ dealt with tu.) Yea,even our very Enemiesthemfdves (I doUb~I)Ot)when icwas told in Gath,andpublifhed in the fireetsof Afcalon; even inRome it felfe, even they inthe-Conclave, eventhe Pop<himfelfe, helped co make up this dicebant; rliough nor aloud that their voice might be heard in the !lreets,yet among chemfelves, in private, were forced eo fay as much: that, the gceatneffe ofours received wimeffe fwm the mouth ofour enemies. . . . . Our dicebant is double to theirs then, andfo is our faaiji<mull£Wttes: There Is; g as a joy for 011r owne delivery; fo likewife another joy,for chefa!lofot<r eNemies:They i!or(atlif•mt" had the former only; We, both former and later. For,in theirs, they co whom they l<tanm, had beene C•ptives, let them goe, and there was all; and chey were glad of it: but they ofB•bylonbecame not Captives toSion. Butin ours,not onely the Captivity was 1 turnedaway; but we ledcaptivitie captive, \~hich is the greatel!> Ioy of all. They that meant ours, infiead ofours, found their owne: were taken in their owne turne;became captives them{elves; and as they entended,ourmembers lhould,fo theirs (now) rent, and firetched one from the other. So, in every point, they fall fhort ofu·s ; and we, in all and every, are fiill beyond them. . And now let mea little !lay, and fay as much for our felves, as for the Iewes. If we fhall but enter incoour owne hearts for a moment, wee cannot bur thinke rhus: What, dothchis our deliverance draw rhus much, even from other nations, chat are our enemies~ Why then (belike ) it mull be Come extraordinary great one. Why (me thinkes) it toucherh not them, this; it touchech us : it is we, char weredelivered and nor they :and, !halltheyfay all this ofus, and !hall nor wee fay as much of our felves ~Shall we come behind them,or rather,lhall we not come behind them,lince they are got before in this Dicebant? The words we cannot mend, they are fo full§ Great were the things, and very Great: Theychanced not; they weredone; done by Go o, He was the Doer; HeechcDoer ofthefegre.r things,and weerhe people, for whom thefegreat things were done: And fo, a people highlym,<gnifted by Him in His mercy ;and fo, a people deepe!ybound tomagnifteHim for all His mercies, l:>\lt forrhis, above all, that all the World fpeakes of. . · . .. . And, though we cannot, with other wordsthan they; yet ClO, and will (I trufl)' wuh farre otheraffetlions. G o n forbid,but facerenobifcum lhould be founded in an higher key, thanfacerecum ifli;, In dangers (I am fure) it is; never any mens d~ngers touch us as our owne: Never they from the fbore, cry fo heartily, Lord fave thtm, that they fee in dangerofdrowning upon the Sea; as they in the lhip,chemfelves cry, L_ord[ave tu, Go o forbid/ but weechatfeltir, lhould cake up our flaflel~<jah in a h1gher llreinethan they, that were butlookers on; heard ofit, and fpake of it, but were not partakers as we were ofit. Lecthi~bethedifference: chat wejaythc£1me, th~tthey fay : but they fay; M•gniftcavzt Domini#fatere cumifli;, andfarli fimt gementes ; and we, magni.ftcavt~ J)omzntu fame nobifmm, &faaifi•mm /,etantes, . • And,finccourcafedothfo many wayes [urpaffethis ofthe Iewes,tnall the pomts along;