Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~--------~~--~----~~~-------==--------------------------~· Sermon3. Ofthe GuN~Pow:PER·Tit&ASON~ Wemay be deteived in aliy aCt, if we krtownot the!Jirit, it comes from. One and the fame aCt proceeding from dtverfe (Jnrzts, good for one; for another, notfo. 0 - ·- · Therefore,i'robateJPirittu is ever goodco~nfell; anddifcrettoJizrztuum, a ptincipall ~~~~ i·:;, 0 ; part of knO\vledge. · · - - ·-- ·· · And if this import us, to doe iri orber meris fpirits, not to be deteived in them : ;r much more in our owne : that we deceive not our[elves, which is the third degree: Fo: Mfciti!; 1:1/jfcitiJ, ClljasJPiritJU; ctzjus ~os; the foule ele_ncb of ~11, ab ignorationeproprii.JPiritus, ~J.~fPmu"' to fall into this fa/lax. For t~deed, many bhnde achons come from men, by reafon of ignorance,of this third. And this We are ro look to the rathet,for that we fee two fo great Apojlles, like to precipitate themfelves intoabloudy aCl:, foi' millaking this point. I. There are Cfure) many Nifcitis, they were in. Elias (6rli:)did nbt tliat, they '1/Quld doe :that, is one. His fire tookehold of nonebut Delinquents; every one as d~~pe in the fame fault, as another. Here is agrearmany wotnen and children in the towue, not acceffory rorhis. Go o would notfufferthewickedandirmocenttoperijb • together, no nor inSod~me; would not fuffer Niniverobedell:royed, becauferhere Gca.J8.•3; were in it many,that knewnot tbeir rigbt hand from their left. This did 11otElia<. . lohn •·"· z. Then,it was bur quod fecit Eli.u; nor,jicut : there is another; For,what Et.'.. 'a< did,he did by fpeciall infpiqtion, had a parricula1· Commiffion, arid (as it were) a Privie Scale for it. And, that we mufr ever diflinguiil1; in the l'ropbeti, wheni:hey proceed by their general! calling (therein we may follow them : ) and when anaCl: is execured,and done by them, by immediate warrant : for fuch warrant paffes not the perfon; no precedent to be made of it. Elfc, without their revelation, we may doe quod fecit Eli.u, and not Siwt. And, thatis a great Ncfcitt!, and cloth much harnie: for many a lewd attempt, it is fought; and,if they get it once over their heads, they thinke they ~re fafe. Forkilling of Kings, Sicut fecit Ebud: of fl!!,eenes, Sictztfecit I~dg.1:~;; Ieh•i&da: for rebelling, Sicut Libna. No, no: f<!!,od fecit, ncit Sictzt fecit; what they • King·~!-~<!i did, they doe: as they did,they doe not. 3· .But,if it wereSicutftcittoo,it would riot fcrve ; ItisaNifcilu ll:ill i and this is our SA v r ouR CH tt 1 s -r s; direCted to their allegations of Eliltf. I obferve, ~!Jeyaskeof theaCl: ;and CH 1\ Is -r anfwers oftheSpi;it. Sothat,Simtfeoit Eli.u, JS not enough; is but aweake warrant : you tnull: be df his Spirit;as well as doe his aCt. His Sicut will not beare your aCl:,unleffe you have his ffirit,roo. It is notenough to fay, thus didEli.u, unleffe you adde, I am of the fame (pirit. 4• Then, it remaines, they mull: fay, they are of EtirU's fpirit ; and into fome fuch phanlie (it feemes) they were fallen : bur, that, is another Ne{citt!. Why, wh'at harmeis that~ ElirU's (pirit(I hope) was no evil! fpirit. No: bur,every good fpirit, as gobd as ElirU's, is not for every perfon,place,orrime. Spirits are given by Go n, and men infpired with them, after feverall manners, upon feverall occafions, as the feverall rimes require. The times foriletime require one fPirit; fometime, aamher; Eli.tls time, Eli.u's Spirit. As his aCl:good, done by his JPirit :[o his Spirit good,in hts ownettmc. Thetime changed, the (pirit(then,good) now, not good. For both arefaultie: the ati',without the fpirit; and thefpirit,wirhour the time. And,fo itmay £ill our,that at fometime,one may be rebrzked,for being ofEtittJ'sfpirit well enough; whenElirU's Spirit is oJ<tof time. 5· But,why is it ottt of time? That is another 'l!(e[t:itu, which C H i Is -r fcts downe plainely,when He renders the reafon: For,tbc Sonneof man i<come: (for, we may well make a paufe there.) As if He lhould fay: Indeed,thcre is 3. time to deflroy (fatt~ Sal~mon,Ecclef+) that, was underrheLaw: Ignea lex, thejiry la.v, as c..Mo{es Ecder. 1 .J'; callsu:then, a firy fpirit would not be amiffe; then, was Elias'scime. But,now, the D.:u'·lJ.•· Senneof man iJco~e : yee know not,what manner of fpirityeeareof. Thefpiritof ElirU ':'as g?od, nil the Sonne of man came; bur, now He is come, the date of that fpmt Isexptrcd. When theSonne of man is come, the Jpirit of EliitSmull: be gone. Now fpCCJally: for,<..Mofes and he religned lately,in the Mo11nt. Now,noLaw·givtr, L 111 3 no .'