In the latter, '<;: a ."' i s.,._s c~9fure. Firfi~Hegiveth no leave nor ~iking anyway to the Motion~ •.M•gifler, vu dJctmtu(fay t,hey:) fed, Magifler nonvult diem. •So farrc from that, as Heerehukes them, tha~ moved tt. The:ehuke of themovers, is a diflike of themotiun. l. Reh11ke~t~em nor,. for f~meone p_o•nt, or ctrcum1hnce in it, buteven for the whole, _for movrng to Htm; a~~ fm;h,tlung. 4 Nay, He~oerh fur. ther : likes not rhc mouo.n; nor like.s not the ft~nng tt comes from 7 5 In~ts rebuke; rcllsrhem,Nefcitt!,they~remuc~mtll:akcn: mtll:aken the;nf:lves,and~t!l:a~eHim, both. themfeli•cs,tomoveany luch. mat,tcr: Hun,tomove tt; roHtm: tt bemg neither meet forthem, to~ov~;no! H''?·~og~anr. Them, to move: for, they werr: of 1 wotherJJirit,if rhey coull:l htt on tt. Htm,to ~ram:For,He came to anothercnd,t,h,;iri either to hear~, or yeeld tomonons of that nature : tells them they are not ofE/t,u'i fpirit, but ofHis,if they beHisDifciples 3arid fo niull: come as HeCame,Z{onperdere;fed fafVArt. , , · . , .. · , 1, .• , • , , But (bccaufc we come not now to learne only; out t9 grvethankes, as the duty of the Day requircth) after this, we will lay the two'cafes together; cafe by cafe; !his ofthe Day,ro this in theText: by which,it will eafily appe1re (I doubt not) that we have as great caufe eyery \vay, of joy, and thankfgiving; nay,of tlie tWaine, rh~ grearer,for thenappie Nepe'rd.u; C w"' is 'r'sNe1'erd111;of thisday~ · ' 0 Rye~ we come to tlie?'otio~,le~ u~ begin.\~ithdiat; that ~vas the oe~?nning of the ,,,r:. all tlits quarrel!; t~at ts,, Dtlfent mrelt~IO~?~e.t\~eene theSamartta'!, and the oJwe, Jew. We feethe friltt of 1t here,and what fpmw irlaketh men of. On the one fide: B~thcy lewes,gothey to Iem(alem ?-let them liaveiie!ther niear,<Wnk, rior lod· ging; (that is ro fay) ltarvcthem; On theotl:ler: Be they&amaritJiis,SeClarics ~ pitie of their!;ves; to theni;burne rlieirt,hlow them up; Mutultll :trld mortat! hatred . breaking forth, upon every oczcafion. The woman of Sam'ariAexprelfeth ir, by 71\jn Iolm.j.g' (o.ntimt~l·, They t{evgt, o~e lldc the either; Sgemight evl:n as well have faid' co.Ab- . aluntur; they abufe each the other; fo the·y-dde; forgetting' liunianity and divinity too,on either pm.; Here is the fruit :this,the Cflirit it bteedeth. And thefe two, the .Samarit•n,and the Je~,they madeno~an etid ofthis;til it made an en,dofthe!f!.Look– in Iofefhu!, you !hall fee in the dayes ofc!Jmdim, (C•mdnl# then Deputy) the very like quarrel! tdthis (here) uponthevery fame occallon, taken wholly by the Zel9t.e, -. and purfued hard, opened thE way tothe IeJes wan-es, which never ended;till the ut· ttrrooting out anddefolati<inofehem both. Tht1sit was: arid\husit will be:and by form •• 6 . this we fee,how necelliuy. CH "' I s 'l''spitx vchit is; and thePiAce-m.aker,tllat could ~tmh. 1.';"' make the peace, howhleffidhefuould be ! blelfed here, and t>lelfed cveri'all:ingly. · . But, let me tell youthiswithall: this Spirit wasnotthen, in all; neither all the Difciples, nor ~ll theSamaritans: Son:e tliere were; onboth fides, more moderately affetled.The Difcrples (lldoubt not) dtd all <ifthem (the other ten, too) much diflike this difcourtelieoffered CH 1\ i s.,.: yet, all cried not for fire: r..;o oncly, thefe ~wo onely ofthetwelve. On the <ither fide ;theSam.liitansneither,alt were not thw; ' Inhumane. Though this Tow~e rece.ived Hini not, it is'fald (in the Iall: ver(e) they Vcrfe s~; W~nt to another ToJvRe, and there he was received. So a:ll, neither all the Di(ciples !h~sj}irited;·O:otall the{Onnu ofrhtinden f6me the fonnes ofraine, as Bartholm•sw M:uke p;i; IS mterprered: ·nor all the GountreyofSamai'ia; G o o provided better, for both. All had gone to agenerall combul!idn, ifall had b~eneofthis dell:melive fpirit : and alLdtd goe, wh.en thofe fpidts gate the uppl:'t hand. ' And forthm comfdrt, that 3refuch,this: that.our S it. vI ou .. C " "' r s .,. was none oftheZeM.<, but lhewed Himfelfe ori that fide that enclined ro humanity and L I-ll · peace.~ /