91 4 Ofthe GuN-:P 0 WDE&-TRJt AS ONo • s;;;;n; peace. There was no fault in Him. ItwasfiillHisdefireco.;;tiSam4~. and bf:llfed by them; He would have had water,andaskeditofthewoma ,ro_uf~, ri.t: Stnt His Difciples toth~ttowne, (there) to btl) mw; and now to thisT 0 ofSan". to take up lodging :!hewedHimfelfe (fiill) willing, to breake downerhi~wnehert; wall. In this very journey, after this repulfe here, yet He healed(amongpar~ton. :Luke xpf. LeAfer, y_ea, though aSamaritan. Yea,fo favourable that way He was andC ers) a to be ufcd, as He was counted and called aSamaritan for His labour. Well threafy Tghn s, 4s_. , this 'rowne, and thefe twoDif.:iples pleafe themfelves, in theirconfi 1 mingzeal:\~t · ~ther~owne, inth,claftverf:,andtheothertenwerein the~ighr. Ca ~ 1 , ,·,~ ar ID the nght (lam fure:) and 1t tsfafe for us, that the rame mznde beeinl# th•t as A dfi h · 1 ' ' • ""''" CHRIsT Is sus. n onowtot eMottPn: Butfirft,rorhcMotive,&ndwbtn they (aw,&c. , Let.me fay this, for ~r. !~m~s?nd St. iohn? Tl;eyJaw enough, to move an t~ indignanon. A great mdtgmne 1t1s, that, wh1ch 1s done by common courrefiy t every o~dinary traveller(harbour for a night) to deny that,ro any: omni•nima;ti~ umgenm;abulum& lAttb~lu'!',fodder and lhclter, they are due to all livingcreatures byrhel•w of nature. W1chm a verfe after, C ~ ll I s T (aith: r~lpes fovw ha6ent &c. Nor to allqw aman;fo much,as everyFox1s allowed,ahole,forhis head. avery great inhumanity, roany: who could choofe,lbut bemoved~ ' · z. And ifto deny rh1s,to any were too much: ~t received increafe,by rhe perfon; It tva~ CH 11. Is T, that was rhus repelred: of w?ofe~ell uling, it l!ood them upon, to bejealous ; and nor to fi1ew themfelves cold,m pumng up any difgrace altered to theirMafrer. Wemull needs allow their zeale,in their Mafters quarrelJ. 3· And, when was this ! For, char circumftance·addes much,here. It was even then?when Hewas newlycom.edo~ne from the!'fotmt,fromHis tra~<sjgt~r.tign: im· med1ately upon-that, came thls. H1m Whoma httle before,·rhey had fecne glorified fromhe,wm; ro fee him now rhus vilified uponearth, would it not move any ! 4· And, who were they that did it! A pelting.c;ountry-rowne; and theyinlt,a fort ofSaT?t~ritAn.hereti~c~,whom the world were rid of; at whofe bands,who could endure, to [~e him thus u(ed -: Comming fmm hatr.ed of herefie, how can it choofe but be ago_od motion ~ . ~. And now, why w<!sir, they didRim this difgrace 1 Fornoorher caufe, but for His Relig~on : bccaufe His backe waseo theirMount, andHil f.rce to Im{Jem. And herejzeale is in his prime; Never fo platlfible,as wJ1en it hath gorrenReligi1n£or his pretence, an.d the Catholike caufe for his colour; then they may fer Jireomhe Towne. Put .rhefe now together. 'Abarbarous indignirie, harbour foranighrde· nied: and •denied C H t!.-1 • T : ! CH a I s T [o late in all Hisglory: 4 and that by afort of herctickes: f and onely,for rhat l-Ie was well affected in Religion. Tlle cafe is home : whJ;!J they f•nr..ti.Jis,it moved them to make.aMotion•.Neverralkeof it: the motion~annotbe miAikc;g; fpecially corn ming commended by rheMovers,tw~ · 'f Htl :bifciples : and qop~of th,e mean~ft of them, two PiUars (as St. Pat~lcallcth c;,hnl.>.t; them) and·hc,w,hom h 1s.us 10 loved, oneof the two, , !o U.7. - J' IJ. Jhc Ntti~JI. ,, ~ Wefee, what mov~d them: No~; let us fee w!Jat.rhey move; and ~J'on what warrant. 'J:hey move to have them deflroyed, 6yfire,[row heaven. Theuwarranr, ft'ut fecit Elias,: whom they had feene alittle beforein themou11t, and who (they are f~re)woul~never have endpred it. . : , ae: In thetr motzon(me thl[\kes) two tlunas they take for granted . one, that flroyed they muft be :no lelfe punilhment f~·ve. • The other,that i_r lhould be by!:£ They make no queftion ofthefe two, npr fo mudl as confult wtth ~HR 1 ' fit them ; 1 whether it.bemeeqheywereddfrdye~: •th~n,whetherfire, {rere nor; on kinde ofdeath for fuch. They runne away with thefe two, and palfe enre~ce hef.l: them. Die they mull: : die they muft, and then limit the kinde; bemg heretikes, c:vcnbrwnethemandmake nomore adQe, ·:rhey