Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sennon3. They only advife with Can r s T about the meanes, whence, they will have-– theirjire, and how. Wheuce,from heavew: how, bydtftmm. And h,r(lerro, the ~afe . like. Both, to bedejlroyed : b~th,h1fire: borh,upono~epretm~e,they and we. Now; they breake company,, I • sus Dif:zples, and _I •. sus Smetre. F~r,when itcomes. to the mcanes, I E s u s Di{ctples wtll take no I~direct courfe :_doe lt, ·hke Di{ctp_les, or not at all. They wtll goe to worke, on Go n s name : cal!tt downe, not conJure it up :from heaven, Hisownefphere; nor from any infernall place, not rent the earth 10 bring irup. Sr. Iohw(as a~ Eagle) flyesu~ tothe clouds: not (likeall:fold·~arpe) creepes into a vault, to doe It. De cte!o doe It, hke Prophets; not, hke 1ncendtar1es, fetchjrethe wrong wa~• . . . . . Thelikemay bee faid; of Dwmm : not,fromheavtn,byany optike mflrument (asfome had, beforethattime, fired whole navies;) no, but only byDicimm, fay.– ing the word and no more. Nopowder,_bmfrom the clouds: no match, butth~ir 10 noue : No Vu fotiimru, nopzckaxeto digge; nor6~atstocarry, nortrames to km– dicit :bur, Vu dicimm, by way of miracle,or nor at aU. This, the motion. Now to the Warranr. . . A good Warrant will doe wdl. C a 1t x s T without it (they know) likes of • The We~ nothing done. Thequo Warranto (to winnc CH R 1sT to be wiUing,to obtaine His '•"'· fiat) they allcage,one would thinke a good one: •Sicnt fecit; fo,no noveltie; apre-. Jident for it: •and ficm.fecit (no JeifeProphet, than) Eli~t<. Theyhadfeenehim but lately : they did the more eafily call him to minde. <...Mo{esthey faw then too; but, they could not ferve themfelvesofhim. Heewastakenoutofthewater; No Exod.•.f; good jmt for them, that wereaboutfirell'orkes. And he was the nmkeft man on..the, Numb.y.j] urth :and It was no meeke matter ;and fo he nomeet man,for thepurpofe they were about. EliM,is Scripture,as well as he: the authoritie offo great a Prophet·is enough;,: · to doe no more than he did, upon like occalion. Nay, not like; here, the occalion is greater :behold J?lm quam Eli.u, agreaterthan.EliM,fuffereth difgracc here; and thereforeflmt EliJU is but rcafonable. And here againe, our motioners will falllhort too. For, if the motion to C a R Is T had beene vu fodims/4? whomwould they havealleaged,whofeexampleorauthoritie,{imt fecit? Who,who everdid the like-: Which of the Prophets, or Patriarchs? Their motion mull have beene without afi~ CHI ficit, ..._ For the matter, all isone(faithSanders)allone. Ell#, when he commanded frefrom heaven, might even as well have commanded any'on._earth: run upon them, runne them thorow; had as great power over the metalls on~arth;as over theEle– ments in the skie. And it is like enough, if Sanders had liV'Ii4 till LA'nno Domini MD CV. and had beene confulted with, he would have faid firaight: Allone, Elia might as well have bid put.fireunder the Towne, from beneath; as let fire fall on the Towne, from above. But, by his leave, thereisgreatoddes betweenethefe. For firfr, Elit«mull: doe, as his Commiffion was to doe it, from heaven : He might not inter-line his Commifig!J, and put in, bymetalls, or Gsm-powder, or what hee lifled. And againc: who fees not, Eli.u's jre, and Samfon's Foxes are not all one-: Go n's ruJg.H;4l arrowes (as lightning from heaven) and thefc tela ignitaSatan.t,Satan's traiiles and fire- Pial.• 8.••.". workes, from under the ground. In one, the hand of G o o mull needs bee: in the Ephcf~·~· other the paw of the Devill, the malice of man, the fury or treacheiy of forlorne · creatures may have no place. No fuch authoritie,no fuch feare to touch the confcience, as the act of GoD hath; therefore, that is not jcutEli~t<. Andlaflly;ifit w~re, yet is, nothing gained by ir: C a 1t I s T repcales it by and by; and forbids in this, enherrheafl or fPirit of Eli&. ~ut now, theythatfaythus(not Magifler dicitotu,but) Magifler viJ dicimJ/4 nos i feele,m themre!ves (belike) no lacke of flrength. TheCardina/1cannot fay of them. !d non{rut, quia deerant vires,that was not done,betaufe there wanted force. So that, ~fafter,theylo~an~oftheir due,it was nor,becaufe they lacked power,to mainraine 11 • St. Pau/den~eth Lt fl~tly: Having (faith he)inareadine({e,vengeanceagamft alldif- sCor.1~.~ • ~bedtenn. Had tt; had It, inareadinelfe; and,againll: all dif~bedimce, Andfure,rhey L Ill z, that