Sermon 4· ' PLaine it is; a danger t~ere was: Elfe, vaine were the Recognition. Th~t danger is l fet downeidl~C wordConfumpt; :fome c~nfuming there fl1ould have beene: lome The ; fuch matter was mhand. Aword, even(as lt were) of purpofechofen,for us ;for, it :fftl1. fortcrh jufi with our danger as may be. , , . . The .. !~gcri Confinningmay benidr~wayesthan o~e: but 1 no way f~ pr?per; as by rheele. confump<i · rnent ofjre, ConfeClor & cor,Jftimptor ommum (fauh the Heatht~rman) that makes i&••· a\vayand confumes all things. It is the proper peculiar Epitheteof thar Element,con– fu'mingjre-; .and the common phrafe oftHe l'toL Y GHosT .is, confumed byjre, H b . ThjS'fits us right. Fire it was, confumingjre, iliould haveconfumedus: it was afry L~/;:~!: &PP[umption. . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . Thencon.Jt<mpu, mpropnecy_, IS nothmg butftmul fumpt&: Con 1sjimtd mcorn- •c••-f•m,u.;. polition. AUtaken, all puttogethir,andanend made ofall. And was it not fo with s'"'"'f'mf{' · us1 KingandPrince,LordsSpiritualland. Temp~rall; Iudges,Knights,Citizens, Bur- •Verona r, ge/fes, andagreat number befides of.ffieClatoursand auditours, that day,out ofall the llowh ofthe Kingdome :all couped'up rogether under one roofe, and thenblowmup ;lll. Thisls.fimulfumpti,and conjtJmpti, both; Will ye any more for company 1 This ~asour perfoilall; take the reaUroo:le~td, •Really; Slose,timbet, wiildowes; wa!s,roofes,foundAtions arid all, niufihave up too: an univerfall defolationofall, both peifonaUand reaU. That the flo'ne orit ofthewaU, andthk Hab,;,,,,;; leame out ofthefrAme, ifthey could fpeake,might fay, and we are in ;jimulfumpti, ' artdconfumpti,too;all laid wafte, not enej/oiJej/Andingupiin another. This, was right Mai:>4.:, ·. mifumpti,flentindeed, Where nothing left, per[on Ot things with life or Without: Ut- .. 1 ter havocke made of all. T~us farre might Ieremiegoe, and m;irth us id thefe three. I will touch two or tbree more beyond him, that we may fee; ciur cafe lhould have beene niote lamtnta– }le, thanthe booke ofLAmentationsit fdfe. · · · · · 'I, There was noji're in Ieremies time; rione but ofwoodand cote, arid no con(u– mingbut t~atWay :a~d thatjre con[umes by degrees, peece and peece, one pe~ce fire wlule or:e 1s_Wood, fhll; fo that one m~y favea brands-end for~ need. But th1s was afire, Ieremlt!Jever knew of,nor many ages after was ever heard Cif: takes all at once. . Nobrandhere, nopr<lling 6ut ?fthefire,riofaving any; here is qu:ckeworke, all done z~ih. f.~ folldp4f,asJooneaJthepAPethurnt. ,. . - 2. Aqother :In this ofthe Prophetsthey had faire warning. There was acampe pitchedthree feverall times in Iehojakiin, Iem#lfl; Zedechidl d,ayesi they hac) t.ime to make rhemfelves ready.Butino_ursfAC!ieJJemm.ficut Sodo,,;~,oui: dej/r~tClien had beene Ro~.;.,jl Me thatofSodoms; no campep1tched there, bur fuddenly, 10 a moment: to'the ha- - ~ard ofmaqy a foule, that were (I doubt me) but evil! prepared, ifthey had beene thus fuddenly tutprifed;And that had beene alamentableconft<mpti (indeed) ofboth body~nd foule: the body here,the foule eternally. Aterrible blow indeed,and wee Jhould not have knowne who wouldhave hurt m; · . 3· Now we doe, as hapis; and thereinwe leaveleremiebehinde againe. It was ~ot anbpe!' mtmie offeredthis: Vfually, dejlri~t'iion comnieth froiti them; So did this, 10 the Text: from the ChAldees, not onely firangers, but in open hoflility with the leivts. Bur, in ours, they werenot fo much as firangers,but borne fubje& ofone and _the fame countrey,tongue, and allegiance. The more lamentable,to beconfumedby o~rfelves; robe iliotthorow with an arrovi, the feathers whereofgrew on our owne Wmgs. So they were,naturally: but,when they fell once to this unnaru_rall de,fig~e~ menr, wh~nthey, they were no lon·ger men, all hnmilmty waS<JUlte ron(umedmthetn. And this was the danger: . ' , · Mmmm To