Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe GuN-POWD&R.-TREASON. ~ making a bo~ke of Lamenwions, over this State; and r~at another manne~ ~?ore, and \~ith longer Ch~pters~than th_!s ofIcre1hie s?By t~e tnercieofGod,i;\VIth ,vcd othenvife. But what~ lhall we fo mtcnd thed•y, what it is,as weforg P~o. it was like to havebeene ~ No: t-beho.okc and the verfduxtit fl pojita willd~,w at one fer out theother, as the blacke-worke doth the white. TheBookepur us in ~ve~I; but for Go o's mercit1inwhat cafe we mighthavcbcene; TheverfebyGods me, what wee are; .And even tOthank~ Him, that our lot was hit thevtrfe, andm~;'hl hool:e; rof.1ll Wlthmrhe one,and Without the other. 1 e T)1e truth is,;I hadadefire that Mi(<'ricordi.t Doml~imight have their day. d this day I thought to dedicate chiefly td them. We have formerly niovedandr·GD! vcd the 1ueflion, out of the G6f}ell; weehaveon~eon:vJcecalledtojoyouroft~; Pfalmes. fhe barbaroufneffeofthe ad,and the parnes to it,harh becnejull!y inve· h ed againfl: :A ti~e givent'? each'?f thefe. And lhall weriotallowonedayr~~h; magmfymg of J:llm, and Hismerms~ th~t wa.s thecaufeo_f all~ It Jliouldhavehad the firf! day by nght, and we.were pomtdl to1t, byJ.!if"rmrdtaDomini f•peroi•nia ~pera EJtU.; Well, 10 th1.s {eventhyeare,tblsAnnm SAbb~tiCus, let us make 11 ourSabhoth, refi upo01r,and putlt off no longer. B~ th1s day dediCated to thecele· bratingof thc;m. · . To this end,though all the Scriptureover,G <i o's mercieoemuchfpokenof(for where lhall ye light, b~t ye lhall fi~dc it up?n one occalion or ?ther ~)yet, to fitthis day and our cafe, ~s ufell out tlusday, (to m~ poorc con~elpt)none in anyother book,falleth out fo JU~, coll?meth fo home~as th1s ver~ to t.hts daj,It w& themercies, &c. as upon the opemng wdl fall out. Whtch though itbem theboole,yerisnothing of the nature of thehooke, Th• Summ• • The Verfe is aRe.·ognitidnor atknowledgemi:nt: i may adde, ajti.f/ andjayfaUre; 0' Divif•ii. e~gnitio». And that double, 1 That wewerenot confumed, 2nd 'Why we werenot. so; itl!andcrh on two pans; 'ThAt we werenot, a happieeffiCI: •Whywe wm not; itwai Gods mercie, thecau(eof that and all other our happineffe. 1. in thefc words: Nonfumtu con{umpti. Ofwhich, t Clillfumpti,istb~ danger; and 'Non fl•mH< theddiverAtJce. I r. The caufein thcfewords,<..Mi(<'ricprdi£ Dominitp.'odnon .. And there firfi, I Non,' wee were not. • And then there was acaufe qt~'odnon, that wee were not: 1 1 Then, that caufl was Goo's mercie. 1 Which wee takeinfunder : It was Goo firfr, that did it: •Then, it was His merciethatmovedHimroit. Inthemercie, three things wee finde : •<..Mifericordi«, morethanone,rnany, mercies. •CompafiP!Is,or (as the native fignification of the word is) bowels, thebowelsof mercie; that(peci. all kinde. lAnd thofe have thispr~pertie, they failenot, or(whichisallone)ccn– fume net : not they; and fo not wee. Theirnot-cun{ t~e. caufe, wee were 1101 tonfl•med. {I I. Then laf! our !l.erdg11itiiln. That feeing, His merriu failenot us,that we fAile 11ot them; fecing they con fumenet, nor wee, by their meanes; that·ou.rr~ankefu]. neffe doe n.ot neither, that it fall not intoUo~<ft•mption. But that, in1m1taaon of the three, wee render Him •p!urall, thank~s; • and thefe frum the 6onut; : and ~ that unetjfAntly wirhm1t failing. And thiS, not in words onely, bur 1n f~m.e realltje, fome wurkeof mer~ie, tending to preferve thofe,that arencererunfompll,p~~ ning away. ! ' ... I ·r· Plainq