Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

s;;;;;;;;-,-.--0-if-· t~h~e~G'=-u-N~~~P=-o-_-w-D'-;;-1-a-~-=T-~rt-.-E-}\_s_d_N_.---9-2--r., , Worfe ;for,itlhouldhavcbeene {itdden,which is worfc forthefoule; therefore /i(llplj[ woJ[e, Worfc :for that would have waited bur to the gronnd;and there left : but, this lhould have fetched up foun~att~ns and ground, a!ld a!!. Wor[e cerrainely: for, rhat lhould have conftmudbut Samarrtans-only: bm thts,for thegood of the ea. tbolikecaufe s amarttansand Iewes, both. Yea; ·fuch as themfelvcs were, Difciples; and I~mes a~d Iolmto.o,jf they had bccnethere, for company; \Vorfe :for,this had the fbew of an example, Stcttt fecrt Elte : but ours, Staut.fcctt who? Nor, Si– mt fecit Elia< : No;. Si~ut without exam~le. ._ Never tlie like entred the heart of any, that carr·ied but thdhape ot a man. So; lhll tlieadvantage, .ori our fide. Now, for the delivery, when all is done, that which was (avedhere, was but a poore t01vne without a name. I lhould much wrong that famous aa:embly, .a~d Jlower of the Kingdome,if I lhould olferro compare •r w1th rhat,etther mquannne, (alas, likelittlezoartogreat Ninive) or in qualitie, when, in ours (to fay nothing of .. therefr) One therewas,more worth than tell thor1and[uchas they,wehavegoodScrip- a ~~~re for it. Thefe,here, were rebr~kedbut verbally, on earth: Ours, reallyrebuked from hea. ven. Really rthr1ked, in their intention, by miraculous difappoiming the execution: And themfelves put to a foule reb11ke belides: Go ll firfE blowing their owne powder in their faces, towrite their finne there; and afcer making their bowels,rheir merci!effi bowels, to beconfumedwiihjin, wirliiin the very v.ieivof cha~ place1 wlit\htl;ify 1\a,d meant td&on{time wirhfirc, and all Vs·in ir. , . . , . . - ~ ·, ~-· :- C .in I • T came to Cave ri: There be manifdl:Jleps df His co~tlming. Appa-· rant fir!l, in that Hee made them, they could not containe their owne ffirits, but brought them out bytheirowne dicimus : made them take pen and paper, and tdl it out themfdves, and fo become the inlhuments oftheir ownedejlr11Clion, which is the wor!l of all. AgaineHe came, when He gave His Majeftie under!landing to reade theriddle of [(o (oonee the letter ub11rnt: ]to con!huerhe dialect of thefe unknowne Jlirits, and picke it out of a period,as darke,asthe cellar was darke,where thepowderlay. There is but onecomming in the Text : Hecame nqt todejlroy, bstto Jave: Here, were two in ours; both commi11gs,of CH R I s T. 'Hec•me not to dejlroy,br~t tofave m; in mercie : 'Hecame not to fave, but dejlroy them (His fecond comming) in judge– ment. To conclude : This one notable dilference there is, on our fide: Theyfl10uld have beene deflroyed by miracle; and we were favedby miracle: The right hand of P!>l.uU._!G, the Lo 1\ o brought it to pajfe; which is of all others, the moft welcome deliverance. • And fl1all I then, upon all this, make amotion~ r..Mti(ler, wilt thou, wee!Jeaketo thefe whom thou halt delivered,that feeing tl~ou tooke!l order, fl10uld not af~ cend to confume rhem 1 they wii,uld rilkeor~c~1~t!icirpraycrs nl~y,"alcend up',_ and ~srlie odors ofthe Samtsphials, burqc before T)~'e!;-lt~\l,and n~ver. c~il(t~me,but 5.e;thlsday ever, a fweet fmdl in Thy prefence ~- Their fire, they came to put under theearrh, CH R 1 s T would not have burne ;another fire, He came to pm 11pon earth,andHisd~- Luk,u.f 9 , fire is that itft1Mldhr~rne: even, whereon the incenfe of our devotion, andthe fac.rifice of ourpraife burne before God, and be in odurem fr!avitatiJ. Wee were ap- Eph.pJ pomted,ro be made a facnfice: If!fa•cbe(aved, !hallnorhmgbeofferedin his flead ~ Shall we not thanke God, that He was betterrothern,thanlames and John : and to us, ~~tter,than t~ofewere,rhat will !:eeds thru!l: them(elves,t9 be of His [ociety ~ That, when th1sdzctmm was fa1d ofus ~o.o,!byed it ;~t dicimas;and'never let it come toperjfmmu; mJraculoufiy made knowne thefe unknowne fpirits :that He turnedand rehr~- kedrhe Ol<ition, and the .!Jiritsthat made it; that He came,oncc and twice, to {<'1H tu anddejlroy the1n. If we lhall,let us then doe it; let o11r(oales magnifie the Lord,ando11rffirits rejoyce in Luke,, 45 ; Godoor Savtour : that the beginnin" of the Text and of our cafe,, roconjume them (In thefirfi verfe:) tlmthee~d was, nonperdm,fed falvarc (in the !aft.) Such may !