Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon+· Ofthe GuN~POWD&R-:TREASON. 9 z.5 ~~~------~~ferved him to fay; yet, we be nor allgone: A cold comfort (Godknowerh.) This for petfons. . For things. The gates of Iemfalem were burnt Wtth fire, and a part of •Int~<t~tl rhe Citic; howbett not all. A remnant there tVM left, though bur a poore one (Go n wot :) yet, enough m htsfenfe, to fay Non confr•mpte,allts nor confttmed, , Will ye fee now them wnh us 1 Wnh rhem, fomefew lefr alwe, the moff llaine : with us not one flainc, bYt ·allll:ill a!tve. 'Wtrh them, apart ofthe b11ildings left though the farre greater part confumed: With us, netther fhcke nor fionc rou~hcd, nor burnt; nay, not fo much as finged. All fafe: all, in toto; and all, in quatibet parte. 1 Vpon the matter, thus tt 1s. They were not conftlmed, that is, not all: We were not confumed; that, is not at all. LAI! were not cunfr•med, with them: ·None at all, with us. • Some were laved there: Both a1tand fome here; neither perfon,northingmifcarried. l Ieremie could not fay: Itei Gods mercy, wee are 1 Ufafe: He was faine to give it in the negative, We are not confr•med. Wemay fay ir,and put it in either: both in the affirmative, Allfafe; a·nd, io the negative, Nune .• 'Mfitmed, no not one. .. There beindeedtwoNoncoll{mnpti's: 'One comrrleth afrer, afttr it fi burnt The dilfirmt, agreat while, with water to quench it. • The other goeth before, andkeepes it o~ours•bwc from at all: and that is ours. In which cafe, Non con(ttmpti is r\o termedi- ' '"'' minuenr. Nay, the precurrenr negative is better by much. Aske the fPeCtilative Di•• vine, ifit be not fo: If Ne nos indr1c.u, be not better, than, Liberanos; LeadeH< not in, than Deliver m out. Not to Sinne, than,tobeforgivenit; nottofatl,than, to bee lift "P againe; And (roinlifiinthisprefent)nottokind/e, than, toquench. For,the latter is fromSttb[equetur me mifericordia, Mercie fubfequent, which is good; rbe for- pr,,1,, 6 . , mer fromCit'onos anticipentmifericordi,e ttl£, from theanticip•tim ofmmie, which llfal.7~.s: isfarrethe better of thetwainc. . - 2. One great difference we fee betweene the two Non jr11w114's. Another now; no whir ldfe. For the greatefi of all their miferies, and which touthed leremie neercfi, was the proud infolencie oftheir enemies (the chaldeas) over them ; worfe; than the confuming, was their infultingupon them. This; worfe than all che.refi. Th•nkes /m to God, fo did not ours. They had no caufe to triumph over us: wee; over them, rather. Non fi•m~« confnmpti: Non nos, at illi. Will yee obferve that~ Wee were net: but our enemies were con{umedthemlelves. Et vifcera im- l'rov:xi.!g: piorsm .cmdcli~t, the cruel! bo>Vels of thofe >Vieked men, con(t•med; and that with fire, and that, before, and in the light of the very place, to which they had ·vowed defiruction, and, in which, thedefiruction of us all. That thef.1yingofthePropher might bee taken up over them: V.e qui confrtmi5, Nonne confi•meri; & ipfe ?; Efay l'P1 You that will needs bee a conJl•ming, llnll not you your felves be fo fetved 1 In · 1he pit yoH digged, in the net yot~ fPread, in the element you made choice of, your Pii>J;g.r;; ,, ownebowelsburned. Behold,yeeDefpifers, andtremble, and feare; your mifchiefe A<ts .~H!, Isturned upon your owne heads,and your confr•mptionlights upon your owne bowels. This then doubles the point: that not onely we were nor, but tbat they (our confumcrs) were. ' · 3· Yea, Iadde (for afullrriplicitie in this point) eventhatwewerecuredot ourcon(i•mption lleeping (for fo we were) and never dreamed of any danger, till we had fcaped it. --1)is alfo is a maine differenct",_aod encreafeth our Nm fi•m"' a. great deale, above theirs. For, as that, rhe mifery of all mifcries, when a man is, and yet knoweth not himfelfe to be miferable: So (l fay) that, the delivery of all deliveries, wh~n wee know not our peril!, till we be pall: it: Andthar was our cale. Much trouble of feare, and care, much anguilh of fpirit is fived by it; which the poorc Iewes, were even worne, fpem, and confi•med withall ; and which Ieremie (Go ? wot) was in, a long time. We, not a moment. But without heavinef!e; for amght, wee had joy in the morning. Sure, if this beabenefit, So they cryedunto Pfal. ,o 7 .6.' the L o 1t o, andHeedeliveredtbemout of their dijlrtjfe: what call yee.thenthis, · - ·"' ,They never cryed U/Jto the L o a o; yet Hee delivered them oM of the1r:. diftr.ejfe ?, ~mm m ~ :Then