.. II. T he Caufi, I Jcwasc,d. E.l:ly 6~.4 !· Pfl1 1~I , l 1t w1~ Gods ,ftJcrcr. Pfal.14$.g, ~lmcs&,IJ. Ofthe GuN-POWDRR,TREASON. s~ Then putthefetogcther: •Wewerenotconfumedat all. • Therefhould~ fire: there was not fo much as fmoke. J All fhould have gone: not aman th eene {hed. 4 All fhould h-1ve perifhed, and periil1ed utterly: not an haire of a~ ~?m . heads fellto :he,gro:md. I Wa were not conft•medat all; our confumers were c~nfu th~r 6 And we wuhout any care taken, were nd of our conft•mption : We were nor ~e ' enemies were. We without confummg our felves with thoughr,and anxierieof~~~~ delivered from our danger before ever we knew lt. And remember witllall(nor 'N,jn tal.terfmt owmpopulo~ bu:) Non talttcr fectt populo fr•o : He did notdeah/o;no' witkhis orvne people, as Hcd1d wHh us, t The elfeEI we have; wewmnot: what was it,that we were not 1Firrt an ltth was; a '.ll a .fl.:!ja it had (that is) acauje, certainely. It was not fortefort;ma by t hazard. No, ir was no cafualtie(thi' fire;) no more was the faving us fi·om,ir:~f. ther cafr•all; bur caufa!lboth; We w1l1 not then (with rhofe inEfay ) libare fort 11 n 4 , nohea!ths to forttme? but feekc out this It, even the caufethat wrought ir. 1nPhzlo– fo}'hte, they count h1m ahappy man, that can findethe caufe : But fure inDivinit miferableand unhappicwe, if we find it not ;but (with [wine) feedandfill our fclv{; with the Acornes, and never oncelooke up to the tree, whence they came. Adanoe. rous en·our, no ldfe than the danger it fdfc, 0 z. Our next caution mull be, to take heed of Noncaufapro ,·•uf4. Where let me tel you this.Thcreis adifeafe under thefunne(and it is one of ours:) as ro put allfJulrs from our fdves, to others; fo, gooddeeds(asncereaswecan)topluckealltoout fdves from others. Others (I fay :) not only men; but evenGod Him(elfe. And that two wayes: 1 Ifany good bedone,it was our ownc •rme,orour owne headdid it: fomtt hin; in us: Go o is left out. But,if it be too evident,Hehad ahand in it 1 then it wasGod, • but not hismercie, not of Himfelfe, but fomething from us therewas, that moved Him to doe it. So, either fomething in 114,orfomething from"': where– ofthe one is againlllt iv.uGod; the other, againllll w,u H if mercie: not God,ornot Hi> mere~t; bu: we or fomewhat of ours. Ever our manneris,neverro (eekefunhcr than our fdves : there we would£1ine find it. And there, if we can findanycolour of a caufe,in any wifedome,or forelight of our owne, it is as a mill,or cloud,rorake Godour ofour lights,the firll original! truecaufe,the caufo caufarumofall fuchmita. culous divine prefervarions, as this was. And yet fecondarie caufestherebe (I know: ) And even in tbis,man may (eeme to have a pJrt, It was the letterthat was fcnt,it was the Kiwgsdivination,whichl rec. kon the bighellcaufcup0nearrh. Thisitwas; andthatitwJs: Bur, GoD Jr\VJS (I am fure) above both, He, that didinfatuatehim, thatfentthc/etter:rhatmade themfalfe among themfelves; falfe to their oath, falfc to theirghojlly father, falfe to their maker, And Go o it was,that infpired thatdivinationimo His c..Majeftie : Ll· gike, or Grammar, could notreveale it. Go o only could; could, and did,diretl to ~hat mo.l true, but (withal!) mollfirange interpretation. Let Godthen have rharJS His : Nonnobi> Domine,non wobiJ, fed Nomini tHo da gloriam, 'N,jtunto 111 L~rd,not untq u;,but-tothy Name be theglory of itgiven. . . . Godit was: hut,what in God? For(we fee) it is not enough toafwbeittoH1m; but (forfome reafon)wego mull: yet further. Godmay doe it, and bebound to dolt, nod did us wrong if He doe it not. WhatthcninGod? r. H1spowermayfceme to claim~ the chiefeplace, inadeliverance, Butpower, andwifedome, and other uxc (that is) all the reil ofthedivines Attributu,be but Communiteradduo(as the Schoole– men termethem :) Noprimecaufes themfelves; but,attendanuonly,andf~t on wOlk by the two r..M4ler-Att~ibntes, •_It~flice, or • r..Mercie, So that, Tujltce ltwas; ~~ 01-tercieit was. r..Mermtt was (fa1rh Ieremte)ancj (o may;veal!, 10 andby h1s mou that ltraight upon it pronounced, Mi{ericordia Domipifuper omniaopera E/;': Foi' . if it had notbeene thatMer,?',nay if (as St. lames faith) it had nor\>eene MtJerJ"ll 1i~ fr•pcrex4tat judicium, Mer 'I~ hadnot beene abov eaft'!." rvo~ka, eve_!)}'if/teeand.a ha 9 ,_