Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

926 Ofthe-GuN,Pown Jl, R,TR B AS ON. s;;;;;;-- ~------~--------------- -~ To make adanger dangerous, two things are required: 1 The {uruuffe and, h. nurenejfe. Ifit be uwmtaine, we re£kon nm ofit; nor, though it be cen;ine ·r\e jarrea111ay. Let us fee,borh was it, ' 1 lt. ~ :~~~~;!'!~:' To~ake iwr~aine,the~e are re9uircd : 'ltbefound!~ rcfolved: • furcly bound: ' I J and fenoufly put mexecutiOn. F1r!t upon good refolut•on, a fenrence given d 1 eramuston(rmmuli, we were to be made away: and ratherthan wefhould not tb"~ owne friends, allies, and kindred; yea, their owne deare Catl,olikes to goe th~! ear way, to have beenein theCowfumJti, as well as we. This was to have it tert4in:~~ 3: make fure worl<e. ' Gravely re{,tved; a~dfa~bouml,as funimlus triplex,the three immutable thin ' oftheir Religioncould bmd e lt. J. Boundbyoath: theirSacramentummilitare th~ys cvet tooke firfi, neverto difcovcr, never to defill:. ' · ~. Bound againe by their Sacrament ofPenance. Thither theywcnr inan error' as if it had beene fome fault i but, they found more,than they went fot: wenr for .b~ folution; received a flat refolution,it was not onely noJinne,but would ferve to expiate their other fins. And, not onely expiate their fins, but heape alfo upon them an in· creJfe ofmerit. Inea:ea, that our confumptionwould become rheir confummatio~. · 3• Bound !all:, With the S•crament ofthet.Altar,and fo madeasfure,astheir M a' ker could make it, Thefe three; fure now ,j>all: fiarring (I trow.) ' But go too: OathuandSacraments cenj11me riothing. True: It was thereforenot onely folcmnely bound, but fad!y fet upon. They fell to their fick.axu, laid intheir firPder,by tenand by t•uenty barrelsat once: and I know not how much iron,andhow many huge flones; Fervebat opus,inearnefi they were. Of all which weemay fay ~ Iohn I. i. (with Saint John)That 111hicb we have feene with o/Jr eyes,whieh n!e havelookedupm,and sur hands have handled, that preach we, in this point. That, veryfnreitis,weewerc very far gone in our confNmptson. 3 Tbe ,tttrl– ?:lj{tor " • Ff,.I.1J.t8; - 9 14• 86.'3· :: The tlcuv.:. '141JCt. Efay l7·1; lihee~mp«.. ringofthchs :tnd ours. J In theper.. {us. Chap.,.:.r_. And all this while, ir may b~, it was in dies ms1ltos, farre enough away ;to be <lone a good while after,we know not when. How neere was it~ Noxuna inttrp1{1t4J but a night (nor that neirher : neither a whole night, nor awholeday,)butafeiV houres we had to fpend. The traine ready,and the match; three for failing. They frayed but for the co~,forthe time, till all werecon (that is)Jinm/jiunpti; and thcq ~onft~mpti lhould have come firaightuponall. This\vas our cafe, thus da»gera11s, thus (ure,tht!Sneere; Infomuch as, we were even given for dead. The letter !hewed as much. Their being togerher,and waiting for ir, at their meeting-place,i'hewedas much. They made full reckoning, wewere littlebertcr,than evenconfumpti in thepreterperfeEI tenet. And neerer we cannot come; It is well knowne,Davidwas mvcr dej/rbyed indeed finally,yer (ofren in the Pjalmes) heC:1irh, He was br011ght backe fmn the deepe ofthe earth•gaine ;from thegatmfdeAth: yea eve11 from the nethermoff hell: His meaning was,he was exceeding neereir.And fo were we as neere as was pollible,and not be [wallowed up ofit.And this is themea~ ning of,·onfumpti. And thus much for it. Now are we to put N011fumll4 to it, and we are Cafe ftraight." Wbich two words containe ourdelivery, Soas,though we were deninateas fewell,to this fire; rhougn vmeruntfilii Adpmum, though they were come to the point, robedtltveredof that they had fo long travelled \\lithall; though likewe were,and fure·w~ were,and neere wewere, yetconfnmedwe were not. Wewere not: for, here we are? bleffed~e ~o 0 • Here,and dfe-where(fome few except which fince be gone ro rhetrgra~esmpear.) The place fiandeth, the perrons ll:ill alive. Nonfumus confumpti; thiS 1~ ad ocu 1#11, it admits no further difcourfe. But this it admits, that we may /laya lmle and lay. our Nqn (nmt~s, to this ofIeremie in the Text; and wefball finde ours, another man• ner ofprefervation, by oddes ; that fo we may provide our [elves ofanother mannet. · ofrecognition. .ftne Non {umus co~a(umpti(faith Ieremie :) when for all that, in every corn!' 0 l'. Jlrms,they t••yjiAine. Only he,and a handful! morein comparifon,were fparea.r7r~;d