910 l'f•I.H.tO, l'l•l.Jil 1· Hablc.~.s~:. J!•tk,J,IJ; Ofthe GuN,Pown~R,TREAsoN. Sermont; along; our HaUelujamufineedsdoefotoo. It is _but reafoni will requir~ (her~) went no fu:ther, than thmmouth an~ thm tong11e, os & lingua : morer~Irs me~oonnot. But,_ majcertameplace,the Pfalmifl, when he wouldexpreffeafar 1 ey ter JOY, thus hefatth, Allmy honesfhallfay,Lord rvho ulzkahee i' This I thinkc gf,ea. that fceing ot:r hmu1bould have beenefcattered in every corner like ,;. chips ,~ea on, hewethwood on the earth; (fhould have,but were nor:) Not only our mcuth;nd:• one (as theirs ;) but our very hones fhould fay, Hallelt~ja,Lord who iJ like thee,wbo h:a~:~ us from a danger,thelike whereofnever was ~ I adde further: that if we and h~mswoijld hold ourpeace,theftorwfoouldcrie it.For,timber-work,a~d fione-wo~~t :md all had flyen in peeces (we know)then; even (as AhakuHpeaketh) th•tthebea,.; ~ut ~fthe tzmher-worlce, andtheftone out ofthe wall, may cry one to another; thebe.mero theftone,HaUelnJ•; and theftone,to the beameagame,Halleluja,To Him,that harh ke t them fall:, and not made Ierufalem M an heapeofftones.Even they, to cry: Every6o~e to have a toNgue; and everyftone and beame to have a tongue, to put downe theirs and to make our 1/.icebant, our Ha!leluja, our magnijicav£1 thelouder. ' And now,fhall we Clay here and end with lla/!dujA,andcutoffUofannaquite~I dare not: I feldome fee HaUef,.Ja hold long, tf Hofannaforfake tt, and Cecondirnor. For I aske;What,are they all dcad,that [ought our lives ~ Say,they are: Is the dwell dead_too~ Ifhe be not, it skills_nor, ifthcy were. His po'!'tler-_mill will frill be going; he wtll !hll be as bufie,as ever,m turmngover all hts dcvtces,m turninuhimfelfe imo as many fha~s as ProtetU, and all to t11rneus to fome rnifchiefe. Th~ more it cbn· .ccrnes us, not to be roo long at our H•lleluj.z,but, when we have done it, before we fiirre,to take up our Ho{a~<na; nor to forger it in any wife. Afrer we have praifed Him for inconvertendP, that fo it is : to returne, to our Converte Domine; that fo it may long be. The wheele will ftand, it will not turoe on frill, without it. Then, in the pcrfon ofhumble fupplicants cry we all, Hofann•to the highe.ft, and Converte Domine, to Him, that is Lordof Eztkiels wheeles, and of a\1 their converfi. ons. The rather, forrhat there is no one defigne, hath more laid open and\etusfee the defects and weakneffe ofall humane wifdome and warchfulneffe,rhanthis.There wamed neither, but itwembeyond both. No, nor any defigneharblet us fee, how dangerous and uhdifcoverable plots, the Divell is able to poffeffe his lirnhes withall. All to !er us fee, what need we have, to turneto Him, with our Converte, tharc.1nfee what they doe at mid-night, in theVa11lt, as w.ell as what is done at noone-day, onthe houft-top: can fee, anddtfcover; difcover ir, and tt~rne it away. That Heewould, :IS many as are commingthis way,-turm them allaway. And turne them all away, by the way ofpreventioN; not fuffering ;hem to light on us (as theirs did) and then after remove it; but averring it, before it come; left after, it betoo late. And(that we forget not Simt)th<lt Heturne it by fuch,and no mher means,rhan theftreamesin the South; that is, with no great adoe : nor, in boifierous or rigorous me&nes,as that of lEgypt; but, in milde and calrne ''wmer,as this ofBabel,andas our owne. By the fame meanes frill; even by the turningof rhe heart, whichts mH1s hands ;which as cheflreames in the SouthHe now did rurne;andfo Clillandevennay. Jhar,from that founraine (Clill)may flow the ftreames,that may give us refejhinzin timeofourneed.That,ifit be Hisbkffed wil,rhat may ever berhe Sic111,as now lt was. And now, tur11t our.-aptivity, o Lord, pall and ro come; turne borh; that, as the ftrwnes ofthe South, they may melt, fall away,and come to nothing; that our future dangers may frill beficut[omnia, ever as dreames, bur never vi/ions: that, as we have beenenow matters of praifeeo the Narions,for our former delivery,fo we neverbe· come a by-word to them, for any after calamirie: but that, our conclufionmaybe ever,Jam (t•mm latantes, flill in joy, and this joy may never be taken fromU< _;that Wi ftill may laud and magnijiethy gloriomName, evermorepraijing thee andfaytng, Nr nijicetur DominU<.TheLordhath magnified His power and goodneffe toward us,t JIS day,forwhichHisholy Namcbemagnified,rhisday,andforcvcr! ASER;